You really are a glass half empty kinda guy aren't you :

? Wainwright is in the middle of the Canadian prairies and Gagetown is in the middle of New Brunswick - if you've been to both, you've seen more of Canada than about 90% of Canadians. I used to work in a place where people considered "going away" to be driving an hour in either direction down the Trans Canada; they had a hard time believing that due to being in the CAF and where I've been in my life, that I've literally lived in, worked or visited all three territories and eight out of ten provinces. As the vast majority of a soldier's life is spent training, I'd get used to those places, since you're not going to be on deployment for your whole life, and certainly not going to get to go where you want to and when.
BTW, just a simple observation, but I get the impression that no matter where you end up, you probably won't be happy, deployment or otherwise, unless you stop feeling sorry for yourself and look for the silver lining in what you do have...first and foremost, one of the best jobs you can get in this country.