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Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

I think PP would be wise to keep some policy distance between himself and Trump. But will Trump come out in support of him? That will definitely not be helpful.
I don't think it will hurt Pierre at all. He completely neutralized the Liberals attempt to associate him with Alex Jones. He turned their smear attempts into a big nothing burger. The more desperate the attacks Trudeau does, the more Canadians are clearing seeing it.
I don't think it will hurt Pierre at all. He completely neutralized the Liberals attempt to associate him with Alex Jones. He turned their smear attempts into a big nothing burger. The more desperate the attacks Trudeau does, the more Canadians are clearing seeing it.
I hope you're right. The wife has said no more gun purchases until the Liberals are gone. So far I'm still allowed to buy ammo and parts. But Poly and the Coalition for Gun Confiscation have turned up the pressure on Trudeau to "get on with it, NOW!", likely trying to capitalize on the Trump shooting with a black rifle.
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… He completely neutralized the Liberals attempt to associate him with Alex Jones. He turned their smear attempts into a big nothing burger …
One thing being disassociated with a way-outside-the-lines talk radio guy (to be kind), versus distancing from a world leader & leader of Canada’s biggest trading partner that PP will have to deal with seriously if Team Blue wins.
The more desperate the attacks Trudeau does, the more Canadians are clearing seeing it.
I agree & I hope more will see it long enough to keep seeing it at the polling stations.
I hope you're right. The wife has said no more gun purchases until the Liberals are gone. So far I'm still allowed to buy ammo and parts. But Poly and the Coalition for Gun Confiscation have turned up the pressure on Trudeau to "get on with it, NOW!", likely trying to capitalize on the Trump shooting with a black rifle.

I'm waiting things out right now as well. But I am in the market for a Martini Enfield, which I don't expect is on anyone's ban list, yet.
I've been reading up on the last few pages of this thread, re Trump being good or bad for Canada, and the kind of impact associating Trump and the CPC together would have...

Whether Trump is good for us or not, I have no idea. I don't remember life being terrible for us while he was in office...

Now having PP associated with Trump? I'm guessing the same people that tend to not like Trump or Trump's policies probably won't be huge supporters of the CPC either...so if one can convincingly argue PP is like Trump, it may cost him the votes of Trump haters

With Pierre, people think they know what they are going to get. They aren't sure, and for now they can't be, but they are hopeful he will be the kind of leader he sounds like he'll be...

With Justin, we are all well aware of his intentions & how well things are going. And none of it is going good.