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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Having finally gotten off my ass to get licensed (having just made use of what's on the farm all my life) the itch to accumulate has taken hold. Apparently the family Canuck is coming to live with me, and I further tried to stave off the itch with the boring, functional, 500 12 ga with 28" VR and 24" rifled w/ cantilever to cover all my bases- but can't seem to get away from the daily Intersurplus/Epps/Gun Post scroll through. Current debate is between stepping up for the post covid price on a VG or Mint 94 or 336 in .30-30, or the budget Fudd play of a baikal sxs + sporter enfield in .303 What would end the debate is a reasonably priced Enfield No. 5 in good shape

The most beautiful rifle ever made, the No.5. I have a minty in my collection.

Enjoy the hunt for one mon ami!
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The people have become distracted by bread an circuses. They people and their inattention have let this happen. The people are the only ones who can correct it.
You're not wrong. It may be a bit of a chicken and egg thing, though.

Recently read this (admittedly heavily one-sided) piece about how politicians are taking advantage of short attention spans to offer quick, easy solutions when, in reality, much of what's happening may need a bit more deliberation instead of flick-one-switch solutions.
This guy is focused (obsessed?) with the right, but bits of the left is also guilty with "we need to do EVERYTHING right NOW to fix the environment/help the poor, no matter that the cost/effects!!!!!!!!!!" narratives, to pick only one of their simple solutions to complicated problems.
This is a pretty good approximation of what the party wants a Team Blue government to do, which does offer some insights.

To use a flight (or sailing?) analogy, though, knowing what the weather guy is telling the pilot re: where s/he should and shouldn't go isn't the same as knowing the pilot's flight plan and planned route. One step further, the flight path itself will often vary from what's planned because of s**t that happens once the plane takes off, both to the plane and outside.
Also PP says lots of policy stuff:
To take my analogy further, THIS for sure offers up more of the "here's how we plan to steer the plane" information. Still not as unified as an official platform, but it is also a bit far out for that.

Also remember during Ford's two runs for office, a lot of people supporting him around these online parts said something like "he had no platform" like that didn't make a difference. Will we hear the same again if Team Blue decides to go vague and/or piecemeal with its formal commitments? We'll see.

Finally, if one team (Red, Blue, Orange, whatever) takes heat for opposing for the sake of opposing without offering solutions while in opposition, even when it's clear they're going for the golden ring, it's only fair if another team doing the same thing gets dinged if they do the same thing.

Majority of Canadians view Trudeau as 'incompetent' liar: poll - 30 Jul 24

Many Canadians simply want a change in national leadership.

A poll released Sunday by Abacus Data for the Toronto Star suggests Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal policies are overwhelmingly unpopular in every region of Canada and among both sexes Among all respondents, the survey found 7 percent of respondents have an impression of Trudeau that is "very positive," 17 percent "somewhat positive," 20 percent "neutral," 20 percent "somewhat negative" and 39 percent "very negative."

Those results are remarkably similar by gender, with only 24 percent of men and 25 percent of women having an impression of Trudeau on the positive side of the scale, while 61 percent of men and 57 percent of women registered a negative impression. Trudeau's approval rating is the lowest in Alberta, where 52% indicated a "very negative" response and 19 percent a "somewhat negative" response.

His popularity is highest in Quebec with 30 percent on the positive scale and 51 percent on the negative scale. Atlantic Canada provided similar results with 28 percent positive and 56 percent being negative.

Toronto Star columnist Susan Delacourt notes that the last time her newspaper and Abacus asked Canadians about their feelings for Trudeau, men were markedly more negative about the Prime Minister than women. That disparity has vanished in the latest survey.

In his Substack analysis of the poll, Abacus Data CEO David Coletto said it is clear that Canadians' "negative feelings [towards Trudeau] are more intense than they have been at previous points over the past four years."

"More important, in my view, to understanding public attitudes as well as public reaction to the Prime Minister, is the big gap between those who have a very positive view of him (7%) and those who have a very negative view (39%)."

"Since last July, those with a very negative view are up 6-points while those with a very positive view is largely unchanged. In short, there are more than five times the number of Canadians who really don't like Justin Trudeau than really like him. That's the definition of an enthusiasm problem for the Prime Minister," Coletto continues.

