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US Election: 2016

Even the dead are being reregistered to vote by at least one Democrat. :D


More on the Great White Whale.


STRANGERS IN OUR OWN LAND: The non-citizen voter fraud disaster.

Daniel Horowitz writes:

According to Pew, there were over 1 million immigrants in Virginia as of 2014. In 2013, according to the Census, the number of non-citizens in the state was 427,535, but given the fast pace of new immigration to the region, that number has likely grown. If a random sampling from just eight counties showed over 1,000 non-citizens registered to vote, one can easily speculate that thousands more are registered statewide.

This random sampling on non-citizens voting dovetails well with a 2014 study from three prominent political scientists who found that up to 6.4% of all non-citizens participated in the 2008 elections and up to 14.7% voted. Given the population of non-citizens in the state, that is potentially a very impactful number for any close election.

It’s probably nothing. I keep reading that voter fraud is a myth.

and two other headlines:

UNPOSSIBLE! I’VE BEEN ASSURED THAT VOTER FRAUD IS A MYTH. Indiana State Police said on Thursday that they have expanded an investigation of possible voter registration fraud to 57 of the state’s 92 counties.

UPDATE: Report: Democrats And Unions Paying People To Vote In Illinois.

Funny how you get reporting like this from so many different places yet voter fraud is still somehow a myth...The only thing which is really true is voter fraud is rarely prosecuted, which raises another set of questions.
"Vote fraud is a myth" is just a political posture.  It should not be difficult to understand why it's attractive to the people who bleat it, but it's naive.  It is simply the belief that absence of convictions is proof of absence of wrongdoing.
Voter Fraud a Myth?

I don't think so. http://americanmilitarynews.com/2014/09/breaking-connecticut-democratic-lawmaker-arrested-for-voting-19-times/  ::)

Results - http://m.ctpost.com/news/article/Ayala-gets-suspended-sentence-for-election-fraud-6529496.php
Robert DeNiro on the election,
Interesting article.  If even have these accusations are accurate then the next us president is going to be a real psychopath.

Jarnhamar said:
Interesting article.  If even have these accusations are accurate then the next us president is going to be a real psychopath.


People see and hear this type of thing  and yet are outraged when a high profile person says it,albeit 11 years earlier.Bill Clinton did that and worse but there is no outcry from the left and #nevertrumpers.In Hillaries emails she denigrated monorities and even Sanders supporters.Frankly he could run around the White House naked and I will still vote for him.
tomahawk6 said:
Frankly he could run around the White House naked and I will still vote for him.



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Trump supporter declares the reason is he doesn't want to be played anymore. Frankly, this attitude ties back to the impulse which brought Trump to the nomination, Bernie Sanders to be such a strong contender in the Dem primaries, the Brexit and the rise of Nationalist parties in Europe: a huge middle finger to the establishment which seeks to run our lives, makes us pay for their obsessions (and mistakes) but lives insulated from the effects of their policies:


I double down and re-endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States! SEVERAL UPDATES
October 8, 2016 Datechguy

Mr. Grenville: There is a small matter of you misinforming her in regard to your intellectual aptitude it might better for Miss Romana (I) to be appraised as to the extent of your family’s property before she learned of the deception.

Reginald Basset: Of course she might not mind being manacled to a chap who was mentally negligible once she’s seen the size of his country estate!

Mr. Grenville: I have observed that this is often to be the case with young ladies sir.

Doctor Who the Auntie Matter 2012

I woke up Saturday morning to the breathless headline that Ladd Ehlinger’s predictions concerning opposition research concerning Donald Trump had come true as per this headline:  Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005.

I suspect the specific phrase that has made folks like Paul Ryan cut and run is this as quoted by Allahpundit:

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p—y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Stacy McCain has declared this game over

This election is over. Write “–30–” at the bottom and file it.

and Allahpundit says this:

If Clinton can’t win the election after this, she was never going to win the election, period.

And in any standard election year with any standard pol as the standard bearer of a party this would be true.

However there are two basic reasons why this isn’t necessarily true

this is not a normal election year and Trump is not a normal candidate.

His Opponent is Hillary Clinton.

Now I concede this is bad, not only in terms of what was said but what it implies.  I strongly disapprove of it as I suspect many others like me do.

And that’s why I’ve chosen this moment, Catholic Blogger that I am, to double down and re-endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States!

Why would I do this?  Quite simple, I’m not going to let myself be played.  Let me explain.

To those who have endorsed Donald Trump, the idea that he is both boastful and vulgar has been a given, it has been factored into the equation concerning him.  Furthermore his public persona has been out there for decades and he has never pretended to be anything other than what he is.  I further suspect the voting public has already factored this into their image of Trump and it is unlikely that this revelation is going to move those who haven’t made up their minds one way or the other despite the shocked faces at CNN.

