ArmyRick Veteran
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Rangers have a uniform and kit that is functional to them. If Rangers really wanted a DEU, they would probably ask for it by now. The rangers I have met would never want to bother with a DEU.The can of worms is now open.
Well, the Rangers are also a sub-component of the reserve force and have their own distinct uniform. Like Rangers, CIC members don't need to meet universality of service requirements and can't be called into active service, unlike members of the RegF and Primary Reserve.
Cadets themselves already have a distinct uniform, which they continue to wear when employed as staff cadets for summer training... What is the benefit of having CIC officers wear different uniforms than those they are responsible for training/leading? Arguably, wearing the cadet uniforms, rather than the regular CAF ones, would make CIC more similar to the other components of the CAF. It'd also probably cost less money and simplify supply to cadet units in remote areas.
The merits of CIC holding a commission to be in charge of children, who have no obligation to follow their orders, is a whole other discussion not relevant to uniforms but that may be worth having... Why give CIC command authority and pay them a captain's salary when they do not have comparable educational prerequisites, medical or physical standards, training, or service obligations of officers in the RegF or PRes? Again, the Rangers are also members of the CAF and do not have commissioned officers (aside from those RegF members posted in support roles), and they go on armed patrols.
The CIC and COATS (I nearly transferred to COATS as a WO, and would simply wear my last regiment's identity) wear DEU and operational dress depending on on their duties. They have been doing so since before I was born. So why make a pointless change now? Because you don't like them? Go pound salt, dude.
No can of worms to open except by people like you. The last job I had before I released was training CIC officers on their basic and I worked with an excellent CWO Eli Aucoin (MP Branch). The CIC have their mission statement and they have a job to do, get the fuck over it. All in all, I was rather impressed with the mostly professional officers. Guess what? I have met unprofessional losers in both the Reg force and P Res, so its not unique to CIC. Their job is a greatly under appreciated and undervalued job, to develop, mentor and foster youth into responsible people. And the majority do an excellent job.
Nope, I stand in full opposition against your narrowed view.