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Trust in our Institutions

Has your trust in our institutions changed?

  • Total voters
  • Red Coach: Knows what's in the full report (as well as whether there may be rats on his ship), directed redactions, said not so much about it in public, says "let's let the Mounties deal with it," has a public history of interference in his caucus as well as mentions in the report
Add, has withheld documents from the RCMP and the NSICOP as well as the Hogue Commission.

IMHO Trudeau is implicated, and most of the others named are Liberals. Singh's comments that the CPC leadership race was influenced was just an effort to sling shidt at the CPC and hint the possibly PP is dirty. My thought is it was the race prior to PP.
Add, has withheld documents from the RCMP and the NSICOP as well as the Hogue Commission.
Very good point on the Red side - will add.
… Singh's comments that the CPC lleadership race was influenced was just an effort to sling shidt at the CPC and hint the possibly PP is dirty.
Singh WAS being political, but the report was pretty clear - as well as Sheer & Co. talking about shenanigans. Only way for PP to know for sure is to get briefed up - unless he’s willing to wait until Team Red gets a sudden attack of transparency …
My thought is it was the race prior to PP.
Only Trudeau, and maybe Singh and May know for sure, I guess.
Only way for PP to know for sure is to get briefed up - unless he’s willing to wait until Team Red gets a sudden attack of transparency …
I think PP is trying to keep himself as clean as possible, but that's hard to do when the very waters one has to swim in are dirty and mucky...

On the one hand, PP can sign the NDA & get himself briefed up (drawback is that due to the NDA, he can't discuss anything that briefing entails)

Or he could not sign the NDA, and not get briefed up

I suspect in the end it doesn't matter if PP actually gets briefed or not, so not signing the NDA is probably the smart move (so he doesn't accidentally run afoul of it later)

The fact that Justin decided to mark the documents as Top Secret himself so they couldn't be released to the public, made others sign an NDA so they couldn't be discussed in public, and is still withholding documents from the RCMP & NSICOPS committee is pretty telling in and of itself...
The fact that Justin decided to mark the documents as Top Secret himself so they couldn't be released to the public, made others sign an NDA so they couldn't be discussed in public, and is still withholding documents from the RCMP & NSICOPS committee is pretty telling in and of itself...

If there was nothing to be ashamed of it would all be out in the public.
IMHO Trudeau is implicated, and most of the others named are Liberals.
The things one has to do to find compliant, subservient, diverse, post-national-thinking, apologetic candidates. It's really hard, ya know.
Behind a paywall but in this case, it’s hard to disagree with Coyne.

So the committee, after sifting through thousands of classified documents and interviewing dozens of top government and intelligence officials, issues a report endorsing the intelligence agencies’ findings and damning the government for ignoring them, and what is the Prime Minister’s response? The committee must also have it wrong.

Then there’s the Conservative Leader, Pierre Poilievre, who has been vocal in his demands for the names of the parliamentary quislings to be released – and equally vocal that no Tories were among them – but unable to bring himself to read the report in which they are named. You’d think he’d be more curious, especially about the part of the report discussing allegations that China and India interfered in the last two Conservative leadership races.

If I were the Tory leader, I’d rather know what’s going on, not being able to speak but able to do, than being completely ignorant of dubious ongoings on my own party…

…unless I benefit from said ongoings.
… On the one hand, PP can sign the NDA & get himself briefed up (drawback is that due to the NDA, he can't discuss anything that briefing entails) …
Yes & no. I don’t see any outside indications of arrest warrants bein issued/executed against May or Singh for speaking in some detail without naming names. This provides haters with evidence of maybe not wanting to know what “intelligence indicates”.
… I suspect in the end it doesn't matter if PP actually gets briefed or not, so not signing the NDA is probably the smart move (so he doesn't accidentally run afoul of it later) …
As a former Minister of the Crown, I’d be surprised if he didn’t know where to cross the line or not re: what can be said or not. Also, not knowing means he can’t say out loud the team’s clean. Then again, we may also see a few incumbent Team Blue players not run again or not be OK’ed by the coach for nomination in the next round.
…The fact that Justin decided to mark the documents as Top Secret himself so they couldn't be released to the public, made others sign an NDA so they couldn't be discussed in public, and is still withholding documents from the RCMP & NSICOPS committee is pretty telling in and of itself...
If there was nothing to be ashamed of it would all be out in the public.
It is a piece of evidence, and not one maling Team Red look entirely forthcoming given the public record of shenanigans against their team members. We’ll see, if PP becomes PM, whether agrees to release the same material in the interests of transparency.

… If I were the Tory leader, I’d rather know what’s going on, not being able to speak but able to do, than being completely ignorant of dubious ongoings on my own party…
Double edged sword knowing vs. not knowing. Not knowing allows you more tactical flexibility politically, but you lose certainty re: 100% reliability of the team. And as usual in politics, haters ain’t gonna trust and boosters won’t care. And PP seems to have a penchant for not backing down on stances, so we’ll see if this works for him in the long run.
....equally vocal that no Tories were among them .....
Must have missed PP saying anything along that line.

