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U.S. Politics 2017 (split fm US Election: 2016)

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Chris Pook said:
140 words and the press goes haring off into the woods.

FJAG said:
The reason that there are so many slams is entirely due to fact that Trump just keeps asking for them. Basically the press does not have to look for things to hound him about because he keeps blabbing out the stupidest things which anyone with a modicum of self control would have kept under wraps.

I found the hare and hound comparison funny. :)

Dimsum said:
A historical look at American media portrayals of pre-WWII Hitler and Mussolini. 

Thank-you for posting that interesting article from the Smithsonian, Dimsum.

I wonder how they would have operated in our age of Social Media?

Convince the public that the press is engaged in a conspiracy against them?

That their Tweets - and Fox News - are the only credible sources of information?

Colin P said:
Considering the homicide and crime stats that are pretty much breaking with a multi-decade decline in crime and homicide in the rest of the country, Chicago is the US "failed state"

Other than the decent people who live in the communities, and the front-line police officers and paramedics who do their best to serve and protect them, I wonder how much people at home watching the violence on TV  really care?

I read in the emergency services news four days ago, that Chicago passed the "Neighborhood Revitalization Act". It offers free houses, with full ownership after five years - apparently re-built into good condition - to city police officers, firefighters and paramedics in the "endangered communities" they work in.
Not sure how many will take them up on the offer. 

Also saw this from Chicago the very same day.  :)

Oldgateboatdriver said:
I won't comment one way or the other on crowd (or di**) size,

He has.  :)
About 11,700,000 results

"Donald Trump defends size of his penis"


"Donald Trump defends size of his penis"

Is this really necessary? Yes it happened in March 2016, almost a year ago, yes you dislike Trump, yes you fear Trump is going to nuc you, but really how does this add to this forum?

Rifleman62 said:
Is this really necessary?

I replied to #140.

I didn't bring it up. The POTUS did when he was running for election.

I use this as my guideline in Radio Chatter,

milnews.ca said:
I know I've been gently poked for not having a sense of humour when it comes to some of the digs going on.  To pass along some sage advice, "we have to remember to check if we are in RADIO CHATTER before we want to "seriously" comment on a less than "serious" thread" ;)

Should Radio Chatter be his "safe space" on the internet? Not for me to say. He seems to be able to dish it out pretty good on Twitter.

He is a foreign politician. So was former FLOTUS Hillary Clinton. How much of a safe space was she given in Radio Chatter?

How much of a safe space do we give our own Prime Minister or Ontario Premier in the regular forums?
I'm looking at you, Rifleman62.

Don't like what I post? That breaks my heart.
Feel free to put me on  :ignore: if it bothers you that much.

Rifleman62 said:
yes you dislike Trump, yes you fear Trump is going to nuc you, but really how does this add to this forum?

How can I dislike someone I have never met? That includes you, Rifleman62.  :)

I don't know about you, but I can't even vote in their elections.

Perhaps that is the reason these three threads, these many pages, are in Radio Chatter? 
The only thing I know about mariomike is that I sincerely hope that the day we meet ... it won't be because he is obliged to give me a lift.  :nod:
milnews.ca said:
HAD to share this one from FB (source)

They pasted quadruple G. as a saint, well close enough...The name Mad Dog Mattis (which he despises), derives from the American Propaganda Machine.
All USMC that have served under his commanded, call him "The Monk," Why? Owing that the good General was only married to the US Marine Corps and devoted his whole life to the Corps. Why was he styled that way as fallows

"Marines don’t know how to spell the word defeat."

"You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon."

"There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great."

"Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine."

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling."

"There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim."

"You cannot allow any of your people to avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world, it’s going to be bad."

"The most important six inches on the battlefield is between your ears."

"I don't lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word."

"No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote."

"Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact."

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

"The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some arseholes in the world that just need to be shot."

"I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years."

"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you (Phuck) with me, I’ll kill you all."


Oldgateboatdriver said:
I won't comment one way or the other on crowd (or di**) size, as if it mattered, but I am very surprised at you Loachman, for bringing a low angle picture like that in the controversy.

I would have thought that an Army helicopter pilot, of all people, would have known that the closer you are to an horizontal view, the least you can judge appropriately numbers of objects, spacing and existence of gaps. I am sure you know, for instance that when you are flying at tree tops levels over a succession of open fields and forested area, the whole thing looks like it's fully forested unless you happen to be over one of the fields, but from 1000 feet up, you can see all the wooded areas and field s in such a way as to be able to judge their size in relation to one another.

