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A majority are concerned about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars

Bribery with our money. Utterly disgusting.
*Bribery with money we don’t have

Nothing says we screwed up as a country as 1/10th of our tax dollars going to just paying for our debt.

The other fun fact about our debt they like to gloss over and pretend it isn’t that bad by is claiming our national debt is low vs other developed nations. Meanwhile we ignore those other nations all basically do not possess sub sovereign debt (the provinces).

When its all added together it is actually worse than the majority of developed nations and we just keep borrowing for nothing.
Unbelievable, but looking at this brand of Liberals, yup. We can assume Singh will support this budget since he got his not so "Big win" with his half assed start to pharmacare (All for show, Jagmeet and you will fall harder than Trudeau next election).
Noticing how some things are timed to start in 2025, you know, when Trudeau wants your vote.
That's why he pushed the assault style firearms confiscation scheme to after the next election.
Yup. He wants to pull that boogeyman out of the bag at election time. I am pushing for voting out "incompetent style" politicians Like Trudeau and company.
It's just good politics. Holds an issue in reserve that persuades fearful voters to remain on-side. Meanwhile, compromise federal fiscal integrity to create a sh!t situation for the next government now that the writing on the wall has looked so bad for so long.

All the benefits accrue to the LPC; all the costs to ordinary Canadians.
*Bribery with money we don’t have

Nothing says we screwed up as a country as 1/10th of our tax dollars going to just paying for our debt.

The other fun fact about our debt they like to gloss over and pretend it isn’t that bad by is claiming our national debt is low vs other developed nations. Meanwhile we ignore those other nations all basically do not possess sub sovereign debt (the provinces).

When its all added together it is actually worse than the majority of developed nations and we just keep borrowing for nothing.
Oh the government knows full well our national debt is skyrocketing, and a bigger & bigger chunk of our budget needs to go towards servicing that debt...

The LPC probably can't do math any better than I can, but surely to goodness they have to have some economists that advise them on things from time to time?

Now here's a question I highly doubt I'll ever get an answer to... (The context of the question anyway)

Canadians are more heavily taxed today than at any other point in recent history. We pay a carbon tax that has increased annually & will continue to do so for the next few years, our income tax has gone up, and the age at which people can start drawing their CPP is now a bit older...

Various industries that didn't have to pay a carbon tax before 2015 now pay a carbon tax (which they pass onto us) meaning that carbon tax is actually paid multiple times over by the time the consumer gets the product...

Yet despite all of this tax revenue coming in, we've managed to double the national debt in only a few years...AND...we just borrowed $500 billion MORE ...

My question is...

Where do all of our tax dollars go, since they don't seem to be making their way to the federal government?

How can a government tax their citizenry to the extent this one does, and it still manages to double the national debt & borrow another big chunk?

At the rate our debt is skyrocketing, you'd think the government doesn't collect a dime in taxes...

(Stephen Harper didn't impose a carbon tax, lowered personal income tax, and lowered the GST...and if I recall correctly we had budget surpluses. Just sayin...)
Canadians are more heavily taxed today than at any other point in recent history. We pay a carbon tax that has increased annually & will continue to do so for the next few years, our income tax has gone up, and the age at which people can start drawing their CPP is now a bit older...
For a lot of people, over the past couple of decades federal income tax rates have gone down.

[Add: and by the BoC's inflation calculator, the upper income limits for at least the BPE and lowest two income ranges have increased by more than inflation.]
Canadians recognize the need to fight climate change, and paying more tax is the obvious solution to address abnormal weather patterns....
By paying much higher taxes I get to keep more of the money I make. Thank you Justin and the LPC!
My question is...

Where do all of our tax dollars go, since they don't seem to be making their way to the federal government?
The 58 million dollar shitty app that we were saddled with should answer your questions.

See how many Liberals retire after the next election - and seem to be wealthy.
For a lot of people, over the past couple of decades federal income tax rates have gone down.

[Add: and by the BoC's inflation calculator, the upper income limits for at least the BPE and lowest two income ranges have increased by more than inflation.]
Looking at those rates, if we just kick the first 3 ranges back up to the old levels we'd get anywhere from about $1,500 to $5,700 more from each taxpayer making anywhere from $53K to $165K - the middle class, which is most taxpayers. People have had it soft for too long, with lower income tax and GST rates and many years of easy (low-interest borrowing) money. It's past time to be serious about funding the programs that are there for the good of all Canadians, instead of just talking about how great the intentions and rosy predictions are. Who's with me?