If I were the Tory leader, I’d rather know what’s going on, not being able to speak but able to do, than being completely ignorant of dubious ongoings on my own party…
…unless I benefit from said ongoings.
But you are not. Nor are you an experienced politician. PP is getting a benefit from said ongoings. Not the way I think you are hinting though.
PP is not going to be TRAPPED into saying nothing about the Trudeaus' corrupt governance.

Don't you think the CPC has already conducted their own investigation?
PP probably already knows and is keeping his powder dry for the election campaign so the message hits at the right time and doesn't get fatigued ahead of when it's most important.

But more importantly, Trudeau knows all and he is in full defence/minimize/distract/divide mode because, My instinct tells me, he himself is compromised along with numerous LPC members.
The CPC is banking on the ignorance of most Canadians about howbstuff like the Cabinet Confidences, Secuirty of Information Act, and Official Secrets Act work.

PP not seeing the report gives him the leverage to cry wolf about the Trudeau government not being transparent. His calls to have the names released publically are all for show, as I imagine a former Minister of the Crown would know there is no possible way to have that information see the light of day without breaking the law.

But elections are won by public opinion, not by fact or process. The CPC would lose the narrative and see their polling numbers tank if they were caught in the fracas unfolding right now.

Ignorance is bliss. Especially when each passing day gets closer to October 2025
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Don't you think the CPC has already conducted their own investigation?
That’s the thing. I don’t know and you don’t know. No one has said anything. I see a lot of wish casting here but no evidence that the Tories are interested flushing out the traitors or in fixing their systems to prevent interference. It’s like a Liberal supporter saying that the party is investigating when there is no public evidence of any such investigation occurring.

Actions speak louder than words, but words speak louder than silence.
That’s the thing. I don’t know and you don’t know. No one has said anything. I see a lot of wish casting here but no evidence that the Tories are interested flushing out the traitors or in fixing their systems to prevent interference. It’s like a Liberal supporter saying that the party is investigating when there is no public evidence of any such investigation occurring.

Actions speak louder than words, but words speak louder than silence.

One course of action is to get the report released to the public legitimately.
The CPC is banking on the ignorance of most Canadians about howbstuff like the Cabinet Confidences, Secuirty of Information Act, and Official Secrets Act work.

Canadians are dumb. They'd give PP and his policies a majority government every time if he ran as the Liberal leader.
… PP is not going to be TRAPPED into saying nothing about the Trudeaus' corrupt governance …
I don’t know what’s in the unredacted version, but do you really think there’s any shortage of bad governance issues to bring up without what may or may not be in the full report? I can’t think of anything he’s said that might be affected by what might be behind the curtain. Singh was pretty political in his (albeit short & carefully navigated) public comments after being briefed up, and I’d assess PP as an even better communicator than JS, so there’s a case to be made that his hands wouldn’t be tied as much as some worry about.

Right now, though, his hands ARE tied from clearly saying “my team’s good to go.”

Still looks a bit odd that the only party leader not wanting to know if his caucus is clean is one whose leadership campaigns ( the party’s, not necessarily his) are mentioned on open text. If Liberal leadership processes were identified as clearly, I suspect a few people around these parts would be howling - and rightly so.
Don't you think the CPC has already conducted their own investigation?
That’s a very good question - one I haven’t heard asked to or answered by Team Blue. In the words of Mr. Lebowski’s assistant, we just don’t know🤷‍♂️

Globe and Mail's Editorial Board's View

On Monday, Mr. Trudeau said he is glad that the foreign interference inquiry led by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue has now agreed to examine the allegations in the report. But that, too, is a dodge. The inquiry has no power to name names or make any classified information public on its own, or to come to a conclusion about criminal liability.

Only one person can legally reveal the names involved, and that is the Prime Minister. He has the power to make classified information public: he did it last year when he told Parliament that there was credible evidence that India was behind the assassination of Canadian citizen in Canada.

We’ll say it again: the government should blow away its smoke screens, name names in Parliament, let those facing allegations defend themselves there, and clear the air for Canadians.

And on Poilievre's position....

Mr. Trudeau has also criticized Pierre Poilievre for not reading the unredacted version of the report, suggesting that the Conservative leader would rather just not know.

But Mr. Poilievre says he won’t read the unredacted report because the conditions of the top-secret security clearance required to do so would handcuff what he as leader of the official opposition could say. Thomas Mulcair, the leader of the NDP when it was the official opposition from 2012 to 2015, said last week he would have taken the same position.

Mr. Poilievre is furthermore correct when he says that, if the government thinks someone in his caucus is a threat to Canada, CSIS agents are perfectly able to brief him on it.

It appears to me that the Prime Minister is increasingly isolated - especially if he is losing the Globe and Mail.
Meanwhile, survey says …
That includes 6/10 Team Blue supporters responding …
Was the killing of the Sikh activist in BC a political killing or a mob hit? This story has fallen off the headlines since the initial accusations by the PM in the HoC.

Funny how Parliamentary Privilege allows the PM coverage.