In Washington, while neither is perfect, the view from the Washington monument is orders of magnitude better than the "gigapixel" picture which is taken at a much more horizontal angle, as long as the comparison are made for an equivalent timeframe.

I almost never had the luxury of climbing higher than mid-double-digit feet above ground while engaged in recce operations, the exception being mountainous regions such as northern Norway. We had to become good at estimating and interpreting what we saw and did not see (often just as important) from where we could operate with a reasonable measure of survivability.

The intent behind posting the gigapixel photograph was not to provide an accurate assessment of the size of the crowd, but to prove that the earlier "comparison" photograph was intentionally deceptive, as it indeed was. It is quite clear from the gigapixel image that the empty spaces in the comparison photograph were actually filled with people. It was shot from an adequate angle for the purpose of exposing and proving a media deception.

And that in a city where Mr Trump received, I believe, only 4% of the vote - no surprise, then, that a winning bi-racial Democrat would attract a large turnout in a heavily Democrat-leaning city with a large black population. A larger portion of Mr Trump's supporters are also likely gainfully employed and had commitments elsewhere, as well. Many people showed up just-in-time for the ceremony rather than stand around in cold and damp weather, ie after the deceptive comparison photograph was taken.

Precise crowd comparison is immaterial, as far as I am concerned, anyway. Both were large enough. The press, however, intentionally chose to misrepresent the comparison.

It is that continuing bias that is irksome. It benefits nobody, especially those "news" outlets who are constantly caught in their own lies, yet wonder why their ratings continue to drop. Honest coverage might, perhaps, at least slow that slide, but they seem strangely immune to trying that.

They fib, he tweets, they spew their outrage over his tweets, more people see his tweets and decide upon their value on their own, media ratings drop.

Public-relations judo at its finest, and they are too stupid to realize it.

Mr Trump does not need them in order to get his message out. He has proven that time after time. Their unwitting help is likely appreciated, however.

People underestimated him, and continue to do so. People misrepresented him, and continue to do so. People failed to understand him, and continue to do so.

They did, and still do, all of those things with his supporters as well.

He beat the Republican establishment and the media, and won the Republican nomination.

He beat the deeply-flawed yet "guaranteed" Democrat nominee and the media - all of the "smart" ones - and won the Presidency, and gained Senate, House, and Gubernatorial seats as well.


Wrong and Wronger

by Mark Steyn  Jan 25, 2017 at 8:49 am

On the latest edition of The Mark Steyn Show, I begin with The New York Times' and other media's lack of self-awareness about how they got everything wrong these last eighteen months. If I were in their position, I think I'd pause before charging straight ahead and getting the post-election period as wrong as the pre-election. But apparently not.


And, if I'd been as wrong as The New York Times et al were about this race until approximately 10.30pm Eastern on election night, I'd be very wary of blundering through Trump's first hundred days with the same indestructible tunnel vision.
Loachman said:
I almost never had the luxury of climbing higher than mid-double-digit feet above ground while engaged in recce operations, the exception being mountainous regions such as northern Norway. We had to become good at estimating and interpreting what we saw and did not see (often just as important) from where we could operate with a reasonable measure of survivability.

The intent behind posting the gigapixel photograph was not to provide an accurate assessment of the size of the crowd, but to prove that the earlier "comparison" photograph was intentionally deceptive, as it indeed was. It is quite clear from the gigapixel image that the empty spaces in the comparison photograph were actually filled with people. It was shot from an adequate angle for the purpose of exposing and proving a media deception.

And that in a city where Mr Trump received, I believe, only 4% of the vote - no surprise, then, that a winning bi-racial Democrat would attract a large turnout in a heavily Democrat-leaning city with a large black population. A larger portion of Mr Trump's supporters are also likely gainfully employed and had commitments elsewhere, as well. Many people showed up just-in-time for the ceremony rather than stand around in cold and damp weather, ie after the deceptive comparison photograph was taken.

Precise crowd comparison is immaterial, as far as I am concerned, anyway. Both were large enough. The press, however, intentionally chose to misrepresent the comparison.

It is that continuing bias that is irksome. It benefits nobody, especially those "news" outlets who are constantly caught in their own lies, yet wonder why their ratings continue to drop. Honest coverage might, perhaps, at least slow that slide, but they seem strangely immune to trying that.

