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US Election: 2016

cupper said:
And as Comey points out to Hurd, in the 100 year history of that piece of law, only once was it ever used to prosecute anyone.

There are multiple laws that were broken, and just upthread there is a prime example of what happens to one of the hoi poli when they do the same thing: http://army.ca/forums/threads/108210/post-1443582.html#msg1443582

The open breakdown of the Rule of Law in the United States is a terrifying thing to behold, and no one either has a plan to reinstitute the Rule of Law nor are prepared for the inevitable consequences of failing to do so.
And now Wikileaks enters the fray:  http://fortune.com/2016/07/05/wikileaks-hillary-clinton-emails/

WikiLeaks Published Over 1,200 of Hillary Clinton's Iraq War Emails

by  Valentina Zarya  @valzarya  JULY 5, 2016, 3:36 PM EDT

Just in time for the FBI’s official EmailGate recommendation
It just got much easier to read Hillary Clinton’s emails.

On Monday, whistleblowing website WikiLeaks tweeted a link to 1,258 emails that it claims were sent and received by the former Secretary of State pertaining to the war in Iraq.

The emails were part of a trove of 30,322 emails made available by the U.S. State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request, according to WikiLeaks.

While the emails were available since February of this year, the tweet was timed to Wednesday’s release of the so-called Chilcot report, which will outline the U.K.’s involvement in the Iraq war. According to the New York Times, the report “is likely to be the definitive assessment of a conflict that is widely seen in Britain as the worst foreign policy blunder since the 1956 Suez crisis.”

The release also coincided with an announcement made Tuesday by FBI director James Comey FBI Director James Comey that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a criminal case against Hillary Clinton and that the organization found “no intentional misconduct.”

“Although there is evidence of potential violations, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said in a press statement.“We are expressing to [the] Justice [department] our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.”

The Justice department will now make the final decision as to whether to bring charges against Clinton for using a personal email server during her time as Secretary of State. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said that she expects to follow the FBI’s recommendation.

More on LINK to Fortune.

More from the Independent in the UK:  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/wikileaks-publishes-more-than-1000-hillary-clinton-war-emails-a7120011.html

Not hacked, eh?
George Wallace said:
And now Wikileaks enters the fray:  http://fortune.com/2016/07/05/wikileaks-hillary-clinton-emails/

More on LINK to Fortune.

Not hacked, eh?

Whether Mrs. Clinton's basement server was hacked or not doesn't play a part in the availability of the emails referred to in the article since it was the US government that provided them (openly and according to law).

The emails were part of a trove of 30,322 emails made available by the U.S. State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request, according to WikiLeaks.
Blackadder1916 said:
Whether Mrs. Clinton's basement server was hacked or not doesn't play a part in the availability of the emails referred to in the article since it was the US government that provided them (openly and according to law).
Way to make it all unsexy now ...
milnews.ca said:
Way to make it all unsexy now ...

The server was against the law.Classified information on a non governmental server is another violation.Then we have lying to Congress is a whole new problem.Lying to the FBI is a felony,but the FBI chose to ignore it.A Republican administration can chose to prosecute her if the Donald is elected.I wouldnt trust the woman plain and simple.
I should have been clearer:  the unsexy part was how Wikileaks - gasp - shared documents "made available by the U.S. State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request".
I'm not saying she doesn't deserve the crap that she's getting over this. Yes she lied in the public square. Yes she felt she deserved special treatment and made stupid decisions due to her arrogance and her paranoia over the so-called right wing conspiracy.

But the only reason this is an issue is because she is running for President, and the GOP did a crapassed job of selecting a nominee that has little or no chance of winning the general election.

So rather try and do something about making their nominee electable, they are pushing an agenda to make her unelectable, but they get stymied at every step. And their nominee just keeps blowing every chance he's given to score points and gain support.

Personally I'm glad I can't vote, because I really cannot see either one deserving to be in office. Sometime the lesser of two evils still isn't the best choice.
cupper said:
But the only reason this is an issue is because she is running for President, and the GOP did a crapassed job of selecting a nominee that has little or no chance of winning the general election.