Furthermore the base reasons why many of us decided to endorse Trump have not changed:

…I know that there will be times that Donald Trump will disappointment me just as I expected Mitt Romney to disappoint men on social issues and John McCain to disappoint me on immigration and George W Bush who disappointed me on spending and the bank bailouts.

But while Trump will occasionally disappoint me (when he does I’ll call him on it) I am convinced he will neither persecute me nor strip me of my rights for holding my Conservative Catholic beliefs and acting on them.

I am very sorry to say I can not make that same statement about Hillary Clinton, and I’m even sorrier to see the day when I would say this about a presidential candidate.

Nothing on that tape changes these truths.  Clinton is going to persecute me, Trump is not.

Furthermore in terms of electability there is one thing that still favors Donald Trump,  Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is the worst candidate for any office that I have seen since Martha Coakley.  There is nothing at all likable about her.  She is disliked and distrusted by the public by huge numbers, including many of those who will eventually vote for her.

Moreover the factor that I mentioned in my Trump endorsement still remains the same

I think that the sight of women and gay men being beaten by leftists because they support the presumptive GOP nominee, having it happen in full sight of police ordered to do nothing AND SEEING THOSE OFFICERS CHOOSING TO LET THEM BE BEATEN means that they can not count on the authorities to obey their oaths of office if they think doing so might cost them their jobs.

Even worse than this is the obvious question it raises: If leftists are willing to resort to violence and boast about it before an election when it might hurt their ability to persuade the people to vote for them, how much more willing will they be to violently suppress their political foes when such behavior is rewarded with electoral victory by the people?

What will that tell a populace that has already been arming itself nonstop for the last 4-6 years?

And that not even counting the basic corruption, the wholesale theft, the selling of the office of the President of the United States and the enabling of both islamic terror and our enemies in Russia, Iran, North Korea and China that will take place and the subsequent nuclear arms race that will follow.

There is also the whole business of Trump’s words vs the Clinton’s actions, my post from August really applies well here: (new emphasis here)

Our friends in the press and in culture say we should judge Donald Trump unacceptable by his words. They don’t like what he’s said about the border, about Rosie O’Donnell, about Kahn, about Islamic Terror etc etc etc. By these words in their eyes Donald Trump is unacceptable as president of the united states

These same people however do not want us to Judge Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama by their deeds. From paying ransoms that finance terror to Iran for hostages (It’s not really ransom), for exposing classified data to the russians and lying directly about it repeatedly, Hillary Clinton actually left people to die in Benghazi, actually blamed a video for it, actually imprisoned the person who made said video.

Clinton’s actual policies turned victory in Iraq into defeat, Syria into a mess, created ISIS, destabilized Libya, enabled Russia in the Ukraine and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

And that’s not even going into using the Clinton foundation for payola or protecting Bill Clinton from the consequences of his actions when it comes to sexually abusing women.

That also gives a clue as to how Trump should deal with this business, but that for a follow up post.

Those two factors along American’s uncertainty in the Obama economy  mean that this tape notwithstanding this race isn’t over and anyone who thinks it is hasn’t been paying attention for the last year.

Closing thoughts:

The irony of course is the truth of Trump’s statement. There is nothing that increases a person of the opposite sex’s tolerance for bad behavior, mediocre looks, advanced age or disgusting habits as wealth power and fame.  It’s the equivalent of beer goggles and has culturally acknowledged as a factor in woman’s selection of a mate since time immemorial.

This release isn’t about convincing the general public that Trump is unacceptable.  If this was the American Culture that I grew up in then Stacy McCain would be absolutely correct, however it not.  Thanks to the ceaseless efforts of the left and the media we no longer have the culture that I grew up with that would have rejected Trump en masse over these remarks.  We have a coarser, more vulgar culture where right and wrong are flexible things and standards are not what they are.  One might even say that the left has enabled the conditions that will allow Trump to get past this with minor if any damage to his prospects.

No this is about convincing those who still have to values to allow the election of someone who not only is directly opposed to all you hold dear but will persecute you on every level.  This is about tricking you into letting go of your one chance to stop your own destruction.  They want you to lose your nerve. Furthermore they want the GOP to lose their nerve and the press will do all they can do enable it.

In other words they are counting on you to be suckers.

I’m still voting Trump and I’m still encouraging you to keep your nerve and do the same.

Update:  It’s clear that many in the GOP are cutting and running in public and urging Trump to pull out of the race, that is sheer idiocy is self evident for three reasons.

No matter how much you dislike what Trump said on that tape, he won the primaries.  He was legally and legitimately chosen as the nominee of the GOP.  Unless he drops dead or has a stroke or something it would be an illegitimate act to replace him on the ticket, particularly with someone, however qualified, who did not draw a single vote in the primaries.