They fib, he tweets, they spew their outrage over his tweets, more people see his tweets and decide upon their value on their own, media ratings drop.

Public-relations judo at its finest, and they are too stupid to realize it.

Mr Trump does not need them in order to get his message out. He has proven that time after time. Their unwitting help is likely appreciated, however.

People underestimated him, and continue to do so. People misrepresented him, and continue to do so. People failed to understand him, and continue to do so.

They did, and still do, all of those things with his supporters as well.

He beat the Republican establishment and the media, and won the Republican nomination.

He beat the deeply-flawed yet "guaranteed" Democrat nominee and the media - all of the "smart" ones - and won the Presidency, and gained Senate, House, and Gubernatorial seats as well.


Wrong and Wronger

by Mark Steyn  Jan 25, 2017 at 8:49 am

On the latest edition of The Mark Steyn Show, I begin with The New York Times' and other media's lack of self-awareness about how they got everything wrong these last eighteen months. If I were in their position, I think I'd pause before charging straight ahead and getting the post-election period as wrong as the pre-election. But apparently not.


And, if I'd been as wrong as The New York Times et al were about this race until approximately 10.30pm Eastern on election night, I'd be very wary of blundering through Trump's first hundred days with the same indestructible tunnel vision.

When all this came out I saw two different photos, although identical, one had more people in those white spaces, although spread apart more then arms length, and believed it was taken later.

Guess the morale of this…in the words of Edgar Allan Poe: 'Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.'


Oldgateboatdriver said:
Not really, Lightguns.

Maybe I didn't make my point clearly enough.

Yes, all politicians want to be liked (not "loved") and wish to get elected/re-elected.

But that is different from the Hollywood stars need (a need as basic to them as food and water) to be loved, even adulated, and be the top of the ratings - the ultimate star.

Politicians want to be liked (as I said earlier), but once elected, they are not seeking the comfort of being the best, the top, the most loved politician ever, and they do not seek, after winning, to be more loved or judge their own self-worth by seeking to garner more votes than other politicians who lost, nor do they seek endlessly to beat other allegedly more popular politicians than they in popularity on an ongoing basis. That's narcissism, and while they all have some in them, it's when you get past a certain degree that it becomes an illness. And I believe that Trump has it, and Trudeau to a lesser degree but still too high a degree.

Maybe we could all sing a few verses of this:

It seems that a lot of the executive actions so far have been at best window dressing. And in a few cases it appears that they failed to take into consideration the law of unintended consequences. His order for a hiring freeze in the federal govenment is already creating heat from the veterans community due to the problem of hundereds of positions that need to be filled in order to bring the services up to a level that works. And the VA has already pushed back declaring itself exempt from the order.


His order expanding the US Military is window dressing. Only Congress can do that as the funding must go through them. And with the mood of the tea party caucus, I doubt that they will allow an increase in spending without matching cuts. They won't stand for an increase in the deficit or the debt.


The border wall is the same thing. There is already a law passed by W. Bush that sets out funding to construct a border fence, which will essentially be part of Trump's Great Wall of 'Merica. And further funding will have to go through Congress. (See previous point). Because we all know that Mexico isn't paying for that F'n wall. An US tax payers won't stand for being scammed into paying for something they were told would be paid by Mexico.


The order to agencies to waive parts of the ACA requirements is foolhardy. Even the GOP congrss is running with their heads in their butts now that they have come to the realization that repeal and replace comes with a big political price tag, and they are the ones who will be footing the bill.


Again, Trumps need to be seen as delivering on his promises, and in return get the admiration he feels he is owed has overiden sensible policy development. Just as the majority of his appointments are a reward for loyalty of his benefactors during the election, this too is a case of ego stroking.
Perhaps signalling Commander's Intent?

Thereby setting the tone and direction while releasing staff to focus activities.
And you are quoting the Washington Post cupper? Hardly an unbiased source. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, purchased the WP for 250 million cash to push his liberal views.

What you posted could be possibly true, but sole sourcing the WP to form an opinion is like situating the estimate.

Should the Democratic party's total destruction in the entire country this past election be covered in this thread? What about their desperate attempts to find a new leader. This should make for some entertaining memes.
>140 words and the press goes haring off into the woods.