Coletto says the reasons for disliking Trudeau provoke a "wide range of responses," with many pointing "to economic and financial pressures like inflation, the economy in general, and rising costs"

He notes that other reasons for opposing Trudeau are "immigration and the rise in immigrants" or "bad decisions" or "bad policy choices."

Many Canadians simply want a change in national leadership. However, Coletto observes that "there is also a personal side to the negativity towards Trudeau. Many believe he lies, breaks promises, is arrogant (that pops pretty clearly), and is incompetent."

The data comes from a national survey of 2,000 Canadian adults conducted from July 16 to 21, 2024. The poll was not assigned a margin of error because Abacus uses "online, opt-in panels" that are not truly random.

Majority of Canadians view Trudeau as 'incompetent' liar: poll - 30 Jul 24

Many Canadians simply want a change in national leadership.

A poll released Sunday by Abacus Data for the Toronto Star suggests Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal policies are overwhelmingly unpopular in every region of Canada and among both sexes Among all respondents, the survey found 7 percent of respondents have an impression of Trudeau that is "very positive," 17 percent "somewhat positive," 20 percent "neutral," 20 percent "somewhat negative" and 39 percent "very negative."

Those results are remarkably similar by gender, with only 24 percent of men and 25 percent of women having an impression of Trudeau on the positive side of the scale, while 61 percent of men and 57 percent of women registered a negative impression. Trudeau's approval rating is the lowest in Alberta, where 52% indicated a "very negative" response and 19 percent a "somewhat negative" response.

His popularity is highest in Quebec with 30 percent on the positive scale and 51 percent on the negative scale. Atlantic Canada provided similar results with 28 percent positive and 56 percent being negative.

Toronto Star columnist Susan Delacourt notes that the last time her newspaper and Abacus asked Canadians about their feelings for Trudeau, men were markedly more negative about the Prime Minister than women. That disparity has vanished in the latest survey.

In his Substack analysis of the poll, Abacus Data CEO David Coletto said it is clear that Canadians' "negative feelings [towards Trudeau] are more intense than they have been at previous points over the past four years."

"More important, in my view, to understanding public attitudes as well as public reaction to the Prime Minister, is the big gap between those who have a very positive view of him (7%) and those who have a very negative view (39%)."

"Since last July, those with a very negative view are up 6-points while those with a very positive view is largely unchanged. In short, there are more than five times the number of Canadians who really don't like Justin Trudeau than really like him. That's the definition of an enthusiasm problem for the Prime Minister," Coletto continues.

Coletto says the reasons for disliking Trudeau provoke a "wide range of responses," with many pointing "to economic and financial pressures like inflation, the economy in general, and rising costs"

He notes that other reasons for opposing Trudeau are "immigration and the rise in immigrants" or "bad decisions" or "bad policy choices."

Many Canadians simply want a change in national leadership. However, Coletto observes that "there is also a personal side to the negativity towards Trudeau. Many believe he lies, breaks promises, is arrogant (that pops pretty clearly), and is incompetent."

The data comes from a national survey of 2,000 Canadian adults conducted from July 16 to 21, 2024. The poll was not assigned a margin of error because Abacus uses "online, opt-in panels" that are not truly random.
More in the original Toronto Star column here, and in the pollster's own take on Substack here. Interesting graphics from the Substack piece ....
Screenshot 2024-07-31 120943.jpg
Screenshot 2024-07-31 120925.jpg
Minister Sajan made the request, he doesn't deny it. The military said, "Sorry, no can do." Minister Blair said, "Fine, thanks for considering it." Story ends.
Thanks to you and The Bread Guy.

I'm glad the chain of command said "no". It's amazing that he had the balls to even consider asking for this. Is he really that blind to the potential second and third order effect of something like this internationally?
He needs to take the hint…

Canada seems to follow US trends, eventually... My guess is Trudeau will not be running in the next election. They will find some way for him to honorably step aside and then run their new person like some miracle candidate.

Majority of Canadians view Trudeau as 'incompetent' liar: poll - 30 Jul 24

Many Canadians simply want a change in national leadership.

