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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

The following is a campaign biography for an individual who is running to be the president of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, and quite frankly I think it is one of the most un-intentionally funny things that I have ever seen in my life.

Hi my name is Frank and I’m running to be your next PIPSC President.

I have been working in the Federal Government as a CS for about 10 years now, mainly doing Quality Assurance work and 3rd level IT Infrastructure Support.

Here are the key agenda items I intend to push full steam ahead if I am elected:


I want to have 2 bargaining teams working for us.

FIRST TEAM: Top-Notch Lawyers, Accountants, and Actuaries who would be in charge of the monetary gain.

SECOND TEAM: Senior Union Staffers who would be responsible for negotiating of all other relevant issues that are on the table.

We negotiate the $$$ first, and then we deal with the other issues.

Right now, our union does it the other way around. I think it’s the main reason why we get short changed (every time) by the opposite team.


I want to get rid of all these lame activities such as BBQs, pizza luncheons, conventions etc. I find these events to accomplish very little for our members.

The way I see it, we have to focus our energy on building a vibrant online community. I want all our members to have their say in what we do… and the internet is where the action is.

I envision to have our PIPSC Web site completely re-designed and hyped-up with the latest and greatest in Web 2.0 technologies.

I’m convinced we could have our excellent techies to volunteer and make our Internet Presence look really sharp and strong.

We would be in a much better position to resist and stop outsourcing stunts pulled by various Federal Government departments and agencies which has become common practice these days.

I want all of our 55,000 Professional members to join forces on the Internet: Engineers, Food Inspectors, IT Specialists, Architects, Veterinarians, Financial Experts, Scientists, Doctors, Shop Stewarts and all our other great members

Vote for me!

Clearly this guy has the vision needed to lead Canada's public servants into the future. Mostly via facebook and twitter.

For comparison, the other candidate's bios can be found at http://www3.pipsc.ca/portal/page/portal/website/news/events/special_election/bios
"Vern, you just got another thread tossed into Radio Chatter."


Vern, all the ingredients were already there....................you were just the combustion!!!

Remember I originally moved it from RC to a "real" forum.
Content deleted by Mod.

Maybe you should grow a set and make an official complaint instead of whining here anonymously?
This happened about 10 minutes ago...I am home on Sick Leave and just happened to be here for this gem.

Canada Revenue Agency Agent:  "Good morning, how are you today."

Me:  "Good, and you?"

CRA Agent:  I am fine sir.  So, what can I help you with today?"

Me:  "I have no idea."

CRA Agent:  "Pardon?"

Me:  "umm...you called me, I just answered the phone".

CRA Agent"  "Oh, right, sorry. (laughs)"

These are the people who decide if I have paid all my taxes?  ::)

She then proceeded to ask me my SIN, which I gave her.  Then, after a moment of silence, she said "I have no information on your file to give you".  :blotto:

*a well-oiled machine*
Bruce Monkhouse said:
You gave your SIN number over the phone to a stranger??

And from the conversation, sounds like a pretty good scam.  Catch them off guard with a "Oops, silly me!" moment and get their SIN.
I agree with the others, sounds like a scam. To be sure I would call the CRA and see if they have any record of one of their agents calling you. If not, then I suggest you change your SIN number due to possible Identity theft.
wow - that is just beyond shady.  I hope you called CRA (did a number show up on your caller ID at all?)
My approach when receiving an unexpected call from a Government agency is to ask for a number and call them back -- after I have confirmed that the number is valid.
gcclarke said:
... exactly how would one go about filling a diesel tank with propane anyways?

I'm really not sure how you would go about doing that... but knowing the person in question, if there was a way, he would do it
Bruce Monkhouse said:
You gave your SIN number over the phone to a stranger??

Well, I didn't want to get into the details of it all but...yesterday when I was out, I had a *1-866-XXX-XXXX* # on the phone...no idea who it was, so I called it...and it was CRA.  After being on hold for a long time, I hung up.

So...when I saw the same # on the phone this morning, I answered it...

I am not that stupid....

(although, I am pretty stupid come to think about some of the ex's I have managed to waste my life on...)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....I guess I'll have to consider how stupid I am on that note and get back to you.  :blotto:
This little bit of info from the CRA web site might be helpful. CRA

You will find examples of a fraudulent letter, email, and online refund forms on the CRA's Web site. As per fraudulent telephone calls, a telecommunications provider has recently been leaving messages for individuals and businesses to call the CRA at a 1-800 or 1-866 number. On dialing the number, callers are then asked to call another number at a cost to them. These telephone messages are not from the CRA and should be ignored by taxpayers. Taxpayers may verify the authenticity of a CRA telephone number by calling 1-800-O-Canada.
We just had a base-wide email here a couple of weeks ago warning about a CRA scam letter being distributed via mail asking pers to provide SIN, addys etc for "determination of further entitlements". Seems to be a hot topic lately. I guess the best rule is, never give out your SIN - the people & agencies who need to know it ... already do.

Dumbest thing i heard today....

"I'm pre-contemplating" .... thinking of thinking.... hehehe :)
"Did you know that "SADDLEBUTT" in the navy means a rumour?"

From the interactive section of the Canadian Forces recruiting website.  I've had saddlebutt and it's no rumour.

The author wasn't navy and wasn't cavalry - civilian contractor?

took a call today from newfoundland, and here's how it went.

me: Thank you for calling ***** my name is ***** can I please have your first and last name
Him: it's bob smith
me: Can I have your phone number with the area code first
Him: I dont have a home phone.
Me: Do you know your account number?
Him: 5555555555
Me: Can I have your postal code?
Him: What's a postal code, can you explain that to me?
Me: well you have your address for example 11 main st, in st-John's Newfoundland and then you have that thing that is a combination of letters and numbers, that is your postal code.
Him: I dont know it, (then goes looking for 5 minutes for it and comes back) its a2g1a3(not actual one)
Me: perfect, ok we are just going to update your account information, is your cell number 555-555-5555
Him: well that is sorta the number

I just didnt bother i just continued on with the call but honestly I know nefies have a bad reputation for not being smart but really not knowing what a postal code is, and then saying well that is sorta the number, it either is or it isnt.