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Cap Badges

Isn't the Unit/Branch representing the CFs?  What about my flight suits, what am I supposed to wear on the shoulders/name tags?  I've never seen any issued badges for flight suits.
George Wallace said:
You are wrong.  The CF does require you to wear it, and the CF does supply you with the Buttons and badges to wear.  It is the Units/Branches who demand you wear their accoutraments, not the generic CF ones.  Some Units do give an initial "Free Issue" of Regimental accoutraments, for one set of DEU.  If the individual wants more they must purchase them out of their own pocket.

So, it is not the CF that is not providing, but the Unit/Branch.

Those units are part of the CF though.   ;D

Regardless, if it is something demanded to be worn, it should be provided to the member FOC is my point.  As I said, I know its not that way and...well, thats not likely to change.   8)
SupersonicMax said:
Isn't the Unit/Branch representing the CFs?  What about my flight suits, what am I supposed to wear on the shoulders/name tags?  I've never seen any issued badges for flight suits.

Which is one example...the one I was thinking of that always pi**ed me off was the Regimental buckles for the old garrison dress (paint by numbers style) for the black belt that 1 week after we all bought them, the directive came out that the belt was no longer to be worn, but we couldn't get the $ back for this stupid buckle, which I still have in my kit somewheres  ::)

I agree with the initial issue and then you replace out of pocket if you loose it/exchange it if it becomes N/S.
Eye In The Sky said:
My own personal opinion is that if the CF requires me to wear it, then the CF should provide it. Now I know thats not the way it is, and I know I'll have to buy my own patches too and I'll just do it like everyone else (small price to pay to be in the best MOCs in the CF IMO). 

You are NOT required to wear the unit heraldic on the flightsuit. You are not required to wear an aircraft badge on your flightsuit. You are NOT required to wear a Sqn nametag on your flightsuit. Dress regulations only require you to wear rank badges, wings and name tag, all of which are provided by the system
CDN Aviator, then they should ammend our Squadron order.  They do require us to have the Unit, Aircraft and name tag.
SupersonicMax said:
CDN Aviator, then they should ammend our Squadron order.  They do require us to have the Unit, Aircraft and name tag.

I have the 1 CAD orders printed and posted at work. What i posted here is current 1 CAD policy. I'm flying tomorow night, i will get an electronic copy of the oder and post it here monday.
CDN Aviator said:
You are NOT required to wear the unit heraldic on the flightsuit. You are not required to wear an aircraft badge on your flightsuit. You are NOT required to wear a Sqn nametag on your flightsuit. Dress regulations only require you to wear rank badges, wings and name tag, all of which are provided by the system

The sqn crest is required here, if you follow the Wing Dress Instructions (not that everyone does).  I haven't gotten to 406 yet so I don't know if they give them out or not.  Time well tell I guess.

I'm not talking only about name tags for flight suits (I don't have a problem paying for them, considering all the good things about being aircrew).  The poster who had to shell out his/her own $ for a Jimmy cap badge, I don't care if its 2 bucks or 20 bucks...he/she shouldn't have to pay for a capbadge.  

And that stupid garrison belt buckle I still have that cost me $20 way back when....

He should have had 1 Jimmy cap badge issued, through the system, the rest are his to purchase. Same goes for branch accoutrements,  I don't recall paying for my initial issue when I was a Jimmy.  As for the rest, unit crests, name tapes, floater jacket name tapes, ball caps, never paid for those either.

Klc said:
As for the unrelated venting I unfortunately spewed out (mostly caused by me getting several blasts of poo for not having a gasmask carrier in the field; and the subsequent 3 blasts of a horn signifying my impending 'death')

All I was saying is (and shortly after posting I did read the OTHER cap badge thread) that if these are regulations,  my CoC; who tell me that I am full of poop when I tell them why I don't have a gasmask carrier, or why I don't have a second beret (no capbadge on it); are not at all aware of them, and act as if they have never heard of this before.
Then tell your CoC to talk to their G4s ... because the G4s in every LF Area HQ --- got it at the same time that I did due to my linkage with Clothing Stores; I then got it from the 3 ASG G4, the CTC G4 ... I've gotten it lots of times in my CoC. Seems things may not be passed on in this case as they should be within yours.