No matter how much you dislike the Trump voters, if you are a GOP incumbent or candidate in any state or country but the most red, you will need their votes to win an election.  Going after Trump is not going to win you any liberal leaning voters and is going to cost you conservative ones, you would be much better off saying something like this

“I am happy to accept Donald Trump’s apology to America’s women for his intemperate private remarks on that tape and in that same spirit I invite [insert opponent’s name here] to demand that Secretary Clinton apolgize to American people, to america’s women to the woman abused by her Husband and defamed by the Clintons and their surrogates for political gain.”

Finally do you really think the Democrats are going to allow Trump to be replaced on the ballot at this stage?  There will be lawsuits in 50 states challenging any attempt to pull him and the Bob Torricelli precedent notwithstanding you aren’t going to see a judiciary upholding such a move.

Update 3:  For the 2nd time since deciding to support Trump after he clinched the GOP nomination a person I know and respect has asked to be pulled from my email list because of a post.  That’s their right of course and I’ll respect it but I suggest rejecting my opinion is not going to make reality any better for conservatives, particularly under a Clinton administration.

Update 4: I respect Jonah Goldberg whose point is valid:

Either way, this video is not an aberration. It is not a special circumstance. It’s him. There’s no pivot in him. There’s no “presidential” switch to flip. He’s Donald Trump all the way down.

However given the reality that either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States I ask Jonah this question:

If we concede that Donald Trump’s character is bad, Would it be better for the country to have a President of poor character who will be under intense scrutiny by the press, pols and law enforcement agencies (Trump) or to have a President of poor character who will be given a pass and or defended by the press, the pols and apparently the FBI regardless of what they say or do (Hillary).

I submit and suggest the answer is clearly the former.

Update 5: instalanche thanks Glenn. If you like this piece check out my interviews with attendees of a Trump rally in Bedford NH here, but I have to disagree with the word use of “Happy” it’s more like necessary.

Right now a lot of people are forgetting that for good or I’ll the only thing standing between us and the financial, military, security, cultural and constitutional rights disaster that a Hillary Clinton administration would be is Donald Trump.

People are in panic and when the line is breaking someone has to pick up the flag and shout “FORWARD”. And if it costs some me some readers then so be it.
The media is pulling out all the stops to derail Trump.They illegally posted his tax returns.Now they somehow got video of a groping incident 11 years ago.On the flip side Assange is releasing hacked Hillary emails that are pretty damaging,except the media is ignoring them or at least trying to.I suspect tonights debate will be a lively affair that will be short on civility.
Even without the recent leaks,  I expect the debate wouldn't be civil for long.
Trump the womanizer vs crooked Clinton.  The worst of Trump is far less than the worst of Clinton.  Clinton was government when she did all those corrupt and illegal things.

Easy choice.  Probably be a yuge win too.
Interesting how they can find a phone conversation between two guys about a vagina 10 years ago but not 33'000 deleted emails with government information or trillions of missing dollars.  Canada should be fortifying the border to the south.

Jarnhamar said:
Interesting how they can find a phone conversation between two guys about a vagina 10 years ago but not 33'000 deleted emails with government information or trillions of missiong dollars.  Canada should be fortifying the boarder to the south.

Atrocious spelling, but yeah, very interesting.  I can't see any of the paid off Mainstream media point this fact out though.
Jarnhamar said:
Interesting how they can find a phone conversation between two guys about a vagina 10 years ago but not 33'000 deleted emails with government information or trillions of missing dollars.  Canada should be fortifying the border to the south.


Yup.  Trump caught talking about it.  Bill caught doing it. 
QV said:
Trump the womanizer vs crooked Clinton.  The worst of Trump is far less than the worst of Clinton.  Clinton was government when she did all those corrupt and illegal things.

Easy choice.  Probably be a yuge win too.
It isn't like he would be the first president  who acted like this. A least he wouldn't be preaching family values while he did it.
We elected Sir John A. with a whisky glass in his hand on a regular basis.
The Yanks elected Ulysses S. Grant who was also partial to his tipple.
King Edward VII, besotted with actresses and shooting parties, was one of the most popular royals ever.

Hard to account for tastes.

By the way, the Brits also preferred King Charles and his mistresses over Cromwell and his puritans.
PPCLI Guy said:
The fucking difference is consent.  Ferchrissakes.

Did Bill get consent every time before he actually committed his acts? Did Hillary get consent from his prey before doing her level best to shut them up and ruin them?

Mr Trump merely engaged in crude speech, as far as we can tell.

Any crimes that he may or may not have committed - and the Democrats seem pretty desperate by their lame attempts to pin something, anything on him - pale in comparison to what those two have perpetrated over many years.