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toronto police take out armed guy with a cop car pretty cool

Jonny Boy

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here is a real event that took place on i think it was this Monday, march 7th 2005. it was down town toronto. one of my friends told me all about it when i was at school but i never saw the video.

it is pretty intense. the guy had 2 knifes and if you cant make it out the car pined him in between a bike rack and the car. he had like 3 broken ribs.

A scandal?  How so?  They were just doing their jobs.

Not sure if ramming into a suspect with a police car could be considered by-the-books procedure, but it worked, didn't it?  No officers were hurt, no nearby citizens were hurt, and the guy who had the knives had 1 broken rib and 1 fractured rib (I read about it in the papers the day after) - not a bad outcome. 
That could be considered excessive force. Sure, he had a knife, and I understand that the use of force is certainly warranted in cases where there is danger to the police and/or public. But if you watch the video, that was quite a violent impact, and had that video been broadcast on the news, I'm sure public debate would be opened, and then there would be a big inquiry and one or more of those cops might be fired and/or charged etc.
NavalGent said:
That could be considered excessive force. Sure, he had a knife, and I understand that the use of force is certainly warranted in cases where there is danger to the police and/or public. But if you watch the video, that was quite a violent impact, and had that video been broadcast on the news, I'm sure public debate would be opened, and then there would be a big inquiry and one or more of those cops might be fired and/or charged etc.

Excessive force?  Against a knife they are allowed to use their guns...
Well NavalGent, consider the escalation of force. He didn't heed the police's verbal warnings and give himself up. Therefore, the police were warranted to neutralize him and prevent him from hurting anyone. What would you have rathered they do, shoot him?
I'm not able to watch the video at work. But I can tell you from my own training that a guy with a knife can get to you before you can draw and shoot him if he's within 21 feet of you.

Perhaps I did not come across clearly. I recognize that they are authorized to use firearms and therefore lethal force in such a situation, however I'm quite sure investigations are launched whenever an officer uses a firearm, which is a widely known standard procedure. Had they injured or killed this person with a firearm, then there would be an investigation. Now, this guy's been injured by being pinned between a car and a bike rack. Considering the size and weight of a car, that guy could have been killed. An investigation would be warranted in the eyes of many.
As CBH99 suggested, running into a guy with a car is not a widely known procedure if it's even a standard procedure at all. Pinning him between the car and a bike rack is even less likely to be a standard procedure. If that video clip was shown on the news, I just think that in the eye of the soft and cuddly public, that could be seen as both excessive and, because its not standard procedure, careless. Public debate on the issue would be sparked, leading to political pressure for a thorough investigation, and one or more scapegoat officers would take the blame.

Just suggesting that it is a POSSIBLE chain of events.
good on those cops for doing their job and protecting the public. The cops had no injuries and the civvies had no injuries, and in truth i wouldn't have minded if they shot the guy instead(he gets what he deserves by threatening officers and failing to comply) At least this way it was a better outcome for the criminal.
This was in the news, along with the video earlier in the week. It was on CTV I know for sure because I saw it there myself.

Don't quote me on it but I believe the guy was suicidal. Plus he was given multiple opportunities to drop the knife. It might not have been the most politically correct way to get the job done, but at least they got the job done and there were no serious injuries or deathes.
NavalGent is correct, it's a bike rack. Same steel post construction as the old parking meters. [The arrest happened on Yonge Street, very busy, no parking.]

The provincial Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is usually called in whenever serious injury or death happens while police make an arrest. Don't recall if the SIU was called in for this arrest.

P-Free said:
This was in the news, along with the video earlier in the week. It was on CTV I know for sure because I saw it there myself.

Don't quote me on it but I believe the guy was suicidal. Plus he was given multiple opportunities to drop the knife. It might not have been the most politically correct way to get the job done, but at least they got the job done and there were no serious injuries or deathes.

Agreed. My bad for assuming it wasn't on the news. And I laughed when I saw it too.   ;D
A clearer version, at least on my PC, can be found here:


Under the title:

No plastic shield? use your car..
Totally agree with you, CFN. orange

He knew that he exposed himself to physical violence by threatening cops with knives... good for him!