It's dated 13 April 2008, and it's called the "Land Force Commander's Operational Clothing Plan". It's pretty hard to miss - tell them to call clothing and ask for a copy, then ask them to inquire why they didn't get it down the CoC like they should have.

I'd PM you asking for some direction on where to start my search for some sort of official reg to show WHY I couldn't get the carrier - but I don't exactly think it would be welcome. I will continue to search official sources on my own.

P.S. - The $70 was a surprise required purchase that not only did I not budget for, but could not afford at the time. that and only that was my point of contention on that issue.

You wouldn't be the first to PM me, you won't be the last. I just gave you your answer. The could also just go on the DIN and download the latest D01-301 Land Force Field Operational Clothing and Equipment Table --- where the "notes" & remarks next to "Carrier, Gas mask, quite clearly state "Restricted to International Operations."

Likewise, they just just go in to see your Unit QM staff, have the QM/CQ/RQ/SQ/TQ/Log O (whoever!!) log in to the CFSS and type in the stock number for the carrier ... then just "review item description" to see it written there.

They have LogOs ... why aren't they using them?
Eye In The Sky said:
But the LS and the civie staff were obviously not impressed that they had to do this, not that I personally gave a f**k.  Oddly enough, they had a cash sales up there for recruits to purchase pretty much any item of kit they 'lost'.  I'd like to have all the $ from recruits who had to purchase stuff they signed for, but had never really been issued initially with that dickhead LS from Clothing writing lists out and never actually getting the kit to the troops, who walked out being ordered to sign their name despite missing kit.

They tried some of the same stuff with me, handing me a bag of kit and telling me to "sign here".  I said "I will sign once you I can check for each piece of kit, and to see that its actually serviceable to start off with".

That's why every time a course comes through here for an issue --- I tell them right off the bat during their brief "tick the item off as you get it, if you don't know what it is ... ask. It saves you time and money in the end."

Damn, I actually miss working there.
Eye In The Sky said:
My own personal opinion is that if the CF requires me to wear it, then the CF should provide it.  Now I know thats not the way it is, and I know I'll have to buy my own patches too and I'll just do it like everyone else (small price to pay to be in the best MOCs in the CF IMO). 

If its part of the uniform, the troops should be issued it, not have to pay for it.  I too bought all my Regimental collar/shoulder dogs, buttons, etc.  I just never thought it made sense.  The CF shouldn't order people to wear something that they have to pay for out of pocket, those items should be in the supply system IMO. 

If they decide to buy something better (berets is an example, when the ones from Logistik were crap) then all the power to them. 

You mean of course ... if your trade requires you to wear, your trade should pay for it.

It's not the CF that requires you to wear "UnitXXX" on your DEU slip ons, tunic buttons etc; it's your unit. Likewise those trade specific ones.

If the "CF" makes you wear it --- we issue it at clothing (provided of course that the *&%%&^$% contract hadn't expired TWO fucking years ago and we're STILL waiting to get some action on those cap badges despite all my writing to the SM and making them fully aware this is NOT an acceptable situation and is VERY bad for morale. Do you hear that Mr. K? Giddy up already.
SupersonicMax said:
Isn't the Unit/Branch representing the CFs?  What about my flight suits, what am I supposed to wear on the shoulders/name tags?  I've never seen any issued badges for flight suits.

Each Unit wants to have their individual stuff ... therefore individuals get to pay for it (or, in the case of "nice" Units, use regimental funds (ie not taxpayers money to provide an initial issue of it).

The CF provides accoutrements for the "Team" - that being the "Army", "Navy", and "Air Force" ... don't like lions for buttons, use the kit shop as they say.
ArtyNewbie said:
He should have had 1 Jimmy cap badge issued, through the system, the rest are his to purchase. Same goes for branch accoutrements,   I don't recall paying for my initial issue when I was a Jimmy. 

System didn't have capbadges for a while, and it was a crap shoot to find a base that still had stock of them. Kingston finally has some, as of Thursday (unless they all got taken then), and the berets will get done overnight.

Only branch thing I had to buy was Jimmy buttons for the DEU, but I've never seen a written order that said I needed them, just didn't want to rock the boat.
PuckChaser said:
Only branch thing I had to buy was Jimmy buttons for the DEU, but I've never seen a written order that said I needed them, just didn't want to rock the boat.

