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Whither the Royal Canadian Legion? Or RCL Withers?

medicineman said:
So you are saying that you have actually looked into joining  >:D

JM asked me last time I was there. I guess he's lonely >:D
Danjanou said:
JM asked me last time I was there.
Ahhh....bald-faced lies, with nothing to show for it; yep, you'll fit in quite well with the Legion. 

You enjoy your cut-throat euchre tournaments and kick-ass turkey bingos.  :nod:
Well, I unexpectedly took the plunge and joined my local branch today.

I have been and remain sceptical as hell of the Legion as a whole. I *have* noticed a distinct shift in what Dominion Command has been saying regarding the treatment of modern veterans, and for me that matters, obviously. But specifically the *branch* I'm joining is good to go. The president was PPCLI in Op Anaconda; the previous president, is a retired CFRed tanker who actually taught my dad back in the day (small world). The current president is very involved with OSISS and is also continuing to deal with his own stuff that led to his medical release. They're good supporters of the cadet corps I work with, and this particular branch seems to really care about boots on the ground work for vets. There are a couple of other Afghan vets as well, which for a place this size isn't bad at all.

So, I'll be curious to see how this goes, and what kind of insight I'm able to get into the thinking at higher levels. Talking with the guys at this branch, they're certainly not holding slavishly to what higher Legion command's official position is on some issues. I think I've found one of the 'good' branches.
Brihard said:
Well, I unexpectedly took the plunge and joined my local branch today.

I have been and remain sceptical as hell of the Legion as a whole. I *have* noticed a distinct shift in what Dominion Command has been saying regarding the treatment of modern veterans, and for me that matters, obviously. But specifically the *branch* I'm joining is good to go. The president was PPCLI in Op Anaconda; the previous president, is a retired CFRed tanker who actually taught my dad back in the day (small world). The current president is very involved with OSISS and is also continuing to deal with his own stuff that led to his medical release. They're good supporters of the cadet corps I work with, and this particular branch seems to really care about boots on the ground work for vets. There are a couple of other Afghan vets as well, which for a place this size isn't bad at all.

So, I'll be curious to see how this goes, and what kind of insight I'm able to get into the thinking at higher levels. Talking with the guys at this branch, they're certainly not holding slavishly to what higher Legion command's official position is on some issues. I think I've found one of the 'good' branches.

My sentiments exactly about the branch I joined last year, after a decades long absence from the Legion. I attended the re-dedication of the branch to honour Capt Matt Dawe, liked what I saw in the leadership, and rejoined. Like you, I'm still in "test drive" mode, but my feelings so far are positive.
Hamish Seggie said:
We share your frustration sir, but changing political parties or hating one will not change VAC. Despite what Mr. Mulcair and Mr. Trudeau say during any campaign, you can be almost certain that VAC issues will not go away. Also, despite all parties having veterans in them as MPs will not change VAC.
The parties in opposition have not seen the balance sheet. They may think they have but we all know how finances can be.......skewed.

I totally agree.  I'm not going to support another party because I think they would be even worse, but that doesn't change my opinion that the conservatives only "care" when it comes to votes and image.

Also while it would be even worse for us I can't help but feel that the conservatives deserve to loose.
jollyjacktar said:
I was, at one time, a member of the RCL.  I don't see myself returning to the fold anytime soon if ever.  From where I sit, the RCL have appeared to be mostly silent in the ongoing drama between wounded veterans and the DVA.  If they want to become relevant and take the lead then they need to step up, pipe up and do so.  They were trumpeting the NVC on it's inception and have been more or less silent since.  Like him or not, Mike Blais, and others like him are the only voices I hear in the wilderness and not the RCL.

Yep, completely silent...  ::)
jollyjacktar said:
And I said "from where I sit, the RCL have appeared to be mostly silent"  Yup, I said "mostly".  ::) ::) ::)

Well get in there and get noisy. Too many new veterans are not honest enough with themselves and are just being lazy or weak.

At least Mike Blais et al are making an effort to change things even if they are going about it bass ackwards.
JS2218 said:

Internet press releases do not equal advocacy. If the RCL wants to attract young veterans, they need to be the first person to jump at the chance to speak to the media on our behalf instead of Blais. If they really wanted to advocate, they could get their spokespersons on TV with good soundbites to show they're doing something. As of right now, I have no real inkling to join the RCL, because the changes that need to happen are at the very top. Unless you're towing the Legion-line I don't see any prospect of advancing in that old boys club.
Jed said:
Well get in there and get noisy. Too many new veterans are not honest enough with themselves and are just being lazy or weak.

At least Mike Blais et al are making an effort to change things even if they are going about it bass ackwards.
I'm not slamming Mike Blais at all, I agree he is at least making noise. 
PuckChaser said:
Internet press releases do not equal advocacy. If the RCL wants to attract young veterans, they need to be the first person to jump at the chance to speak to the media on our behalf instead of Blais. If they really wanted to advocate, they could get their spokespersons on TV with good soundbites to show they're doing something. As of right now, I have no real inkling to join the RCL, because the changes that need to happen are at the very top. Unless you're towing the Legion-line I don't see any prospect of advancing in that old boys club.
Well said.
In all politics, the lobbyists that get the most accomplished do it behid the scenes and away from the public eye. You may be hard pressed to come up with a handful of meaningful changes implemented by government (this or previous ones) that were the result of a loud, confrontational media campaign. Sure, Mike Blais may be drawing attention to the issue, but it is unlikely his organization is the one that will be rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done. I'm not saying the RCL is working quietly and successfully behind the scenes, but you can't necessarily say their silence is proof they are sitting on their hands and doing nothing.
You may be correct in that they are attempting back room deals out of the public spectrum.  There is, however, the old saw that "not only must justice be done; it must be seen to be done”.  And I have not seen what is being or not being done by the RCL, so  :dunno:. 
The VAC will be used as a political tool, for a party with a political agenda. Its not going to change, I am beinga  realist here. The current one cleared with full support of the Parliament.

Even with the law suit, the PM putting a new figurehead into place, and the spoiled little boy trudeau telling the lawyers and press that he would settle the lawsuit instead of spending more on it.

I dont see it changing. The magicians on the hill pulled the table cloth out and said oops when the dishes went flying.
It just disgusts me at the pension they recieve for a minimal time in office, a pension that someone can easily live off of, and add on that they gain contacts and become lobbyists for corporations.
What it comes down to is this:  The current government fears nothing except for bad press, which they take great pains to mitigate.  The Legion may well be quietly and diplomatically advocating on behalf of veterans, but the pace at which anything is actually being done can only be described as glacial.  The Legion holds the potential of having a lot of power, but the only way that power will be realized with the current government, is for the power to be wielded in the form of shaming the government into action.  That will not happen with the current management at the Legion, and that is why the Legion is an ineffective advocate for veterans at this time.
Occam said:
What it comes down to is this:  The current government fears nothing except for bad press, which they take great pains to mitigate.  The Legion may well be quietly and diplomatically advocating on behalf of veterans, but the pace at which anything is actually being done can only be described as glacial.  The Legion holds the potential of having a lot of power, but the only way that power will be realized with the current government, is for the power to be wielded in the form of shaming the government into action.  That will not happen with the current management at the Legion, and that is why the Legion is an ineffective advocate for veterans at this time.

The thing is you cannot change an organization for the outside....for instance the CAF is resistant to other organizations telling it how to do business. Same for VAC and the Legion.

Real substantial change must happen from within.