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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

I think that the best solution is one like the Brits have. The Brits i worked with last week had 3 options for their ammo carrying needs, PLCE webbing, a chest rig, or an assult vest... all were in DPM and it was obvious what team their on. Even for their boots their rule was as long as it looked military they could wear them in the field.

I figured it out in SQ that 5 mags does not cut it; this point keeps being demonstrated for example last week doing live fire attacks and finishing with 1 mag left... and now I'm supposed to prepare for a counterattack. Sure the idea is you reload your mags but i don't think that its a good idea to put down your rifle, pull out your mag charger and box of ammo and proceed to reload that magazine while the enemy advances.

The tacvest works for many people in the army but for someone who is going to end up on a foot patrol in Afghanistan's its better to be safe then sorry in my opinion.
Haggis said:
Why not?  If you ask them, they own it!

T'is the way of the world and it ain't gonna change.
  And replies like this one is why it needs to change.
sapper07 said:
  And replies like this one is why it needs to change.

Don't be quoting me out of context.  The thread has evolved since then.
Troopasaurus said:
I figured it out in SQ that 5 mags does not cut it; this point keeps being demonstrated for example last week doing live fire attacks and finishing with 1 mag left... and now I'm supposed to prepare for a counterattack. Sure the idea is you reload your mags but i don't think that its a good idea to put down your rifle, pull out your mag charger and box of ammo and proceed to reload that magazine while the enemy advances.
Not enough info to make a complete comment; however, even in the "Fulda" context you'd find on such an attack, as you get ready for the bad guys to come at you in a counter attack: chances are you'll have time to ready your stuff.  The LMGs will of course get priority, and they can reload a belt in a matter of seconds.  At platoon level its the GPMG.  But at least you had ammo left in a mag: 30 rounds is nothing to sneeze at.
Of course, if you had 10 mags, 180 rounds is nothing to sneeze at either...
Piper said:
Now I'm no expert, but I would pipe in here to say...having the LAV is all fine and good when your fighting an enemy who does not hide on streets too narrow for a LAV to go down or in terrain where a LAV cannot go.
Then you have a problem.
See my earlier post: re non LAV dudes
Piper said:
Again, no expert here. But the US has been fighting a war since 2001 (in A-stan) and 2003 (in Iraq) where troops are carrying 10+ mags, grenades, extra 203 rounds, machine gun ammo, rockets etc etc. And they have that MOLLE stuff on their frag vests and the ability to strap on sufficient pouches. Also, they are allowed to use whatever vests they see fit to carry all that stuff.
This ain't Iraq.  That being said, it's all about priorty and function.  With the TV, you can carry 10 magazines (yes, at an expense to something else, but you can only put so much meat in a sandwich before it falls apart)  It all depends on the situation.
Piper said:
Are you going to sit there and tell me that we, Canada, have a 'fine' system for the soldier while ignoring a country to the south that has vastly more military experience then us, and maybe we should consider adopting some of their better practices? Or are we smarter then them by desiging a vest that we based on our vaste experience in....Bosina (not to degrade that mission or what happened there, but lets be honest, it was no A-stan or Iraq, especially the later years which seems to be the design period for the vest), and then continuing to ignore the reality that we are now fighting a war in which the individual soldier does not always have a LAV to back him up and must carry enough ammo and other 'stuff' to keep himself alive against an enemy whom you must kill, and kill all of them, because they won't stop coming?
Again, good points, but consider what I posted earlier.  Perhaps a modular system of the TV (removable mag pouches?  adjustable to height depending on needs?)  It's a good system: perhaps not the best, but one hell of a lot better than what we used to have.  ANd you can't poo poo Bosnia, because a soldier does what a soldier does no matter where he/she is.  Some situations warrant more of "x", whatever "x" is, be it ammo, water, batteries, pamphlets, whatever.  The point is: you can only carry so much before it becomes an issue.  Those without the LAV in their back pocket will of course need to carry more UNLESS the A1 comes along, but that's highly unlikely in the COE, so....what about a ruck sack to carry extra stuff?  Helium filled packs to reduce the weight?  Caseless ammo?  Whatever: don't focus on the kit, focus on the desired effect.
Consider the Space Race in the 60's.  NASA spent a Brazilian dollars developing a pen that would function in a zero-G environment.  The Soviets used pencils.  THAT was innovative!

And as for comparing US with the U.S., well, they are the big kids on the block, and yes I have been on operations with US forces.  Now, get this: they commented positively on our kit, including the much maligned C79 optical sight and , *shudder* the TV.  Imagine that :D
Doesn't mean that what we have is perfect, but compared to some, it's gucci, to others, it's Toyota.  In the end, it fills the function.  We will not win or lose this war because we have TVs vice modular MOLLE packs.  If the current TV can be adapted to suit the needs of "those without LAVs", then that would rock, really.  But as for a "TV for us, a TV for the so-called REMFs", may I remind all that there is no more "Rear", so to speak. As someone suggested to me: this ain't battlin' on the old Rhine Line :D

Garvin out
Just a Sig Op said:
Of course, if you had 10 mags, 180 rounds is nothing to sneeze at either...
I had ten mags.  So did all with rifles.  So, I'm not sneezing :D  The TV "can" carry ten mags: as issued.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: FIRE DISCIPLINE



Garvin out
If a C7 rifleman is only alloted to carry 250 rds in 5 mags and a 100 rd bandoleer, how is there a problem with the Tac Vest as it was designed?
Because C7 riflemen are not allotted 250 rounds. They are allotted 300 rounds, and bandoleers, in my experience, are rarely seen or used.

