- A few things about pistol training:
1. ALL CF Reg F Officers shot the Inglis Browning during BOTC. To do this, they had to pass 'Handling Tests' (still colloquially called TsOET) before firing. Therefore, for this population, lack of basic proficiency is a matter of skill fade, nothing more.
2. For ALL others: to 'permanent issue' a weapon to an individual without a proper program for training in their foreseeable future is an act of criminal negligence!
3. Previously, pistol training for ORs (Other Ranks - now NCMs) in most units was pretty much the purview of SA Instrs, SA Coaches and the various unit pistol teams. Was this 'Combat Shooting'? No. But it was basic skills and drills - safety being the first one.
4. Most Officers and ORs who wanted to get good with a pistol joined the unit pistol team or bought a pistol and practised.
5. Before we give every one with two legs a pistol, we figure out why. Is it for convenience or combat? Once we have the answer, we develop the training program.
6. David Marshall "Carbine" Williams, while in prison for manslaughter (a Deputy Sheriff was shot dead raiding Williams' still) developed the short-stroke gas system and later, working for Winchester, used it in the design of the M1 carbine. Why a carbine? Cheaper than a 1911A1 and EASIER AND FASTER to qualify on. Probably safer, too. So.... since the C8 is used more as a shorter "Johnny Seven" than as an actual carbine, why not just give people Mini 14s?