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Canadian Foreign Interference (General)

Its a travesty to democracy that we'll be voting for members of parliament that may be guilty of foreign interference.
Only acceptable to Canadians. We re worried about burning sources because we wont be trusted by allies….while not being worried about the trustworthiness of our leaders and their influences and how that affects us to our allies.

Allies of course being apparently different depending on who you ask and what level of government they work for.
Only acceptable to Canadians. We re worried about burning sources because we wont be trusted by allies….while not being worried about the trustworthiness of our leaders and their influences and how that affects us to our allies.

Allies of course being apparently different depending on who you ask and what level of government they work for.
Is it acceptable to Canadians? And are we not worried about that? Because I think to a lot of us it’s not, and we are… Unfortunately we’re pretty much at the mercy of the elected legislature and the government of the day to do anything about it.
MacKay did a good job explaining the situation...

Indian high commissioner accuses Trudeau of destroying bilateral relationship, says 'mistrust' persists​

Canada’s most recent high commissioner to India, Cameron MacKay, said the federal government is acting on the issue, and that Canada has sought more information from India on 26 of those 27 extradition files.

“Let me be clear,” he told Kapelos, also in an interview on CTV’s Question Period, airing Sunday. “In the past, where India has shared sufficient information, we have successfully extradited people from Canada to face law.”

“It’s a diversion tactic to claim that Canada has been uncooperative in these law enforcement matters,” he also said. “I consider it to be simply not true.”https://army.ca/forums/javascript:;

If you ever want to get their material again? High. If we want to go it alone on national security and not have foreign allies feed us info on the plot du jour of the latest ISIS convert or foreign interference network, then by all means stomp on said allies’ dicks.

Leaks and compromises will inevitably happen. Dealing with them and investigating and prosecuting where possible is how trust is retained and rebuilt after they do. Respecting foreign use caveats is utterly implicit in sharing and exchanging intelligence, whether at the highest levels of national security, or the lowest level police to police sharing. Being on our own in the national security space would be… Pretty lonely.

I agree that it is a lonely old world out there.

And Adam Smith was right. Everyone acts out of self-interest.

Info on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq came from trusted sources.