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US Election: 2016

Jarnhamar said:
As far as being a POS goes,  who do you think is worse,  Clinton or Trump?  I can't help but get the feeling you  feel they're  on the same page.  Maybe I'm wrong though?

Secondly who do you think would be a better president out of the two?

1. I think Trump is a bigger POS. He has zero actual ideas that are worth wasting any intellectual efforts on. He's horribly out of his depth and has continually proven himself to be a walking piece of fecal matter. Hillary is bad, but Trump is far far worse.

2. Clinton, hands down. Trump wouldn't make a good president because he doesn't offer any policy positions that add anything to the national or international discussions, has the mental capacity of a 5 year old, and doesn't have an ounce of diplomacy in him.

America is the greatest power in the history of the world. They haven't achieved this by accident but rather by the work of strong internationalists (even in their isolation days, which tbh weren't all that isolated) and economic experts who were able to work the system to America's advantage.  Brilliant statesmen drove America to it's current position. Thinking of a walking, talking, piece of human excrement like Trump follow in those, far far far superior to his, footsteps is almost depressing.
I'm really blown away by your answer and perspective BG but appreciate you answering thanks.

I have not seen or heard of any evidence of Trump being crooked or corrupt.  There very might well be, and if so I'm sure the DNC is working feverishly to uncover it.  But if the best they have are some lude remarks they are in trouble.  The guy established a multi billion dollar company which would be a clue he has both leadership and people skills in abundance.  If all you hear is "build the wall" then you are not listening as the policy point to that is getting control of illegal immigration.

Clinton is a disaster.  If you have payed any attention to the congressional hearings involving everything from IRS, Benghazi, whatever, you should be horrified at the level of corruption in many of the American institutions most importantly the FBI and DOJ.  If I were American I would take my chances with Trump because the corruption goes so far the only way to fix it is to vote them out.   

Couldn't agree more. The laundry list of movie villain level shit Clinton has done and got away with in which people seem so oblivious to is just wild.

The US really is a reality TV show.
QV said:

I have not seen or heard of any evidence of Trump being crooked or corrupt.  There very might well be, and if so I'm sure the DNC is working feverishly to uncover it.  But if the best they have are some lude remarks they are in trouble.  The guy established a multi billion dollar company which would be a clue he has both leadership and people skills in abundance.  If all you hear is "build the wall" then you are not listening as the policy point to that is getting control of illegal immigration. 

Clinton is a disaster.  If you have payed any attention to the congressional hearings involving everything from IRS, Benghazi, whatever, you should be horrified at the level of corruption in many of the American institutions most importantly the FBI and DOJ.  If I were American I would take my chances with Trump because the corruption goes so far the only way to fix it is to vote them out. 

Here's a link to a video for you to watch.


Trump's plan wont bring illegal immigration under control. All his wall does is waste money.

I feel Trump is a disaster. I wouldn't trust him to walk a dog let alone run a country. Clinton isn't much better, but she's better. Trump would be the worst thing to happen to the US and would easily be one of their worst presidents. Luckily he's not going to win, so no need to worry about it. Trump will soon be a footnote and a case study for university Poli-sci classes. Perhaps his ridiculous "Make America Great Again" hats can make a nice exhibit for those classes. The possibilities!!!
Jarnhamar said:
I'm really blown away by your answer and perspective BG but appreciate you answering thanks.

Couldn't agree more. The laundry list of movie villain level crap Clinton has done and got away with in which people seem so oblivious to is just wild.

The US really is a reality TV show.

Sorry that myself, 47% of Americans, and the majority of Canadians don't agree with your position.

Did you actually watch the video? I doubt it, and if you did I'm sure it's media bias and the establishment lying.

Both aren't good people. Clinton's political positions make more sense and are based in rational thought. Trump's positions generally are just whatever pops into his brain that day. INtellectually there's no challenge. Trump is a fool
Some criminal activity comparisons.

Technoviking said:
... The DNC and GOP elites don't get it; people are sick of the status quo.  This is why Mr Sanders and Mr Trump got so much support.  Arguably, Mr Sanders could have won the DNC nomination if the DNC didn't have the super delegates going for Mrs Clinton from the get-go, nor actively work against him ...
:nod:  Which is also the system that helped Trump, going into the nomination in the lead, magnify his lead - that, and none of the other candidates being willing to say, "hey, I'll back any other decent runner for the good of the party, and will stop my own climb up the greasy pole."
No wonder the IAFF refuses to endorse him,

Donald Trump says he knows ‘fire & fire marshals’ as he returns to familiar theme
To say that Trump has leadership experience because he runs a multi billion dollar enterprise (and I'd like to see proof of the actual value) is at best an over estimation of his skill at running a corporate enterprise.

