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Tribute Video


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This was posted by a_beautiful_tragedy on another thread.  I figured this was a good place for it.

Hello this song was written by a Canadian Artist.

This is a very powerful song with great lyrics


Thanks to those who serve.
Here is a link to a video I made recently in tribute to the 16 soldiers we've lost in Afghanistan. I made it basically because I just wanted to give people an understanding of what we go through when we are sent on these missions and as well how we feel when we lose one of our own.I hope you like what you see and please pass on the link.

This is a follow up to my original post, I have redone the video with better pictures of the soldiers and ensured all information was correct, hopefully I haven't made any more errors with it. My ultimate goal with this was that in some small way it might help those who have felt the loss, to heal and those who haven't to understand.
If this message happens to find any of the friends of any of the fallen mentioned in the video and you would like a copy of it all you need to do is send me a self addressed envelope big enough to fit a regular DVD case plus a dollar and I'll make you up a copy and send it off.The dollar is not for me it's for the your DVD they have them at the dollar store case included. If you are family then it does not apply to you I will send it you free of charge just email me at jdicks0726@rogers.com or dicks.jm@forces.gc.ca as I would be more than willing to make you a personal DVD if you wish to have one.

My address is:

Jim Dicks
6 Elizabeth Ann St.
E2V 2Z7

God Bless,

LS Jim Dicks

i know this video is a few years old, but it's very well done, and highly emotional..............

Hello all, just wanted to share my video with you all.

(high quality)

(web quality)

When you see the news lately on T.V., I really don't want the general public to hear of "Just Another Soldier has been injured or worse"... I thought it would be time to keep the names, faces and memories alive in remembrance.   :salute:

(new recruit)
Updated to include the loss of Cpl Andrew James Eykelenboom.

(web quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBw6MFXQ3Dg
(hi quality) http://members.shaw.ca/travner/CFTribute800x600.wmv​
Thanks guns, it has been updated.  Cpl. David Braun grew up in my hometown of Raymore, Saskatchewan (population of 668).  Just got off of the phone with David's mother's cousin and the support from the town is there as well from the military.  David's mother saw a number of military vehicles pull up the dirt farm road to the house and she knew why they were there.  David is strongly being mourned and missed by his mother, his sister and brother.  (his father passed away when we were quite young)

(web quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImSyMLlv7EU
(high quality) http://members.shaw.ca/travner/CFTribute800x600.wmv  (18Mb)

GUNS said:
CPL. David Braun

nsmedicman said:
Great job....made me cry and proud all at the same time....
very well done

I've absolutely fallen in love with that song.

For anyone who is interested, you can download (free) it from the link below.  The lyrics are also listed on the site.


As some of you know I created a Tribute Video awhile back for all the soldiers we have lost in Afghanistan, I have also pledged to keep updating as need be which unfortunately is all too often.As in previous posts my reason for this was to ensure that our fellow soldiers will not be just a headline one day and forgotten the next.To date there have been over 9,000 views of the video which is a great testament to how we truly respect them for what they did for us. I am quickly running out of room on the video and I know being realistic that I will need more so I am in the process of creating a website dedicated to them which I will post here once it's up and running.I'm glad to see so many have seen it and appreciate it what it stands for-- some truly amazing people who payed the ultimate price for peace and deserve our love, respect and undying gratitude.Thanks for your time.

LS Jim Dicks

Updated video with new music....


Thank you all for your interest and comments on this rememberance video.  Thanks to the forums in army.ca, this video link has been passed on from coast to coast.  Padre's, news stations and other dignataries from around the country have brought attention to this video and most importantly, the faces and names.  It has been again updated--let's hope for a very long time.

(web quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMSfpl74u2E
(high quality) http://members.shaw.ca/travner/CFTribute800x600.wmv  (18Mb)​
It has been again updated--let's hope I won't have to again for a very long time...

(web quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWixN7KKQQ
(high quality) http://members.shaw.ca/travner/CFTribute800x600.wmv  (18Mb)​
Updated to reflect the losses of 18 SEP.....

I wasn't sure if this should go in Thoughts and Prayers, or Radio Chatter or Foreign Militaries.  Clearly the video is about the US forces in Iraq, but it seems appropriate and makes me think of our men and women in A'stan.  Ultimately, it is really well done, and worth seeing regardless of where this post should have ended up.

Updated as of October 3rd....

Here's another one I stubbled upon...it is oustanding also and get the tissues ready... :salute:

Updated as of 09 Oct 06.....

Here is the link to the video I made http://www.putfile.com/nbsailor .

I just want to take the time to thank all the people who have sent me emails about the video I've made ,it is up to date as of the 15th Oct 2006, and for all those who have requested copies please don't just ask give an address as well and I am more than willing to send one to you. It will be in DVD format unless you would prefer different. Also I would like to apologize to anyone who has viewed it in the last few days due a problem at putfile it reverted to an earlier copy and once I realized it the problem was corrected.

LS Jim Dicks