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The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

outstanding research, thanks for the articles, and in case anyone is wondering if other police forces are sporting the ribbons throughout the country.. I saw a RCMP car sporting one yesterday in greater Victoria as well as one of the integrated highway task force cars.
Many municipalities around this Province sporting those same ribbons. Good on them.
JDBeach said:
I guess I've been lucky enough to get professors who aren't anti-military. Many of the ones I have had are anti-war, but support the military. Or at least that's the impression I got. It really depends on the individual.

or how one professor there is the CO of a certain unit right :D
Mr. Walsh summed it up best; "The ribbons are a statement of support for the troops, and there is nothing wrong with that"
chin chin
Flawed Design said:
Assault asside I'd drop some coin and plaster her car in support the troops magnets

Even better put one in the center of her roof where hopefully she won't see it.  :-)
Firefighters told to remove ribbons backing troops

Pulling fire, ambulance ribbons is wrong


The Support Our Troops ribbon on Toronto Fire vehicles, which were paid for by firefighters, are to be removed in September. (Joe Warmington/Sun Media) 

Our brave troops will still be fighting in Afghanistan this September even if the magnetic ribbon support decals on Toronto Fire trucks and ambulances won't be.

The city has ordered the Support Our Troop decals to be removed from all fire trucks and EMS vehicles on Sept. 4, the Sun has learned.

The reason? It depends on who you talk to. And there are lots of contradictions.

Some say it is because it was not brought to council for proper approval, others say protocol was not followed. Another reason given is it was a one-year project.

But many City Hall sources tell me it has everything to do with some complaints from a few anti-war citizens who have the ear of some leftist councillors -- and felt the ribbons were in support of the war in Afghanistan and not just in support of the troops.


"It was a decision I made in conversations I had with the two chiefs," said city manager Shirley Hoy, who was good enough to return a call yesterday on this and own up.

Several members of council did not extend the courtesy. Having said that, Hoy, though, still attempted to dance around this by saying it was a "one-year support program" and that the decision was made to remove the decals when the vehicles were scheduled for "regular maintenance."

Surely, Shirley, every vehicle is not going in on the same day for repairs?

Later she admitted the support ribbons did not meet "certain corporate standards" for the city.

Maybe we can arrange to give the troops over there some parking tickets and send over a bylaw officer to make sure they are complying with the smoking rules? Corporate standards! What the hell are they talking about?

The whole thing is outrageous but at least now we are on to what this is really all about. They should just say it. This is the politically correct leftist crowd getting their way -- at the expense of our amazing troops in the battle of their lives. This has got to be a moral victory for the Taliban.

The guys really on the spot here are Fire Chief Bill Stewart and Ambulance Chief Bill Farr. Two very good guys who essentially answer to council and to senior administration and have their hands tied. Also, there is no way the paramedics and firefighters in this town would approve. I know many and their respect for the troops is unwavering.

While Chief Stewart said the decals "did not meet corporate standards ... and the corporate policy must be adhered to," decals or no decals he also emphasized "we certainly support the Canadian troops." He said firefighters have had fundraisers and other initiatives to show that.

If they do, no political pressure from some leftist anti-war activist should be able to stop that.

Shame on anybody who is messing with that. Like it or not, this country is at war and it's imperative we support the men and women doing the heavy lifting every chance we get. Hoy told me the decals were put on a year ago and were to be removed at the end of one year. No one else indicated this was the plan.

If it was, it would be unprecedented in Canadian military history. Imagine if they'd put up yellow ribbons during World War II for just the year 1942? There is at least one veteran upset about this.

"I can guarantee that no one on city council has ever served in the Armed Forces but they are always eager to jump to the front of the line when a Forces photo opportunity comes along and shout that they support the troops," said Don Ashfield.

"City council can vote approval to bump their pay, pad their expense accounts and attend many meetings where free food is given, but Support Our Troops? Never."

