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US Presidential Election 2020

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The new Trump logo could  be the work of the Democrats or it could be the work of an extremist Trump supporter. It's not wise to discount any possibility.
Brad Sallows said:
It takes a special gift to try and link the American eagle to Nazism.

Go here for a picture of Eddie the Eagle (NRA symbol).

You and I rarely agree on Trump related issues, Brad, but on this one I'm with you.

The American eagle has been a symbol of the US for centuries just like the Reichsadler was a symbol of Germany long before Nazism was a wet dream of Hitler's.

While one can conjure up conspiracy theories about whether the eagle's head should point left or right or whether it's wings should furl upwards or be horizontal, the fact of the matter is that the eagle per se is a symbol of the country and not of some specific fringe ideological trait.

Give it a break folks. There are real issues at play much more serious than some imagined iconography.

shawn5o said:
That picof the guy wearing a T-shirt with an American eagle

Perhaps they got it from here.


Just when things couldn't possibly get crazier, an article by the former D/General Counsel for the US Dept of Defense appeared today in Lawfare.

One of the great strengths of the U.S. military is its planning, encompassing contingencies big and small. With sadness, I urge my former colleagues in the military services and at the Department of Defense level to plan now for the possibility of actions by the president to disrupt the forthcoming election or even to vitiate the election results. It is distressing that we have come to this point, where strategic planners must prepare for serious threats to our democracy from the president of the United States, and where the military must be prepared—better prepared than recent events have shown it to be at present—to avoid becoming an instrument of the demise of the great American experiment in democracy and the long and uneven march to a just society.

Complete article HERE
Anything to prevent voting by mail:

Trump holds up coronavirus aid to block funding for mail-in voting


OceanBonfire said:
Anything to prevent voting by mail:

He put it this way,

Trump says Republicans would ‘never’ be elected again if it was easier to vote

Should the "Grand Experiment" commence now for this election? Many states haven't used a mail in system before and it would be kind of iffy to start one now. Unsolicited ballots are sent out to people on the voter rolls. Who actually receives the ballot is not a sure thing. Out dated voter rolls are way too common and it is too late to fix that.

The recent New York primary involving Carolyn Maloney was a mess. Don't take my word for it, check The Washington Post. Multiply that across the country in places mail in voting is uncommon or never occurred before.

I know, it's simple, since Trump talked about it so it must be opposite of what he says. But I don't believe that, this is no time for a big test that will satisfy nobody. Wagging fingers and chuckling at Trump is childish seeing the potential consequences of a messed up election. But then again, some people just post here for entertainment and this won't affect them.

Following as well is a piece on outdated voter rolls from January. Then a link to a information page from The National Conference Of State Legislatures.

At the center of this mess is a massive influx of mail-in ballots — 403,000 returned ballots in the city this cycle vs. 23,000 that were returned and determined valid during the 2016 primary — and a system wholly unprepared to process them. It’s not just delayed results that are at issue: In the 12th District and in the primaries across the country, tens of thousands of mail-in ballots were invalidated for technicalities like a missing signature or a missing postmark on the envelope.
But the invalidation rate is concerning to many who are watching the race. According to data from the BOE first published by the Intercept and Gothamist, up to 1 in 5 mail-in ballots were declared invalid before even being opened, based on mistakes with their exterior envelopes. The majority of mistakes are due to missing or late postmarks, and missing signatures. Preliminary numbers from the BOE show an invalidation rate of 19 percent in both Manhattan and Queens and 28 percent in Brooklyn, just in this district. That rate, if applied to all of Brooklyn, would equate to 34,000 ballots thrown out, in a borough with the city’s largest population of black residents.


Commentary: States struggle with outdated voter rolls


Voter List Accuracy
According to those who have been doing it for a little while, it's not hard to do.  But it is easy to screw up the first time out, for those who haven't been doing it yet.  This is probably not a good time for "hold our beer, we got this".
mariomike said:
He put it this way,

The biggest question on Trump attempting to become a fascist dictator is on whether any wannable fascist leader could be so outright honest on his ambition? And now we even see his admitted attempt to destroy the USPS to prevent ballots from being counted!

Oh, and to his dubious credit, he's started the racist birtherism thing on Kamala this time.
The Republicans (and Trump) want voter ID and in person voting.  The Dems want mass mail in voting and no voter ID. 

What could possibly go right or wrong with either of those two scenarios? 

That Trump is such a fascist dictator though. 
Brad Sallows said:
A guy named John Eastman started the birther thing with an article in Newsweek.


But he is certainly promoting it. 

That schtik is getting old though.
Some sanity from Sen. Graham.


QV said:
The Republicans (and Trump) want voter ID and in person voting.  The Dems want mass mail in voting and no voter ID. 

What could possibly go right or wrong with either of those two scenarios? 

That Trump is such a fascist dictator though.

POTUS and FLOTUS are voting by mail in Florida.

US Military members vote by mail.
>But he is certainly promoting it.

Of course he is; it's what he does.  The damage he does is that what costs him perhaps minutes to do, prompts others to expend thousands of man-hours writing disproofs and rebuttals.

QV said:
The Republicans (and Trump) want voter ID and in person voting.  The Dems want mass mail in voting and no voter ID. 

What could possibly go right or wrong with either of those two scenarios? 

That Trump is such a fascist dictator though.

No voter ID is retarded.

Donald H said:
Oh, and to his dubious credit, he's started the racist birtherism thing on Kamala this time.

A law Professor, and former chief White House ethics lawyer 2005-07 under President Bush ( 43 ) said "this is who he is really afraid of",

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