First, Trump is the sole owner and stock holder. He issues edicts to his employees, and if they disagree, they get the boot. He is only beholden to one person, himself. He sets the worst example for his underlings, by stiffing contractors, after lowballing them into a zero margin price. He uses intimidation when they won't buy in to getting ripped off.

At best Trump's leadership style can be considered autocratic. In my opinion it is more like tyrannical dictatorship.

Now if you feel that his leadership experience makes him a better candidate than Clinton, I don't want to live in your world.

The man has no understanding of foreign policy, no understanding of how goverment actually works. No understanding of how the military functions and the roles it plays. No understanding of how immigration policy works. No understanding of how the US justice system works. The tax system. How the three parts of the government function and interplay.

The man thinks that as president he can issue a decree, snap his fingers and it will be carried out with no questionor push back. The first time he butts head with congress will be a disaster. The first time he gets overruled by the Supreme court will be catastrophic.

The dark post apocalyptic world he says currently exists in the big citys will come to pass if the man is elected.
QV said:

I have not seen or heard of any evidence of Trump being crooked or corrupt.  There very might well be, and if so I'm sure the DNC is working feverishly to uncover it.  But if the best they have are some lude remarks they are in trouble.  The guy established a multi billion dollar company which would be a clue he has both leadership and people skills in abundance.  If all you hear is "build the wall" then you are not listening as the policy point to that is getting control of illegal immigration. 

Clinton is a disaster.  If you have payed any attention to the congressional hearings involving everything from IRS, Benghazi, whatever, you should be horrified at the level of corruption in many of the American institutions most importantly the FBI and DOJ.  If I were American I would take my chances with Trump because the corruption goes so far the only way to fix it is to vote them out. 

Just because you haven't seen or heard it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, same as when it snows outside your window doesn't mean that global warming isnt happening.
QV said:
It sure is troubling when there are folks willing to overlook corrupt and criminal behaviour by a person in office because the other one made rude statements. 

However I don't think the majority thinks that way.  Trump will win by a landslide.

Sadly Donald Trump has given everyone other things to talk about.  Anyone else should be wiping the floor with her but he's the gift that keeps giving.  We can all claim media bias, establishment bias, rigged elections and any one of a dozen conspiracies.  He's become ten author of his own demise.  Some people refuse to believe it.  Fine.  He's going to lose.  That still won't stop the anti establishment folks who refuse to see what he really is.  He had a chance to capitalize on that sentiment and completely imploded.  Independents are starting to move towards Clinton, not because they like her. But because they FEAR Trump.  trump may only be words right now but they fear that.  The republicans seem to have conceded now and they are moving to protect what they have left to counter Clinton.  It will likely be a landslide but it will not go the way you think.  He will not get the college votes he needs and I suspect that some may even vote against the will of some states to prevent him from winning. 

You can keep believing that that the majority is behind him but I suspect that they aren't. Not even close anymore.  Those that are are deluding themselves at this point.  A stronger anti establishment candidate would have done well this time but unfortunately the best they came up with was Trump.  You won't see something like this again for generations.  TRump has buried that chance as no one will take that chance again.

I don't like Clinton.  I believe she's corrupt. I don't want to see her as the leader of the free world.  But there is no viable alternative.  Donald Trump is the reason she will win.  I would stay home and hope someone, anyone can beat her in four years from now because no one will beat her this time around. 
Bird_Gunner45 said:
that doesn't mean Trump isn't a buffoon.

Nobody is claiming otherwise.

He has yet, though, to leave four good men to die needlessly in Benghazi and lie about it to bereaved families and the general public.

He has yet, though, to mishandle classified information and go to extreme lengths to cover that up, including wiping out evidence sought in a Congressional subpoena. Any ordinary person would, rightfully, spend decades in jail for doing a fraction of this.

He has yet, though, to personally enrich himself through a personal foundation that received huge donations from foreign interests who, in return, received direct access to Hillary Clinton. Anybody else accepting such "donations" would, rightfully, be up on charges for accepting bribery and would have another few decades added to their sentence.

He has yet, though, to drive vicious attacks on the victims of his spouse's sexual depravities.

He is, by far, the lesser of the evils.

And he is not as stupid as many people think.

Neither was Ronald Reagan, who was also prematurely under-estimated.

And, if he follows though on his promises to clean out Obama/Clintonesque corruption and end illegal immigration - if that is all that he does - then he will have done some real good.

Bird_Gunner45 said:
Trump wouldn't make a good president because he doesn't offer any policy positions that add anything

And Hillary's wonderful policy positions would be?