A spokesman in the mayor's office said he "didn't know anything about this." Same goes for several other councillors -- all of whom did not return calls.

Yeah, sure!

Scott Marks, president of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association, said the reaction of members ranges from some who are not too worked up to others who are outraged. It was the association who designed and paid for the decals on the fire trucks -- the EMS ones were paid for with taxpayers' money.

More than a month ago pressure was brought to bear by Now magazine, which quoted specifically Councillor Janet Davis. "I do connect the Afghan mission to the Support Our Troops sticker. That is where our troops are being killed," she told Now reporter Andrew Cash in May.

"Not only does this not communicate a City of Toronto policy, but it also sends a political message about a public policy matter that is quite contentious. And we shouldn't be using public funds for it."


But if we are going to be by the book about public money at City Hall, let's not start at the expense of the at-risk troops -- 57 of whom have died in battle.

This is not the issue to try to show corporate precision and integrity. Try doing it when you are quietly voting yourselves an 11% raise.

Whatever you think of this, a decision has been made to have those decals removed. "I think it's crazy," said one firefighter. "We sent over a video to the troops to show them these ribbons on the trucks. I hope they know we still support them."

Perhaps this is not over yet. It's actually up to you. This might be a time for us to collectively speak up. If there is public reaction against this nonsense, maybe we can turn this around and they will leave those decals right where they are -- and leave them there until every member of our Canadian Armed Forces is back from this conflict and not a moment before.

Our troops will still be fighting in Afghanistan in September and if we make enough noise perhaps those decals supporting them will remain on the side of our municipal emergency vehicles.
Pure bullshit.
What a pile of rubbish. Just because a few anti-war people were offended...it says "support our troops", not "support the war". This is the same reason we can't say Merry Christmas anymore, because 10 or 15 people who take everything to heart find the time to protest. Just complete garbage.

There's my 2 cents worth.
Well, instead of getting upset I wrote to Mayor Miller...

Dear Mayor Miller:

This letter is in response to your City’s recent dictum that the City’s Fire trucks are no longer going to be allowed to sport a “Support Our Troops” magnet.

As a spouse, mother and former CF member, I am informing you and your City that my family members and I will no longer be supporting anything that derives from Toronto. 

We will no longer watch, read or listen to any media that is generated from your city.  We will no longer subscribe to any magazine that is printed in Toronto.  We will no longer purchase any literature that was either written by a Torontonian or published by a Toronto firm.  We will no longer avail ourselves to singers and songwriters that find themselves living in the GTA nor will we be buying any of their CDs or attending any of their concerts regardless where they are performing. 

We won’t be attending any museums, art galleries (or purchasing any Toronto artist’s works either), the CNE, Ontario Place or any theatre, playhouse or concert hall or film festival in Toronto.  There will be no talk of Bluejays, Leafs, Raptors or Argos in our house and those games will not be subscribed to on either television, radio or game tickets. 

My film company will not be entering into any agreements with the city to shoot on location, use any Toronto actors or Toronto based IATSE members.  We certainly will not be donating this year to charities that are designated to the arts in the Toronto area. 

My family and I will no longer be consumers of food produced, packaged or marketed in the GTA.  We will be carefully vetting our groceries and their place of origins.  If a Toronto transport company delivers it those products will also be off our shopping lists. 

My family members won’t be riding, running, walking for any cure this year in the Toronto area and we certainly will not be booking any hotel rooms, flights out of Toronto or day trips on the train to Toronto. 

We won’t be passing our spare change off to your street persons if we should find ourselves travelling through Toronto, your City can find a way to help them instead of my family and families like us.  Our United Way contributions will have any organization originating from Toronto blocked. 

We will not be purchasing any good or services from Toronto companies.  No florists, no furniture, no textiles, no household effects, life insurance, stocks, no online purchases  – nada if it comes from a source in Toronto. 

