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What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

Mojo Magnum said:
Just a thought guys,
but why don't you go for the Military experience and leave the junk food at home.
Learning to live off the IMPs (for a week or two) is no biggie.  You might even lose a couple pounds and feel great like I did.

The problem again is the cold. It was so cold that I would have willingly starved to death before I dare open my jacket to get the fireless heater thing. So I had a choice, freeze my ass off, don't eat, or grab that Areo chucky I had.

IMPs are ok, but when it's winter, and at times your waste deep in snow, you need the extra intake.

And takeing a little extra doesnst mean raid the candy isle at the Canex, Powerbars, Jerky and nutrigrain bars are ok. Candy just makes you feel better.

You will find in the diner's imps a chocolate bar...

IMPS are good...no need of stuff to bring out, you all ready have a lot to bring and to carry...

Why bother with gummies...which will be to hard to eat a -50 or will melt and make a mess a +25...
Chocolate? worst
Cookies...let me laugh... can you spell mess
Gum? you have a fresh pack in every IMPS Breakfeast.
We can live with out these for a few..days, week...etc...

All I've ever brought with me is a powerbar or two and maybe a fruit-to-go or two.  Have I always eaten them?  Nope, but sometimes its nice to have something extra.
Avor said:
The problem again is the cold. It was so cold that I would have willingly starved to death before I dare open my jacket to get the fireless heater thing. So I had a choice, freeze my *** off, don't eat, or grab that Areo chucky I had.

IMPs are ok, but when it's winter, and at times your waste deep in snow, you need the extra intake.

And takeing a little extra doesnst mean raid the candy isle at the Canex, Powerbars, Jerky and nutrigrain bars are ok. Candy just makes you feel better.

Actually, the IMPS have been creatve...to give what the soldier needs in a caloric import to be able to function properly.

Yes it is good some time to have extra's but..not obligated...
I remember reading an article about a Canadian officer who completed the US Ranger course.  When asked about his least favourite part, he commented on how hungry he got and remarked he would never again be in the field without a chocolate bar or powerbar.
I'm questoning myself.

Tomorrow (the 22nd) ill start my BMQ in Valcartier (Pres course) and, practically not nervous at all. Yes I think of it about every second. but am I normal?? Ive waited for my CT to process for 478 days, and had about 20 days to get in mind that ill be on this course.

But at less then 24 hours, for some reason I cannot explain, no nervosity.


Here's my question....I am heading off to basic on June 18.  I had read and been told many times about having 2 of everything when it comes to items for morning inspection.....soap dish, second tube of tooth paste, second razor, etc.  My question is best answered by someone  that has already attended and that is Do you use these "show" items at least once to make it look like they have been used or do not touch them at all the entire time you are  at basic?
chappyk said:
Here's my question....I am heading off to basic on June 18.  I had read and been told many times about having 2 of everything when it comes to items for morning inspection.....soap dish, second tube of tooth paste, second razor, etc.  My question is best answered by someone that has already attended and that is Do you use these "show" items at least once to make it look like they have been used or do not touch them at all the entire time you are at basic?

I don't see the value in bringing 2 of everything just to make inspections easier... why risk getting caught? Your instructors probably have seen it all and know when a recruit is tryin to pull a fast one... Some BMQ facts: 1. Succeding as a team is the main goal of the course 2. no inspection is ever prefect, they'll find sumin wrong 3. lots PT and drill, so arrive in good shape 4. Everyone gets jacked-up (it's apart of the bmq experience) learn fr. mistakes and don't repeat them. 5 . When around your instructors unless your spoken to keep your mouth closed and ears wide open.
1. Even when your exhausted, try to be a good listener... nothing worse than hearing the same question being asked multiple times.

2. Team work is everything... Get to know everyone in your platoon (even if you don't like everyone)...use each others strengths to help the team succeed... Support each other during hard/tough times.

3. During the week (and for the first few weekend)- don't ever think " geez I got nothing to do", if you're thinking that your not being a team player.. if you're "good to go" then help someone who isn't.

Having additional items "for show" at basic...from what I have been told is common.  Not sure it is cheating per say.
chappyk said:
Here's my question....I am heading off to basic on June 18.  I had read and been told many times about having 2 of everything when it comes to items for morning inspection.....soap dish, second tube of tooth paste, second razor, etc.  My question is best answered by someone  that has already attended and that is Do you use these "show" items at least once to make it look like they have been used or do not touch them at all the entire time you are  at basic?

Use it alot more than once, and use it on the weekend.
It sounds like from the way they are checking bags that you won't be able to bring two sets of everything with you, which means you'll have to wait till the 4th weekend to get everything, now if you are able to go the first month with one set, why not the rest?
1 week done on Pres BMQ done...I had exactly what was on the list...amd Im doing find. If you want to carry the extra stuff...go ahead...but not worth it ot my opinion.
Anyone here ever try olive oil for shaving? I read about it on this web page called 25 alternative uses for olive oil, another one was using a quick spray and a rub down to shine boots.

It sounds like from the way they are checking bags that you won't be able to bring two sets of everything with you, which means you'll have to wait till the 4th weekend to get everything, now if you are able to go the first month with one set, why not the rest?

They never checked my bags when I arrived in St.Jean in May. They told me what I cannot have, then walked out of the room and said I had 5 minutes to get rid of anything I shouldn't have. (food, drugs, alcohol..etc) I brought 2 sets of everything and haven't had any trouble on any inspections I've had with various staff. Everyone I know has 2 sets here, one for their locker and one for use, and nothing has been said to any of us. Also, when you arrive (in St. Jean anyways) you will be given an advance in the first week and taken to the Canex to buy anything on the list that you need.
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I am about to go on my BMQ/SQ over the summer and i want to get in great shape, My question is are we allowed to bring suppliments. I will be bringing CLA and creatine nothing hard core and illegal.
They will confiscate things like supplements at the beginning of your course, so don't bother.  Supplements can also throw off urine tests, not worth the risk in my opinion.
wow! now im nervious.  :o
I have friends that are in the reserves infantry and they said there basic is nothing like what i read.
So im guessing that the reserves are different from the regular force?  ???
Im going into the PPCLI and the recruiter said that i would be doing my training in late august or early september (thats the earyist)  :salute:
are the forces training different from primary to reserve?
and also is there anybody else going to do there training around then?  :threat:
Don't be nervous.
They can't touch you, they can't even swear at you.  You are there to demonstrate strength of character and the ability to follow instruction under adversity.  What you see here is an impressive application of a character building situation.  Piece of cake.

you go girl ;)
now drop and give me 20 and then go for a 10k run (in less than an hour if you can :).

Mojo Magnum said:
They can't even swear at you. 
lol, someone should've told this to my intructors, even worse when it's in french (which I don't speak). 