This could be remedied by allowing only light infanteers/assault troop/light engineers etc to use alternate equipment, and leave the REMF types with the TV.

3VP has sent more UCRs up than you can shake a stick at. The only answer we get is the same as the Maj from DLR who presented it. "the RCR loved it, you must not like it just on principle" In my experience, the RCR will "toe the line" on these sorts of things (like the eryx) and should never be used for trials.

GO!!! said:
Because C7 riflemen are not allotted 250 rounds. They are allotted 300 rounds, and bandoleers, in my experience, are rarely seen or used.
In my experience as well.  250 is the text book (as far as I know) allotment for 5.56 ammo. The only time I have ever seen 300 issued was in Afghanistan.

....but the original question stands.
Armymedic said:
If a C7 rifleman is only alloted to carry 250 rds in 5 mags and a 100 rd bandoleer, how is there a problem with the Tac Vest as it was designed?

Armymedic said:
If a C7 rifleman is only alloted to carry 250 rds in 5 mags and a 100 rd bandoleer, how is there a problem with the Tac Vest as it was designed?

It lacks the LCF of the kit used by the US, the squirrels and the PMCs. ;)

I'm not a big guy but I can find a place to stuff 10 mags in my TV, still have a water bottle and CamelBack and most of an IMP.  Everything else goes in the remaining pouches, pockets or (shudder) a small pack.

I've lived through 3 generations of webbing, the LBV and the TV.  Each was better than the previous and I'm sure Mk 2 TV will be better yet.  But I'll be damned if I'll spend $500+ on a piece of kit that I can't have replaced by the public purse if it gets burned/shot-up/run over/stolen.

... and now back to my beer.
Everything we have is an improvement over the last. but I do think we should do things like the Americans..........if its our cam pattern ..... we should be allowed to wear it .......it can't look any sillyer than the "cad pat Fleece" ....I am suprised we just didn't contract Harris to make cad pat assault vests though.....
WHEN was the PAM (or whatever its called) written to state 5 mags and please provide a link.  Also in what context was it written.

As far as the LAV is concerned.  I like it too.  Lots of firepower, fast, some protection.  That said I don't put all my eggs in my LAV basket. 

In this 360 multifaceted war fighting the troops must be as self sufficient for as long as possible.  No one knows if or when the cavalry will arrive.  I for one would rather have more loaded mags then less.  More C9 more 40mm, more grenades. etc.
Where does the C9 gunner put his socks, field dressings, IMP's etc when his 2 utility C9 boxes are full with ammo.  No one is saying you should spend the money.  Just allow those that do to use the kit not for LCF reasons but for load carriage, easy of use, and faster/more rounds down range.
OR make a generic platform that a rifleman, C9 gunner, medic, wpns det would modify to suit their PRIAMRY job.  Whether they sign for certain pouches and pockets or what have you.  Or is that what you meant by modular.
It's funny how you get guys on here saying our TVs are good to go...   and yet day after day I continue to receive emails that say just the opposite.

No place for 40mm

No place for my other C7 mags (if I want to carry effectively)

No place for pistol mags

No place for .308 mags

No place for .50 mags

"I can put two frags in my vest but then they are stuck and I have to pull them out by the fuse"

"My issued vest is falling apart"

"The vest does not fit over the bomb suit...."    "...... I can't carry any tools"

Let's not even go into the other kit  ::)

"I can put two frags in my vest but then they are stuck and I have to pull them out by the fuse"

Too true.  Forgot about that one.
Farmboy said:
It's funny how you get guys on here saying our TVs are good to go...   and yet day after day I continue to receive emails that say just the opposite.
No place for 40mm
No place for my other C7 mags (if I want to carry effectively)
No place for pistol mags
No place for .308 mags
No place for .50 mags
"I can put two frags in my vest but then they are stuck and I have to pull them out by the fuse"
"My issued vest is falling apart"
"The vest does not fit over the bomb suit...."    "...... I can't carry any tools"
Let's not even go into the other kit  ::)
Now, forgetting for a moment that you have a vested (pun intended) interest.....
The big one is this: "My issued vest falls apart": solution: get a new one from the CQ.  "My store bought vest fell apart": solution: shell out another 500 bucks (or more) and maybe, JUST MAYBE, it'll be shipped by end tour.
Piper said:
Good points. And as a vest goes, the TV is good....for a rifleman.
What about the C9 gunner? With those four useless pockets on his chest and only two to hold ammo....and then nowhere else for his canteen etc?
What about the 203 man? Where does he put his 40mm grenades, and enough of them to make himself usefull?
C6 gunner? Medic?
Get my drift? I'm no expert and I'm sure everyone has made do and my ideas are just coming from inexperience. The TV seems to be a good platform. Make it modular (can make it a 'rifleman' vest, a 'machine gunner' vest, a 'grenadier' vest etc) and voila....the perfect system, IMHO of course.
VERY good points.  Perhaps removable mag pouches would solve it? 
"and maybe, JUST MAYBE, it'll be shipped by end tour."
Perhaps but those that choose to go that route live with that risk.  Or they find someone else working there for a different organization that can get a package in about 8 days.