A poll released Sunday by Abacus Data for the Toronto Star suggests Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal policies are overwhelmingly unpopular in every region of Canada and among both sexes Among all respondents, the survey found 7 percent of respondents have an impression of Trudeau that is "very positive," 17 percent "somewhat positive," 20 percent "neutral," 20 percent "somewhat negative" and 39 percent "very negative."

Those results are remarkably similar by gender, with only 24 percent of men and 25 percent of women having an impression of Trudeau on the positive side of the scale, while 61 percent of men and 57 percent of women registered a negative impression. Trudeau's approval rating is the lowest in Alberta, where 52% indicated a "very negative" response and 19 percent a "somewhat negative" response.

His popularity is highest in Quebec with 30 percent on the positive scale and 51 percent on the negative scale. Atlantic Canada provided similar results with 28 percent positive and 56 percent being negative.

Toronto Star columnist Susan Delacourt notes that the last time her newspaper and Abacus asked Canadians about their feelings for Trudeau, men were markedly more negative about the Prime Minister than women. That disparity has vanished in the latest survey.

In his Substack analysis of the poll, Abacus Data CEO David Coletto said it is clear that Canadians' "negative feelings [towards Trudeau] are more intense than they have been at previous points over the past four years."

"More important, in my view, to understanding public attitudes as well as public reaction to the Prime Minister, is the big gap between those who have a very positive view of him (7%) and those who have a very negative view (39%)."

"Since last July, those with a very negative view are up 6-points while those with a very positive view is largely unchanged. In short, there are more than five times the number of Canadians who really don't like Justin Trudeau than really like him. That's the definition of an enthusiasm problem for the Prime Minister," Coletto continues.

Coletto says the reasons for disliking Trudeau provoke a "wide range of responses," with many pointing "to economic and financial pressures like inflation, the economy in general, and rising costs"

He notes that other reasons for opposing Trudeau are "immigration and the rise in immigrants" or "bad decisions" or "bad policy choices."

Many Canadians simply want a change in national leadership. However, Coletto observes that "there is also a personal side to the negativity towards Trudeau. Many believe he lies, breaks promises, is arrogant (that pops pretty clearly), and is incompetent."

The data comes from a national survey of 2,000 Canadian adults conducted from July 16 to 21, 2024. The poll was not assigned a margin of error because Abacus uses "online, opt-in panels" that are not truly random.

And from a poll in the Red Star to boot. That doesn't bode well. Even the MSM, paid or not, is tiring of him and reporters are openly criticizing him in scrums. He remains as tone deaf to Canadians as he always has.
Canada seems to follow US trends, eventually... My guess is Trudeau will not be running in the next election. They will find some way for him to honorably step aside and then run their new person like some miracle candidate.
I had read somewhere (upthread, maybe?) that the party's mechanism to remove him as leader involuntarily had been it self removed. In short, the only way to get rid of him involuntarily would be through an election loss of his own seat. And, even if the LPC were to lose the next election, he would still be party leader unless he were to lose his seat, which, while unlikely, could happen.
And from a poll in the Red Star to boot. That doesn't bode well. Even the MSM, paid or not, is tiring of him and reporters are openly criticizing him in scrums. He remains as tone deaf to Canadians as he always has.
It appears to me that after the looooooong period of Liberal government, from 1935 to 1957 Canadians have more or less decided that two or, at the most three consecutive terms is enough for any government. Trudeau has had three: one majority and two minorities - he's outstayed his welcome. I suspect it wouldn't matter if he and his cabinet had provided a decade go really good government (but they didn't); 10 years is just too many.
It appears to me that after the looooooong period of Liberal government, from 1935 to 1957 Canadians have more or less decided that two or, at the most three consecutive terms is enough for any government. Trudeau has had three: one majority and two minorities - he's outstayed his welcome. I suspect it wouldn't matter if he and his cabinet had provided a decade go really good government (but they didn't); 10 years is just too many.

Sounds like the perfect reason to institute term limits. If they can't make it passed the 8-10 year mark anyway, why go through the charade of an election? Automatic new candidate. People like trudeau would have no way of hanging on, while acting like a bell end.