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Air Force Forage Cap

I think they changed the system so that only people who are actually authorized to wear them, can order them(as a Replacement Order)...namely CWOs and above (which would include all officers, subordinate officers to be included).

I just tried to order one about a month ago, and was told that I could get one, but I wasn't allowed to use replacement points for it. It would have to be cash.

Unless 2Lt isn't an officer rank.  :p
Ok good, i am not the only one wondering why the forage is only available for purchase now and not through the point system?? Would it be safe to say that they are trying to phase this item off the list of authorized head dress?  Perhaps Vern or one of the resident supply gurus might be able to provide a bit of insight ? Curious more than anything.


I'll have to check the Air Scale of initial DEU issue tomorrow.

If it's still an initial entitlement item, then I'd imagine that one would still be entitled to replace it via their points.

I'm suspecting that it's no longer a "must have", but a nice to have "optional" piece of kit versus a "required" piece of kit ... which means that taxpayer funded points wouldn't cover it anymore.

Don't know if that's actually the case ... I'll consult the scale tomorrow, and will fire off an answer-seeking email if required. Will advise of results.
Awesome, i knew i would get a more direct answer from here rather than e mail Logistik directly, thanks Vern.


PViddy said:
Awesome, i knew i would get a more direct answer from here rather than e mail Logistik directly, thanks Vern.



Sorry that I didn't actually get a chance to look it up for you yesterday, after being in and out of the office doing various courses/taskings/ranges/parades & assorted silly stuff over the past three weeks -- I actually had lots of "work" work piled up in my in basket. Go figure. Monday, I'm out with CHRO doing a CR-05 competition package up, so it'll all have to wait until Tuesday now.

I will get an answer to this one though ...
inferno said:

I just tried to order one about a month ago, and was told that I could get one, but I wasn't allowed to use replacement points for it. It would have to be cash.

Unless 2Lt isn't an officer rank.  :p

Well ...

I've got the baselined laptop sparked up and running beside me right now. Why?? It's 0459hrs & I really have no idea why, but here goes ...

I have just downloaded the D01103CFS Basic Air Force Entitlement Scale, last updated and effective as of: 02 Jan 2008.

This item now reads (in the remarks column):

"Optional item, not to be distributed on initial issue. Item est optionnel, ne pas distributer lors de la distribution initial."

So there you have it folks -- apparently the Air Force:
Cap, Service Dress (Men's, Officer) ; and the
Hat, Service Dress (Women's, Officer)
... are now optional items.

Ergo, you can't use your points (taxpayer funded) anymore to obtain them with as they are not "required", just "nice". Quite like Mess Kit and Regimental buttons for DEU etc -- your money now pays for them if you want them.
Well, that was my first guess.  It makes sense to try and save some money on that item as they must be kinda expensive to produce and not a daily item of wear, but at least it's still on the scale! Thanks again Vern.


Forage caps are NOT expensive.... relatively speaking
but... if you mean simply having to spend YOUR money VS Gov't money.... yes, I guess it is expensive.
Oh no, i was simply implying that it must be expensive to physically manufacture them, having the Gov pay logistik for a cap for every member of the AF.  Seeing as we don't wear them that often i am sure that money can be better spent somwhere else.  I hope they keep the item scaled though, as i am sorta a traditionalist and history buff, and yeah! it's military fashion baby yea! I don't mind paying for optional items (albeit i already have the one and only FC that i'll ever need in my career, and the Queen footed the bill for that one  :)).


Well today was the RMC change of command parade, with Cdre Truelove taking over from BGen Lawson.

In the crowd there was several officers of the air variety, with at least 2 wearing forage caps. And they were RegF, not CIC.


If only both Generals on the dias were wearing them as well, but I must admit, the gold piping along the wedge does look good.

I have always found it hard to get comfortable with the wedge.
Looks awkward on many and has to be rammed on the head in strong winds.
Forage cap for dress and beret for everyday wear is my ideal.

Edited for "forage" spelling.  :-[
Baden  Guy said:
I have always found it hard to get comfortable with the wedge.
Looks awkward on many and has to be rammed on the head in strong winds.
Forage cap for dress and beret for everyday wear is my ideal.

Edited for "forage" spelling.  :-[

Just one more voice, but I agree fully!  :nod:
I'm at 8 Wing and was told I could get the Forage Cap Air Ops badge at the museum. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
What makes a forage cap hatbadge any different from a wedge or beret hatbadge?  It's more a question of cloth, wire, wire with metal eagle or all-metal -- never heard of a foragec cap-specific hatbadge.

Good2Golf said:
What makes a forage cap hatbadge any different from a wedge or beret hatbadge?  It's more a question of cloth, wire, wire with metal eagle or all-metal -- never heard of a foragec cap-specific hatbadge.


Oh. I read somewhere (somewhere unofficial, like this forum, not dress regs or anything.) that it was a larger one. You just wear a regular air ops one on yours?
As G2G says, there has never been a specific badge for service dress cap.

The available types are shown on this http://joedrouin.com/af-hat.htm page. The enamelled metal type has not been available for many years.

The only one that I wear is AF.040.D. AF.040.D1 looks chintzy, and AF.040.D2 is too cheap for officers to wear.
Benny, I have the "D" noted by Loachman on my wedge and forage cap, and wear a "D1" on my berets.  I (and perhaps others) had understood an "implicit" rule that the "D2" cloth badge was reserved for NCMs.

It was, and the simulated gold (mylar) embroidered ones are Officers' badges.

I've seen too many Officers wearing the rayon-embroidered ones, regardless.

Cheap bastards.
benny88 said:
Oh. I read somewhere (somewhere unofficial, like this forum, not dress regs or anything.) that it was a larger one. You just wear a regular air ops one on yours?

This isn't something I have to worry about as a lowly oar-puller  8), but our Wing Dress Instructions (dated Aug 07), Article 5 reads as follows:


1. There are presently two sizes of air force hat badges authorized for wear by Officers and CWOs.  They shall only be worn as follows:

a. small hat badge is to be worn with the wedge and beret; and

b. large hat badge is to be worn with the Service hat onlv.

2. Metallic embroidered badges to be worn by Officers and CWOs only.

Not saying its right...just saying that is in the Wing DIs. 