Amalgamation of units is not a solution, IMHO. It's a band-aid, knee-jerk reaction to a much more serious and underlying problem. I worked as an RSSO for 26 Fd Regt in the mid 1970s. In those days 26 Fd could generally deploy on exercise a six gun batteries with a BC and two FOOs. 10th Fd in Regina generally couldn't put out a three gun battery and 116 Bty in Kenora would be hard stretched to deploy a gun and a recce party.
The three now form the 38th Artillery Tactical Gp under one CO. The last stats I saw for them they had in total "on paper": 17 offrs and cadets, 15 WOs and Sgts and 68 other ranks (which includes twenty recruits). That's barely enough to field one battery (even if everyone showed up for an exercise) much less the 424 pers and five batteries that the ARE calls for. (I'm not 100% certain of the total authorized figures - my documentation for that is a tad old)
There were amalgamations, too in the 1960s. They were coupled with force reductions which left the remaining units just as weak as the more numerous prior ones. Amalgamation alone won't work.
I'm a strong advocate for full-sized regiments and battalions based on hybrid units (the 30/70 construct) and IMHO those will need to be amalgamated ones (eg a bn with one RegF coy, and three or four ResF coys (each from a different ResF unit)) in order that a bn can easily be Stage 2 mobilized as a full "enhanced" battalion but can also be easily broken up into the cores of four or five battalions (each with a name and history - yes, I also believe that morale matters) for Stage 3 mobilization as an expanded force. A viable structure for the army must be able to cater for force that can generate its full-time forces in-being (the RegF); and its standing capability (its combined RegF and ResF) and a force larger than it was at the beginning of the conflict (its RegF, its ResF and its newly recruited cohorts). If it fails to plan for all three of those scenarios it will be left to ad hoc its way through a crisis.
The point here is that there is considerably more needed to create a viable army that incorporates both its RegF and ResF components. Mere amalgamation will never be enough and will only ever be a system that can generate individuals and small teams. IMHO what is going on with 38 Arty Tac Gp and the KOCR/SALH does not benefit the army but merely temporarily prolongs its death spiral a bit.