Even one of Mr Trump's promises - to appoint a special prosecutor to finally bring the Clintons to justice - is superior to anything that Hillary would do.

And Hillary's number one policy position would be to further enrich herself at the expense of the American people.

At the very best, she will continue to run up the national debt (and Obama has managed to more than double it in a mere eight years), further weaken the US economy, further divide the US on racial lines, further weaken the US Armed forces, fail to stand up to real and credible threats, drive even deeper corruption in federal agencies like the FBI, Department of Justice, and Internal Revenue and further turn them into personal tools to use against her opposition.

There are reasons why Mr Trump is packing rallies while Hillary's are poorly attended. People are fed up with a self-serving political elite - Republican and Democrat - that has benefitted its members to their detriment and they see a chance to correct that.

Bird_Gunner45 said:
Thinking of a walking, talking, piece of human excrement like Trump follow in those, far far far superior to his, footsteps is almost depressing.

Thinking of a walking, talking, piece of human excrement like Hillary follow in those, far far far superior to hers, footsteps is really, really, really depressing.

And the only cure for that is an orange jumpsuit in her size.
Loachman said:
... Even one of Mr Trump's promises - to appoint a special prosecutor to finally bring the Clintons to justice - is superior to anything that Hillary would do ...
And it would be efficient, too - he's already declared the findings by saying she'd be in jail if he was president.
It turns out that Speaker Ryan had the audio of Trump leaked via his chief of staff.If Trump wins one of the first casualties may be Speaker Ryan who could be replaced by the Republican caucus,that is if they retain the majority.
Still Report 1254 Gingrich - Clinton Totally Rattled by Having the 4 Women There https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaXboZpUZok

Still Report 1255 Rudy Giuliani - I Could Convict Crooked Hillary on 26 Counts  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdKkHTxy2lQ

Still Report 1256 Frank Luntz - Debate Dials Thru the Roof for Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cSuY-p2Jh4

Undecided voters for Donald J. Trump! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDAaf-HQ75A
Bird_Gunner45 said:
Just because you haven't seen or heard it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, same as when it snows outside your window doesn't mean that global warming isnt happening.

Do you apply this same logic towards the Clinton's?
Loachman said:
He has yet, though, to personally enrich himself through a personal foundation

I'm pretty sure that the Trump Foundation was set up as and is currently b eing used as a slush fund for him to tap into when he needs liquidity.

The IRS has found several examples of Foundation funds being misused, like paying out settlements for cases against his corporate entities. Purchasing personal items that are then claimed to stored for the foundation in prominant display at various Trump properties. He takes a salary from the foundation.

And since 2008 it has been other people's money that has gone into the foundation coffers, and not his own.

And this is only the stuff we know about.

And as for all the other stuff, give him a chance. He hasn't been elected yet.
Loachman said:
Neither was Ronald Reagan, who was also prematurely under-estimated.

At least Regan had experience in government before he was elected to the White House.

Trump.... not so much.
I read a lot on here about leadership. But, in politics, candidates get voted - not promoted.

That takes Likeability.

As The Washington Post put it, "If Mrs. Clinton has a likeability problem, Mr. Trump has a likeability epidemic."


  • quote-the-only-difference-between-the-democrats-and-the-republicans-is-that-the-democrats-allo...jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 94
[quote author=cupper]

First, Trump is the sole owner and stock holder. He issues edicts to his employees, and if they disagree, they get the boot. He is only beholden to one person, himself. He sets the worst example for his underlings, by stiffing contractors, after lowballing them into a zero margin price. He uses intimidation when they won't buy in to getting ripped off.[/quote]

I heard Trump kills their family and erases all evidence of their existence including having local phone books burned where he secretly slides in a Koran here and there. It's true.

Now if you feel that his leadership experience makes him a better candidate than Clinton, I don't want to live in your world.
If your world involves ignoring the world-level illegal activity done by the Clinton empire I'd like wise take a big pass on that.

I wonder what atrocities Hillary would have to commit before her fans would question their loyalty. Maybe if the drone strike she suggested for Assange would inadvertently take out their families too that might sway them? We're ignoring the whole Uranium thing right?

The dark post apocalyptic world he says currently exists in the big citys will come to pass if the man is elected.
Because places like Chicago and Detroit don't look like something from the Purge already?
Jarnhamar said:
Because places like Chicago and Detroit don't look like something from the Purge already?

Chicago, as of yesterday,

Shot & Killed: 524 (+45%)
Shot & Wounded: 2,865 (+42%)
Total Shot: 3,389 (+42%)
Total Homicides: 585 (+42%)

Toronto is bigger than Chicago. If you wish to compare,