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Whats it like to be a LCIS tech

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howells said:
Im a reserve sig op with QL3 mod 1 thinking off going reg force and am interested in LCIS (its what i thought originally what a sig op was).

It pays to actually research the trade you are joining an ask questions to the recruiters at the unit you are joining an at the CFRC.

howells said:
Wondering what its like being a LCIS tech in reg force?

What you work on, etc will be dependent on the unit you are in. There maybe a thread or two about the trade on the forums. Also check out the CF Recruiting website an read up on LCIS Tech there.

howells said:
whats it like being reg force?
Some people love it, some hate it. It is what you make of it.

howells said:
and finally what would i have to do to remuster and go reg force?
any information would be great
Search the forums for Componet Transfer, lot of info here. And you could ask your CoC, clerks, etc about it
Yeah i realized it wasnt what i thought it was once in kingston.

-Skeletor- said:
What you work on, etc will be dependent on the unit you are in. There maybe a thread or two about the trade on the forums. Also check out the CF Recruiting website an read up on LCIS Tech there.
Some people love it, some hate it. It is what you make of it.
I searched threw all of the C&E threads but didnt see any abot how it is to be a LCIS. there was a couple about the diference between LCIS and the airforce equivalent but nothing on what it like

-Skeletor- said:
Search the forums for Componet Transfer, lot of info here. And you could ask your CoC, clerks, etc about it

Thanks ill look it up. My units clerk doesnt start till septembre. (havent had clerk for almost a year so many pay screw ups  :threat:)
Not an LCIS Tech myself, but I was the Company Signals Rep in a reg force infantry unit for awhile and in that position worked very close with the guys in the battalion LCIS shop.

Basically, when a radio or some other comms related piece of equipment would break that gear was pushed to me and I would push it on to the LCIS Techs.  They would have me fill out a work order where I specified what the problem was (or at least the symptoms of that problem) and I would take a receipt for my own records. The LCIS Techs would then troubleshoot the problem, repair or replace parts and necessary, then give me call to let me know my gear was ready for pickup.

The LCIS Techs were also responsible for ensuring the comms systems in the LAV3s were properly installed.  When a LAV3 was transferred from another unit to my own I would work with an LCIS Tech to ensure that all the components listed on the appropriate Equipment Checklist were accounted for.

The LCIS Techs also held the battalion's PA system and were responsible for taking care of sound and lights when the Drill Hall was converted to an auditorium and presentations or lectures were given.

From what they've told me though, this what they were doing in their current jobs was only a small part of what an LCIS Tech could expect to do throughout his career.  As an LCIS Tech progresses through the ranks he can expect to gain experience in a number of different jobs that might vary greatly from the relatively narrow role I saw them working in.
Finish your QL3 as a SigOp and transfer... they'll pay you $20,000 to spend 4 years in the trade. Once that's finished, put in for an OT to LCIS. You can get some IT related positions as a SigOp, if you have the background.

LCIS at my unit do everything from Helpdesk for DWAN to telephone troubleshooting to repair work once we've double checked the fault in the Rad Section.
Can anyone tell me everything there is to know about LCIS tech...
Any LCIS techs out there who can message me. I have a few more questions.
Do they deal with software at all because I notice its mostly hardware...or things like architectures, database, complers, OS..etc....

How close do they work with combat units during Ops...Are they armed and mobile during ops...
is it a difficult trade for someone who has no electronics background other then physics...
tsokman said:
is it a difficult trade for someone who has no electronics background other then physics...

You'll be taught all the necessary skills in electronics on your POET course.

LCIS Techs do indeed work with all sorts of IT equipment (and software), but that varies from location to location.
Thank you for your reply...do they deal with microelectronics..I read somewhere here they dont deal with the sub-compenent level...is this correct....
tsokman said:
Thank you for your reply...do they deal with microelectronics..I read somewhere here they dont deal with the sub-compenent level...is this correct....

Probably not very often.  There is a High Reliability Soldering course available, which would teach one how to work with multilayer PCBs and various IC types such as flat packages, but there would be very few people who would be employed doing this anything more than occasionally.  POET training would teach one how to troubleshoot to component level, but in practice, modules and circuit cards are the lowest replaceable units except at depot level maintenance.
Thank your for your reply...is there anywhere I can find the curriculum for POET and QL3...is this after POET...QL3....do LCIS techs have an OTJ package....how long from BMQ to first posting...in terms of months on usual...i just finished my medical and Im waiting for an offer...
I can tell you what POET consists of:

    * Mathematics (including general technical maths and introduction to calculus),
    * Physics (motion, forces, energy, heat, light and sound),
    * Computer Programming (introduction and electronics applications),
    * Electricity (circuits and electro-mechanical devices),
    * Electronics (electronic devices, assembly methods, digital circuits, integrated circuits, electronic communications and discrete circuits),
    * Technological Skills (measurement, technical communication, technical drafting, electronic drafting, systems troubleshooting),
    * Communications Systems,
    * Microcomputer Systems, and
    * Electric Power and Machines.

As for your specific questions about LCIS QL3 (which would be after POET) and OJT packages, I'll have to defer to someone in the trade.  My info probably isn't current.
Hello , I enroll Jan 8/10 fly to do bmq on 9th , just wondering about the training timeline , I know that bmq , sq , poet , and ql3 are 80+ weeks , it says on the recruiting site you get annual leave , is leave paid, how long is it? When do you get an opportunity to take leave . During training do you Train everyday , do you get days off? Also wondering how many years to expect private pay rate after completion of training , thanks , 

Looking forward to January  !                        - bob
Bob1987 said:
Hello , I enroll Jan 8/10 fly to do bmq on 9th , just wondering about the training timeline , I know that bmq , sq , poet , and ql3 are 80+ weeks , it says on the recruiting site you get annual leave , is leave paid, how long is it? When do you get an opportunity to take leave . During training do you Train everyday , do you get days off? Also wondering how many years to expect private pay rate after completion of training , thanks
20 days leave per year (or 2 days per month for an incomplete year.
Yes, leave is paid.
How long it is, depends on how much time you have to take it (and how much leave you have).
You will probably have an opportunity in between courses to take leave.
Training is usually Mon-Fri but there can be weekends and evenings included.
Private pay, expect it for about four years, however, you get an incentive each year.

All of this info is already on the forum.  Try using the search function.
tsokman said:
do they work with technical workbooks...

I've never heard of such a thing, and even Google isn't particularly clear on what a "technical workbook" is.
Similar to a log book...where everything you repair is documented...
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