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CADPAT Rain Gear

No contract awarded yet.  So any info about that would be pure speculation.
Ecco said:
No contract awarded yet.  So any info about that would be pure speculation.

Umm wrong, it's been issued to the next roto leaving for tour. The CTS website wis wrong. No it's not general scale of issue but it will soon be .
Issue to personnel at CFB Kingston is (tentatively) scheduled for Feb '09.
The new raingear is pretty much the norm at CFB Shilo now. I actually got issued a set, too. In my mind, a big step up over the old stuff.
We have had it for some time in Shilo.  As far as A Stan is concerned those members should be getting the Arid version sometime after arrival. At least that is how it was in the second half of 2006.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
As far as A Stan is concerned those members should be getting the Arid version sometime after arrival. At least that is how it was in the second half of 2006.

They are issued the temperate version here then then arid version in theater..why I hve no idea but so goes the supply system
OK, so some units have gotten there issue and units going to the A'stan are getting are getting them and there is some sort of schedule out there, so if someone knows what the schedule is can they post it for all to see.
BulletMagnet said:
Umm wrong, it's been issued to the next roto leaving for tour. The CTS website wis wrong. No it's not general scale of issue but it will soon be .

The fact that some people receive the TW raingear does not imply that the CTS contract has been awarded.  Your assumption is wrong and the websitre is right.

The TW raingear for the Land Forces is being procured in small batches by the National Procurement side of NDHQ, with money from the Operations Budget (the account for Afghanistan Ops).  It is issued to TF pers during their ramp-up training so they can have access to the equivalent of what they will get in theater (in AR), and so that they have the best kit available for training.

The CTS raingear contract that will outfit the 70 000 CF pers conducting Land Ops is still pending.  The bid evaluation has been completed (some time ago) and the file is back at PWGSC, who are busily adding their value.  As soon as the contract is awarded, the news will be on Army News, the manufacturer will be gloating on their website, etc...  And only then will it be possible to plan a distribution schedule.  In the meantime, the system will provide for TF ramping-up, so the first priority pers have the kit despite the bureaucratic challenges.

Not sure who is right or wrong but I know many none-TF people that get it and it would seem although I haven't done a head count, that most people on this base (Shilo) have it.  It is my understanding we are sharing the new design with the air force so that there is one standard between the two elements as well.  Since I don't work at supply I don't know what the deal is.  Perhaps its that they don't have any old stuff to issue out anymore so everyone that needs it gets the new stuff regardless.
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Not sure who is right or wrong but I know many none-TF people that get it and it would seem although I haven't done a head count, that most people on this base (Shilo) have it.  It is my understanding we are sharing the new design with the air force so that there is one standard between the two elements as well.  Since I don't work at supply I don't know what the deal is.  Perhaps its that they don't have any old stuff to issue out anymore so everyone that needs it gets the new stuff regardless.

Yes, thats true.  The Army looked at the 2-in-1 suit the AF got out of CEMS, modified it, and it is now the CCR that is on the CTS site...both the AF and Army will get the same piece of kit.

If the contract hasn't been awarded then perhaps you can tell those people not on TF that their rain gear is a figmant of their imagination.... Cause I am pretty sure that my rai but you n gear exist, but you know I could be wrong. If your saying it isn't well hey who am I to know what is real and what isn't
BulletMagnet said:

If the contract hasn't been awarded then perhaps you can tell those people not on TF that their rain gear is a figmant of their imagination.... Cause I am pretty sure that my rai but you n gear exist, but you know I could be wrong. If your saying it isn't well hey who am I to know what is real and what isn't

Read his post again........
Sounds like he is saying there is an 'interim' raingear being issued, much like the GP combat boot is being issued until the CTS project gets the TCB out to the troops...

I did, I am not TF nor are some of the guys I know who have the rain gear...Quag is not TF and he has the rain gear, in fact the majority of his base from his observation has the rain gear.  Now I am not precurment expert however I know when something is in production on more then just a trial/TF issue run. Now I know I am a bit of a special case reff my rain gear but the guys I am on course with right now are not and they have it and are not TF at all.
BulletMagnet said:
 Now I am not precurment expert however

Neither am i but i've been at this long enough to know that sometimes government departments use extra budgets ( read task specific) in strange ,unintended ways.
I cannot forsee how the heck a department got the funds to out fit so many non essential pers with rain ear, TF issue absolutely, Joe Blow Patricia at CFB Shilo or Cpl Bloggins clerk CFB Shilo seems a bit excessive in terms of "extra" cash just being handed out.
BulletMagnet said:
I cannot forsee how the heck a department got the funds to out fit so many non essential pers with rain ear, TF issue absolutely, Joe Blow Patricia at CFB Shilo or Cpl Bloggins clerk CFB Shilo seems a bit excessive in terms of "extra" cash just being handed out.

Hey, you win dude. My gortex CADPAT rain gear is in my closet still in the original plastic bag it was issued to me in 3 years ago. This isnt an issue that keeps me up at night.
It's not a win type situtation for me, it's more of a confusion as to what is what, if it's not issue yet thn how are people getting it?  If it is issue then the CTS website ref the rain gear is again wrong or more so out of date.
BulletMagnet said:
It's not a win type situtation for me, it's more of a confusion as to what is what, if it's not issue yet thn how are people getting it?  If it is issue then the CTS website ref the rain gear is again wrong or more so out of date.

Who said that what people are getting now is the CTS / CCR rain gear ?