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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

PMedMoe said:
Well, I guess people can start suing weathermen, too..........
Hell yes!!
As someone whose spent more wet-weather riding on the Harley this season than sunny, I say sue the bastards!  >:(
OK it may not have been something I heard. But I saw a couple of lawndarts walking around dockyard today. One of them had sunglasses with the really wide arms on them. But the one arm was on the outside of the beret. OK is this normal? As it looked ridiculous.
sledge said:
OK it may not have been something I heard. But I saw a couple of lawndarts walking around dockyard today. One of them had sunglasses with the really wide arms on them. But the one arm was on the outside of the beret. OK is this normal? As it looked ridiculous.

I'd have to say "No"...

As someone with "lawndarts" in Bn I will say no.  But those style of  Oaklies are creeping in popularity.  The wide arm with the O on the side about a inch in size.  They are not suppose to wear it but enforcement of types of glasses have been spotty at best.  I even had the CSM ask me what our policy is on it. I told him no change from the CF however enforcement tends to follow what the DSM/RSM allows or bans.  Troops working for me know not to wear them but if it is not enforced unit wide it becomes a loosing battle.
in my cadet corps

cadet: (starts jumping up and down)
platoon W.O:what the hell stop jumping
cadet: oh sorry didn't hear

2nd time
i almost past out on parade square
and CIC walks me off

cadet says to me " you got owned"
golf serria (gunslinger) said:
in my cadet corps

cadet: (starts jumping up and down)
platoon W.O:what the hell stop jumping
cadet: oh sorry didn't hear

2nd time
i almost past out on parade square
and CIC walks me off

cadet says to me " you got owned"

Haha... Have a few like that at my corp...
The dumbest thing I've heard today, but the day is young:

Canadiens still would not have invented the wheel if not for the U.S. Let's not even get into military defense. So Canada, take the Thrashers, put them in your small market tv audience and shove it all up your ass.

You'd think they were losing a hockey team or something.
Confounded PAT said:
The dumbest thing I've heard today, but the day is young:

You'd think they were losing a hockey team or something.

That is funny, is he talking about Montreal or "Canadian's"  and the last time I checked the wheel was invented well prior to Europeans landing in North America.  We collectively brought that over with us.  ( I think one or two tribes may have had a wheel analogy though I cant recall and it makes sense that they didn't since it was the Spanish that brought over the (ooops I mean ) Horse
Really? Small market TV audience? How come all of the playoffs were televised on Canadian networks and not on US ones?? NBC only stepped up to the plate for the finals and probably only because there is an American team in it, they had to fit it in around the NBA finals apparently. Pfftt!
I heard this gem in my grade 12 biology class during the reproduction unit.  A classmate asked my teacher,"Do people have to have a twin to produce twins?"
Canadian1992 said:
I heard this gem in my grade 12 biology class during the reproduction unit.  A classmate asked my teacher,"Do people have to have a twin to produce twins?"

Really???  And this person made it INTO a 12th grade biology class???

I know that they meant something along the lines of:  "What are the probabilities of someone producing twins when they have twins in their family, as opposed to someone who doesn't have twins in their family?"

Sometimes, it sounds stupid because people generalize too much...  Be more specific with your questions, people!!!

There are no stupid questions, only stupid people!!!

Jim Seggie said:
Oh Navy there are stupid people, and stupid questions. >:D

"Stupid is as stupid does" 

I agree fully with both sentiments.  :blotto:
Here's a real dumb one...


Topic:  "Will you fight if the US attacked us?"

If anyone reads it through, you will see where I really put my foot in my mouth...

I nominate the person who started this particular thread, and myself for my responses to him/her,  as the dumbest thing I've ever heard/said...

We all have bone head moments, but some of us get the honour of sharing ours with ALOT of people, and revealing what a complete TOOL we are at times...

Yeah, I'm doing it again...  "Time to shut up, Rev!!!"  :facepalm:

Read and weep with laughter...

NavyHopeful said:
Here's a real dumb one...


When your right, your right, but there was so much to choose from where you really put your foot in your mouth.  ;)

to paraphrase Marc Twain.  "Better to be quiet and thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."  >:D

emoticons to indicate not to take my comment's too much to heart no insult intended.

NavyHopeful said:
Really???  And this person made it INTO a 12th grade biology class???

I know that they meant something along the lines of:  "What are the probabilities of someone producing twins when they have twins in their family, as opposed to someone who doesn't have twins in their family?"

Sometimes, it sounds stupid because people generalize too much...  Be more specific with your questions, people!!!

There are no stupid questions, only stupid people!!!


Unfortunately I KNOW that is not what said classmate meant. This is not the first non-intelligent question I have heard from her. Not too long ago she asked if the reason people live longer in 3rd world countries than we do is because they don't eat genetically altered food like here in Canada. Too many things wrong with that to even begin.
I know where I'm taking my Christmas leave!

From the National Post:

North Korea is the second happiest place on earth, according to a new happiness index released by, you guessed it, North Korea.

China earned the No. 1 spot with a perfect score, according to the Chinese-language outlet Chaoxian, as reported by International Business Times. Those sad-faced Americans, with their silly democracy and freedom of speech, were last on the National Happiness Index in the 203rd spot. The U.S. didn’t even have a score. The top five is rounded out by Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela.

Are you getting the sense of a theme? It looks like North Korea feels its comrades are the happiest people on earth while the rest of the world lives in a gigantic tear-filled bubble. Good thing North Korea didn’t give themselves the No. 1 spot, or else people would get suspicious.

As the International Business Times reports, the actual source of the index is unknown. Some commenters said that only powerful North Koreans were allowed to vote, while others said it surveyed “people who did not know the world.”


With all apologies to the Dead Kennedys, this news item from the DPRK reminds me of this little ditty:

Well you'll work harder
With a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day
Slave for soldiers
Till you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake

(Of course, Jello Biafra was singing about Cambodia, not the DPRK)