Yep.  There is only so much information people can absorb in one news cycle.  Trump puts a lot less effort into baiting or counter-baiting his detractors (and it doesn't matter whether it's deliberate or just a personality flaw) than they do in generating copy to refute, rebut, and ridicule him.

Whether you believe he, personally, is accomplishing anything of real importance is beside the point - every hour spent fact-checking Trump and composing laundry lists of how little he, personally, is doing or how little it matters, is an hour not spent making any arguments or criticisms about anything else being done by his administration, in Congress, or at the state level.
Chris Pook said:
Perhaps signalling Commander's Intent?

Thereby setting the tone and direction while releasing staff to focus activities.
If that's the case, there seems to be pretty swift & specific implementation as "staff ... focus activities" - as well as some collateral damage as the kinks get worked out ...
A heroic Iraqi man who worked as a U.S. Army translator in his homeland was released Saturday after his detention at JFK Airport under President Trump’s arriving refugee ban.

A second Iraqi national remained in the custody of federal officials as lawyers filed a federal writ of habeus corpus seeking his immediate release.

Both men were taken into custody Friday in the hours after Trump signed his executive order barring refugees from entering the United States.

Hameed Khalid Darweesh was turned loose after U.S. Reps. Jerry Nadler and Nydia Valazquez went to the Queens airport to meet with the detained man ...
Also, this from FOX News (assuming we can trust it these days, right?):
... “Iraqis are the largest victims of terrorism and now we are paying double the price,” one high-ranking general in the Iraqi Army, who requested anonymity as he is not authorized to speak to the media, told Fox News. “This has caused massive disappointment in the hearts of every Iraqi who is fighting radicalism.”

Another Iraqi with close ties to the Iraqi Forces Intelligence community said the proposed ban symbolically sends a message that “their lives are cheap.” Others conveyed fear given that they have been waiting in-line for resettlement for years – their lives under militia threat for their American associations – only to now be told that they may not make it out.

“We invaded Iraq and displaced people. We have since relied on Iraqis as partners to fight against ISIS. If we don’t want to deploy thousands of troops to fight these terrorist groups, then we rely on partners in Iraq and elsewhere,” Clinton Watts, a fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Program on the Middle East, said. “This policy sends a very negative message to countries where we will need indigenous support from translators and peacekeepers.” ...
Rifleman62 said:
What you posted could be possibly true, but sole sourcing the WP to form an opinion is like situating the estimate.
And if that's the case, I have to ask again:  is there anything stopping you from posting something showing the contrary, or at least a different view/take?  Attack the source all you want, but don't be shy about rebutting with sources of your own, too.
Just watched a really good documentary on the Brit rock band 'The Who' and thought how apt they're 1971 song 'Won't Get Fooled Again' is these days. (Lyrics courtesy of Google Play Music):

We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again

The change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that's all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again, no, no

I'll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
Though I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do ya?


There's nothing in the streets
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again, no no

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

Performance here for those that can't remember the tune (or for that matter have no idea who 'The Who' are): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgubG-MOPT4

Jarnhamar said:
Dow Jones breaks 20,000 for first time ever and global stocks hit 19-month high as markets reignite 'Trump rally'

Cograts. You could probable outspin Kelly Anne Conway.


Dow close on 30 Dec 2016: 19,762 down 57

Dow close on 19 Jan 2017: 19,742 down 61

Dow close on 20 Jan 2017: 19,827 up 94

Dow close on 25 Jan 2017: 20,007 up 162

Trump should really be congratulated for turning the economy around with that big 265 point gain during his first 5 days.  ::)

So, lets look at how things went over the previous 8 years.


An almost 13,000 point gain. Trump needs to have the Dow gain another 12,700 points to be able to claim rights to say he is the great economic drive he wants to be.


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FJAG said:
Just watched a really good documentary on the Brit rock band 'The Who' and thought how apt they're 1971 song 'Won't Get Fooled Again' is these days. (Lyrics courtesy of Google Play Music):

Performance here for those that can't remember the tune (or for that matter have no idea who 'The Who' are): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgubG-MOPT4


This also captures the mood of some here south of the border.


Chris Pook said:
140 words and the press goes haring off into the woods.

Meanwhile he approves oil pipelines, walls, bars muslims (temporarily), bans abortion counselling......

It's not just the press. It's foreign governments, large corporations, the stock markets.

Trump needs to learn that as POTUS, words matter just as much as or even more than actions.
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