Not availing ourselves to all things Torontonian may turn out to be a good thing for my family. It will force us to shop and purchase locally, which is perhaps, a good thing as our local level of Government, Merchants and service providers have supported our Troops without question.  Your City’s decision to ban the magnets is an affront to every man and woman who hails from Toronto and who has served and is serving in the CF with pride.  I suggest you and your council take a few trips around your city to view the legions of names on City park memorials of Torontonians who have served. How will you face them come November 11th?

But please don’t hesitate to call the CF again when you have another snow storm, or the need to have a few soldiers on display for an event, I’m sure the men and women of the CF will be more than happy to support your City. 

If your City can not show a support of our troops through a magnet's placement on a Fire truck- then this CF family can not and will not support Toronto. 

Yours truly,

The ribbon says support the troop, it doesn't say support the mission.

Hence nothing political.

So far so good.
wow niner great letter. I wonder how the mayor would react if every member here wrote in the same thing? I wonder if that would sway him?????
Great letter, dont get mad, get writing!
Think like AI, dont be rude, explain as best you can and dont use bad language or threats, this are resonable, if misguided, people who can be reasoned with.
More than a month ago pressure was brought to bear by Now magazine, which quoted specifically Councillor Janet Davis. "I do connect the Afghan mission to the Support Our Troops sticker. That is where our troops are being killed," she told Now reporter Andrew Cash in May.

"Not only does this not communicate a City of Toronto policy, but it also sends a political message about a public policy matter that is quite contentious. And we shouldn't be using public funds for it."


Janet Davis
City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Suite C57
Toronto, ON  M5H 2N2
Phone: 416-392-4035
Fax: 416-397-9289


Councillors Davis' website:


E-mail: mayor_miller@toronto.ca

Toronto City Hall, 2nd Floor, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2
416-397-CITY (2489)

formerarmybrat23 said:
wow niner great letter. I wonder how the mayor would react if every member here wrote in the same thing? I wonder if that would sway him?????

With his Blondness, Chairman David and his cabal of smug, self serving,  left wings "progressive" Syncopates at Havana on Queen St. West I wouldn't hold your breath.
Here's my contribution:

Dear Mayor Miller,

I find the current decision to peel “Support the Troops” stickers from police and fire service vehicles to be absolutely shameful.

Recently, you signed a document on behalf of the City of Toronto thanking my father for his forty-three years of service to the Canadian Armed Forces upon his retirement. My father made many sacrifices during his long career and yet there are young men and women making ultimate sacrifices at the behest of their countrymen and their political masters. I have also taken some rather touching photographs of you during the last Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph as you paid your respects. Because of this, I held belief that you indeed actually support our troops irrespective of any political position on the current war in Afghanistan. I don’t believe I was incorrect in my assumption.

There are a number of great and honored regiments throughout the Toronto area that have been institutions within this city since its inception. The members of these regiments do great work in the community in addition to volunteering for deployment. As you may have guessed, they are feeling outraged. As a former member and a future member again, I understand why: a small minority of Toronto citizens and community leaders find political fodder in a simple symbol of fraternal support and enact their will upon our troops’ civil counterparts.

Therefore, all this peeling of support for our troops from the backs of city vehicles because of “contentious” issues, inappropriate “corporate standards” or “one year” projects is really just hogwash.

As a citizen of Toronto, I am ashamed.

Yours truly...
niner & Blindspot...good work.
I couldn't believe it when I heard it on the news driving home today..I can't relay what immediately came out of my mouth ( I would be be ex-Army.ca-ted).  That blonde bimbo needs to give his head a shake.  Councillor Nunziata is apparently opposing the motion tomorrow, but Danjanou's right, no point holding your breath.  Toronto sucks in so many Miller ways! 
Sent an email to Mr.Miller reminding him that the stickers represent "Support for our Troops" not necessarily support for the mission.
Blindspot your letter is excellent, touching on some great points such as members of Toronto regiments presently in Afghanistan.
Hopefully it will cause TO Council to take a second look at this issue.