Actually, I think it was an issue prior to her submitting her name.  I could be wrong, but there are a lot of different reasons on a long list of problems with her, and they date back a few years.
George Wallace said:
Actually, I think it was an issue prior to her submitting her name.  I could be wrong, but there are a lot of different reasons on a long list of problems with her, and they date back a few years.

I don't disagree George. But everyone knew thay she was going to run in 2016, going back to her conceding the nomination in 2008. The GOP made it a point at every turn, even used it when criticizing Obama. Which is why we've been treated to the spectical of multiple investigations of Benghazi, all of which came up with the conclusion that there was no there there. And the constant banging of the drum on the email issue.

The one thing you cannot deny is that Clinton is the most experienced and qualified of any of the people that threw their hats into the ring. But at the same time she carries so much baggage she really should not be in the race.

Comey did her no favors by eviserating all of her arguments and excuses, and leveling the criticism he did. And thanks to the bumbling orange skinned freak they nominated, the GOP lost any advantage the should have had on this matter. And calling an "emergency" hearing to grandstand in front of the media as they did only compounded the issue. If they had left it to a rational and astute nominee, this would have been prime fodder. But they gave Comey the opportunity to rebut their biased opinions and rehtoric, blunting the sword they were handed. Meanwhile the nominee rants about Saddam Hussein being a great guy when it comes to dealing with terrorism, overlooking the fact that every thing he did would violate every clause in the Constitution and rule of law. He rants about symbolism of a star, while doubling down on an anti semetic retweet. And for bonus points we learned he hates mosquitos.
The problem is that when the rule of law is inconsistent and baldly political, the trust that is required to make pluralistic societies work further disintegrates.  Except for the difference between "extremely careless" and "grossly negligent" (I haven't found an explanation of the distinction yet), Clinton should be answering in court to a felony charge.  All the other particulars of the charge are there.
Who doesn't hate mosquitoes??  Common ground, common ground.  :nod:
Perhaps it's good that she'll be judged in a public forum instead of the courts. At least if it was held in court, either way, guilty or not, that's the end of it.

Now it won't ever go away and it'll get worse with every telling. By the election, only her most fervent zombies will vote for her.

Her record could be summed up by the two classic old statements that supposedly appeared on officers' PERs:

a. [Mrs Clinton] never makes the same mistake twice, however she has made all of them once; and

b. [The public] will follow [Mrs Clinton] anywhere, if for no other reason than to see what she is going to do next.
One of the things I can't get my head around with her is this:

If you believe that there is the vast right wing conspiracy against you and your husband, why do you keep giveing them things to help the cause?

If someone keeps threatening to shoot you, you don't keep giving them bullets for the gun.
Brad Sallows said:
>most experienced and qualified

On what basis?  She was never a state governor.

True, but of the governors that ran for the GOP nomination served as a member of congress AND Secretary of State?

She has the most experience and exposure to how things really work at the presidental level. Jeb Bush may have had some exposure to it, but not to the level that Clinton had. The same with her time in the Senate giving the experience of how Congress really functions, not as it is supposed to work. And no one has the foreign policy experience.

But having said all that, her baggage makes it difficult, if not impossible to allow her to be effective should she be elected.

As I said previouslt, this is a choice of the lesser evil. But if all you have to save a drowning man is an anchor or a rock, is that really a choice?
Service != achievement; appointment != accomplishment; experience != competence.

6 years in Senate; 4 as SoS.  Generally I expect a competent, accomplished, high-achieving person to complete two or more major useful initiatives a year.

So what, over those 10 years, did Clinton do that was noteworthy and usefully advanced the interests of the US in particular and/or the world community in general?

My view is that she rides her husband's coat-tails and is just another connected mediocre pol.  Without Bill and the doors he opens, she'd be nothing.
Brad Sallows said:
My view is that she rides her husband's coat-tails and is just another connected mediocre pol.  Without Bill and the doors he opens, she'd be nothing.

EXACTLY!  :salute:

And so far in the campaign he's shown himself to be as big a liability as Trump is for the GOP.
You don't need experience to be elected, look at Trudeau.
Australian comedian Jim Jefferies has an excellent take on Trump in his new standup special.

Warning NSFW.
