Retired Army, Canadian Forces. Retired in 1980 with almost 28 years of service. Just turn 70
Joined Dec 18, 1952 as first intake of soldier apprentices (Green Monster), I went to the RCEME School at Barriefield, and did two years of basic, schooling and trade. Qualified as Armourer Grp 1 in Jan 55, posted to 214 Wksp, Vancouver for a year, and then to the RCD Regt LAD, as an armourer, and to the 2nd Guards, as an armourer after RSM Charlie Smith of the RCD's told me to be out of the RCD's Regiments lines by 1100 hours after I was caught cheering for the 2nd Guards at a hockey game :

, Then I was posted the 1th Guards as an armourer. I served as a RCEME armourer with the RCD Recce, summer of 58, and with the 2nd R22R, and then posted to Germany to 4 Fields Wksp RCEME in Ft Chambly, and then to the RCEME LAD with 8th Hussars in Iserlon in 61. Came back to Canada in 62, transfered to the RCDC "Dental" to re-train as Dental Lab Technician. Posted to Trenton, Toronto, radar bases on the mid-Canada line. Went to Cyprus fall of 64 with the 2nd RCR....learned about RCR's and chickens..... Posted to London, and then to Montreal area, went to Egypt fall of 73 with a combined Med/Dental Detachment. We had a platoon of RCR's for security....and they had a pet chicken....believe me... Met up with Brig General Holmes (RCR) at a party...I asked him if he owned the chicken??? ;D...wrong thing to say...he asked me what rank i was....I said "Sgt" he said" not any more Cpl."....lucky we all had sober thoughts the next day. Also spent time in CFB Calgary, and CFB Toronto and took my retirement in 1980..
People that impressed me most, # 1, Maj. GL Lodge, Officer Commanding Soldier Apprentice Coy RCEME ...had a crush on his daughter. He was a father figure I never had. #2 Sgt Johnny Bouchard, my first Platoon Sgt...great guy...taught us how to cover our arse. There are many people in the Dental branch that impressed me. When you work hand in hand with Dental Captains.... to Col., you find out how gifted some of those people were.
What bugged me most were airforce types who did six weeks basic at RCAF St. Jean and called it boot camp...we did 2 years basic as Apprentices. We ran our own morning inspections and parades...We had a company of 7 platoons when the 1st platoon graduated
Would I do it again.....YES thing that ever happened to me...I was out of school at 14...grade 9 dropout....had a chance to join at 16 as an Apprentice...jumped at it....No life like it.