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Transfer to Int question


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Hello all,

I'm a reservist infanteer Cpl in the Montreal area, and I am looking for information on the reservist intelligence trade in Montreal (I know there's a unit in Longpoint, i just cant find info on it). My internet search has yielded nothing so far, in terms of unit website or in-depth job description. (I don't want to go to the rct center just yet as a unit transfer question would rustle my unit's feathers).

How does one apply or get more info? does anyone here have actual info?
What jobs do NCMs do, and what about officers if i opted to try out for it?
What's the trainning structure?
Is it possible to join without being readily deployable?

Thanks for your help,
Just want to interject one point here:

I don't want to go to the rct center just yet...

You don't go the CRFC/Ds for OTs whether they be reserve or regular.  You only go the the CFRC/D for CTs.
I'm not sure if I can be all that much help because my knowledge about resInt is a bit limited.  I was reg force Int branch before.
From what I know, the reserve training is still done in Kingston, ON.  One place you can find info is through the branch's website at www.intbranch.org.  You can surf through this site for some info on basic intelligence cycle stuff.

One thing I would strongly suggest is that you contact the unit locally and talk with some of the people working there.  They will give you the scoop as to what they are doing on an ongoing basis. 

Sorry if the post was a bit vaigue but you can probably find some more answers through the website I provided.

Good luck.
Chromedome? Is that your way of saying you already have you tin foil hat? :P

Res QL3/4 has not been run at the school since about the mid-90s. Normally one of the Res Company's will host it, and everyone sends their candidates to them. This is all in the process of changing, as LFDTS is retiring the RQL3/4. A new RQL5A is being developed, which is supposed to be run in modules and may include a residency phase at the School.

ChromeDome, I sent you a PM with my .002 a little while ago.

Hello -

I used to be INT -

Int School is in Kingston, Ontario - it moved there from Meaford around 2000 - 2001.

If you want to transfer from Inf to Int you will have to do this by submitting a memo through your chain of command - not the recruiting centre.

The Jr. NCM's of the trade usually spend hours drawing maps and doing intercept work - though there may be a chance to get in some analysis depending on what your unit is like.

If you are looking for something more James Bond-ish you should consider the new R291 (Comm Resch) trade (EW has some nice 'toys') or JTF2 ~ INT is as glorious as they make it seem in the movies - unless you deploy to do HUMINT etc . You do not have to be an INTOp to do HUMINT though.

I am not sure if there is an INT section in Montreal or not - but I am sure if you call the unit they will tell you.

Good Luck :)


I am looking for some information on the OT process to Int. I have been searching around, but cant seem to find a solid answer. is it realistic for soemone who has only been in for a year to get this trade let alone OT in general to say some other trade. It is my understanding, Int ops used to be a remuster trade after a 3-4 year pre requisite in another trade but now, since they are in high demand, that has changed. I have a private school high school education and 2 years of university in both french and english and this trade has really interests me from day one. if anyone can give me some feedback to this it would be appreciated.
As far as my understanding of the OT, VOTP you cannot apply for them without first completing your initial contract. So in affect that means you must finish your BE and sign your second BE before you can think of trying for any new trade.

I am sure there are others here that will answer more clearly.
If used to be you had to do 4 years first before OT.  That may have changed, but to find out for sure you should talk to someone at an Intelligence unit in your area.  If you are indeed in Halifax, try this web page for contact information:


There usually is an Annual CANFORGEN listing the occupations open for VOT. Normally you must have 4 years, but critical manning occupations can have caveats lifting/amending this time frame.
Just to clarify something I found rather confusing when I remustered under VOTP, you have to have 48 months of service in the CALENDAR year in which you apply. For me, my 48 months of service would have been in September 06 but I was allowed to submit my VOTP request in January 06 as that was the calendar year of my 4 years of service.

Hope that makes sense to you.

As far as I am aware, you will not be picked up with just 1 year of service (you have obligations to your current trade to fullfill first).  To help your chances in the future, try and get yourself on a Combat Int Course (believe its called Tactical Int Course now).  Each Bde runs a course on average once a year.

We are definitely a stressed trade so we could use you, however there are no shortcuts that I am aware of...

hope that helps

FDL :cdn:
First I would talk with your BPSO as the entrance requirements have changed for INT.  Second if your serious about the trade, talk to a Cpl who graduated recently, or a MCpl about what a day at the desk is like.  It can be different then you think once get there.
Was wondering if anybody could direct me to some info on 6 Intelligence Coy Winnipeg Detachment. I've been pondering transferring over from my current unit. I would eventually like to go Reg Int Ops but i know that experience is needed (i haven't even been in for a year yet). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That is information that you can either get by checking out their Unit, via phone, email, or in person, or by dropping in on the local CFRC and finding out who their Recruiter is and their contact numbers.