Watching someone try that on a QL3 would be amusing.
geo said:
Umm... is the problem with the Clothing stores OR is the problem with the recruit instructors ???

Methinks that the instructors contribute heavily to the mayhem

- Well, I taught at CFRS Cornwallis from 1984 to 1986 (put 500 recruits through) and taught at CFLRS from 1996 to March 1999 (didn't count).  Mayhem was my middle name! But not during kit issue:

Cornwallis: as Pl Comd, signed for 120 Barrack Boxes and enough winter kit to equip 120 recruits. We issued the winter kit in the Platoon barracks (each male platoon had it's own building).  Base QM (a few old Guardsmen and such who knew their jobs VERY well) did the CF, Combats and Work Dress issue.  Problems were easily rectified, as far as my experience went.

St.Jean: Base QM did everything.  Liason between the QM and the staff of the Recruit and BOTC courses was pretty good, as far as my experience went.

Two berets? Don't remember.  Who cares?  Why would I want to inspect a second beret when I have Recruits who can't shine shoes or iron shirts (or march, or shoot, or count, or read and write, or speak at least one of the two official languages...

Mess Kit: Go price a pair of Wellingtons with installed spur boxes, and spurs.

Regimental accoutrements:  Flashback to late seventies: Regimental Parade, Seems like all of us are being told our (non-CF issue) Regimental ascots are faded/worn/torn/shrunk/etc. and to buy a new one at the Regtl Kit Shop ASAP.  Kit shop is miraculously open and selling out it's considerable stock like hotcakes.  Three days later we are informed that the CF dress policy has changed and Regtl ascots will not - NOT - be worn with ANY order of dress.  ... Coincidence, you say?
The only thing I had to buy when I was green was 1) Beret, Silk band, Belgique

2) Buttons, DEU, Medical Branch

3) Cap badge, Officer, Wire

That cost me a whopping...$30 the most expensive thing was the capbadge. I took pride in my branch and my MOC so I went out and bought the nice ones on my own. Sure I had the issued one, and that went quickly in my FMP.

I guess it's a pride thing. I am proud to be serving in a particular branch, unit, regiment. If I was AF I'd get my patches without complaint because it's pride.

When I got my NCDs I didn't have any nametapes, and I knew they would take a few weeks to get to me. So instead of looking like an idiot without a nametape, I went out and purchased them. Could I not have done that? Sure. But again... It's... A pride thing.
Run away gun said:
Watching someone try that on a QL3 would be amusing.

Yep, as a young private it was not on my priority list to question things like that.  ;D
MedTech said:
The only thing I had to buy when I was green was 1) Beret, Silk band, Belgique

2) Buttons, DEU, Medical Branch

3) Cap badge, Officer, Wire

That cost me a whopping...$30 the most expensive thing was the capbadge. I took pride in my branch and my MOC so I went out and bought the nice ones on my own. Sure I had the issued one, and that went quickly in my FMP.

I guess it's a pride thing. I am proud to be serving in a particular branch, unit, regiment. If I was AF I'd get my patches without complaint because it's pride.

When I got my NCDs I didn't have any nametapes, and I knew they would take a few weeks to get to me. So instead of looking like an idiot without a nametape, I went out and purchased them. Could I not have done that? Sure. But again... It's... A pride thing.

You don't have to spend your own $ to have pride in your uniform.  I do and always have had pride in my uniform (I too bought my Regimental buttons, brass cap badge, etc) but I disagree with anything being 'required' that a young troop has to pay for.
The only things I purchased for the DEU's was my Branch buttons, Branch flashing for the Shirt slip ons, and eventually the Branch Cerenmonial Belt Buckle. Everthing else was issued from Clothing. No idea why they made you buy every out of pocket. ???
NFLD Sapper said:
The only things I purchased for the DEU's was my Branch buttons, Branch flashing for the Shirt slip ons, and eventually the Branch Cerenmonial Belt Buckle. Everthing else was issued from Clothing. No idea why they made you buy every out of pocket. ???
and when you become an officer OR sr NCO
CME Cloth cap badge, & for mess kits: Cloth collar dogs, buttons, studs & cuff links, gold wire rank badges... yada, yada, yada