Kirkhill said:Few would mistake me for an NDP apologist but:
On the subject of royalties didn't Ms. Notley say something to the effect that she was going to empower a People's Commission to review the royalty structure and determine if Albertans were getting value for money. I believe that could be seen as the NDPs version of kicking the subject into the long grass. (If they were Tories it would be a Royal Commission ....hmm ....Prediction: 2 years of deliberations by well paid party faithful followed by a recommendation to change "royalties" to "peopleties".)
KJK said:I don't think Mr. O'Leary's comments are too far off the mark. Look what happened when Stelmach did his royalty reviews. Oil company spending stopped cold. These major projects take many years from concept to completion. Why would you attempt to build one when the taxes and royalties could change every year. Especially when BC and SK have stable royalties and more business friendly governments. Add to this mess a glut of oil in North America......
A more interesting question for me anyway is: If Notley and her SJW destroy the economy of AB who is going to be a 'Have" province in Canada? Who is going to be generating the money to send to these provinces who are addicted to AB's oil revenue? If I were a Premier of one of these provinces I would be very concerned. Who knows, maybe 1-2 of them may become 'Have' provinces and end up paying rather than receiving.
Kirkhill said:Saskatoon is a nice place to live and do business - Regina is Edmonton but with a stronger socialist cadre.
Jarnhamar said:You're in good hands Alberta
ModlrMike said:
E.R. Campbell said:... Premier Prentice gratuitously insulted Albertans ("look in the mirror") for elected PC government after PC government.
Underway said:On this site I thought we appreciated people who say it like it is? Was it insulting? Perhaps. Was it honest and true? Yes. Most people don't like it when you point out that their situation is self inflicted. Like an earlier poster said you get the government that you deserve. I thought the days of King Ralph were an embarrassment, and that the PC party was done the moment they started handing out $400 cheques vice actually saving for the future. And now Albertans have no savings and a big deficit... look in the mirror indeed.
Underway said:On this site I thought we appreciated people who say it like it is? Was it insulting? Perhaps. Was it honest and true? Yes. Most people don't like it when you point out that their situation is self inflicted. Like an earlier poster said you get the government that you deserve. I thought the days of King Ralph were an embarrassment, and that the PC party was done the moment they started handing out $400 cheques vice actually saving for the future. And now Albertans have no savings and a big deficit... look in the mirror indeed.
Many of my friends in Alberta are freaking out, and my response is, "well someone had to vote for the NDP, they got 40%+ of the popular vote", only to be met by silence (meaning they probably voted NDP). This is EXACTLY the same response that happened after the NDP win in Ontario. No one would confess to voting NDP when 4 out of 10 people did. I suspect those complaining the loudest are trying to cover their tracks...
That being said the Alberta NDP party is not leftist, its left of centre, more akin to the Liberals in Ontario or NS, just like the PC party is not right wing, its right of centre. Its not like the Bob Rae NDP which were actually socialists.
And for who is going to pay the bills in transfer payments... don't worry, after a 5 years of essentially breaking even Ontario is back.