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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

  • Thread starter Thread starter brad_dennis
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I looked at previous posts and di a search but I couldnt get a clear answer. If you are applying into 031 can you request to be posted at 3 PPCLI?

The Recruiting Centre offer will specify a Regiment. During Basic Infantry training you may be asked your preference of battalions, which will be taken into consideration  IF the Career Manager has any flexibility with where he needs to send the soldiers of your training platoon. Either choice may be restricted based on operational requirements for riflemen.
I am sorry if my second lang has played a factor within this as you can see that was not my intent to call that regiment hole.    Is there need to be irate about it?   You stated yourself, that you are a franco canadian, such as myself. Well then you know that is a very difficult at times to use the improper sayings, and to be franc, because i made an effort in learning english does not make me perfect at it.    IF it will clarify it more, i have not served in the regiment however living with an Uncle who served in the vandoos, in german, infact i realize that yes it isnt soley in vlacartier, however, valcartier is the proverbial mecca of the Franco military. To re-phrase for you, or to any who was confused:" Being in the vandoos or any other franco regiment,(understanding that there is no slandering of the regiment, or attempt to do so, and as i fully admitted to only knowing a few of their traditions.),presents a dialemma, because unlike the rest of english speaking canadians we have no choice, as anglo canadians do, if we did not have the oppertunity to learn english.   Is this more clear if you did read the question however, it was dirrected on traditions, and cultural differences, requesting more of an explination if possible.   The post by baloo simply asked about being in the 22e, however, it presented a question and a problem. Seeing asI have been briefed many times on the aspect of becoming a jr officer in my second lang, i thought that I had the capability to anwser. As I fully staed to shift the subject slightly I think in all fairness my post could have been precieved incorrectly, but there was no need for two posts insulting my inteligence and my motives?   If it is still possible to anwser the question of: traditions and culteral differences, it would be appreciated
Just a few word... We respect the other regiment... respect our regiment and our language... We are canadian and we are in CANADIAN ARMY ... we can do same thing of all regiment in this army. Respect this... This message its only for the people is concern.. sorry for my english im french CANADIAN  :cdn: :salute: :cdn:
I have many friends in DDO and in St Lazare... They are all proudly Canadian. I know there is a great many loyal quebecors out there but the media focuses too much on the separitist. To me, Quebec is every bit a part of Canada as the other provinces..

i know... the people believe the media!  :cdn: :salute: :cdn: A lot of my friends are loyal at Canada and is not military sector ( sorry for my english  :-[ ) :cdn:
As a Combat Engineer I have had the opportunity to serve with all 3 units ( both on operations  overseas or with the Airborne Regt)
and the Royals would be your best choice. If your just looking to go out west go PPCLI,

At the end of the day I really think you should re-evaluate your choices . It doesn't sound like you want you want to go infantry for the right reasons!

As a 031, here is my input added to the above for the original poster and anybody else thinking about enroling.

Good reasons to go infantry
(1) Want a very challenging soldiering career that could lead to exciting but tough things like patrol pathfinder or JTF2...
(2) Very curious about what soldiering is all about and like physically demanding jobs
(3) If you really love working outdoors
(4) Plain ol' gung ho
Poor reasons (IMO)
(1) To get into the CF really quick and easy
(2) Need a job, because welfare aint cutting it no more
Forget it, there are way too many poor reasons for choosing 031.
Remember infantry (all the combat arms actually) is serious business and requires a set of brass nuts, dedication like no tommorrow and physical fitness...

If you want "military welfare" as I call it, choose a bloody easier trade and stay out of our way...

PS Don't forget, all land forces attend SQ..
Hey another reason for going to Pet is the Mess!!! ;D. I know know that Pet is getting pretty run down(though still pretty nice) and PMQ's are scarce, and the night   life in Pet isnt all that great. Gagetown is not much better(though I have only been there once) the buildings are nicer and the surounding area is pretty well kept up i.e training facility's. I have no clue as to what's in the West seeing as Ive never been there.
P.s how is Val-Cartier any R22   know?
Well, for one, Valcartier is effectively a hop-skip-and a jump to Quebec City...  I have no idea how much cab fare is/etc but Im sure splitting with the boys isnt that much... and Quebec City has as much to offer as any major city does...  plus the francophones of the female persuasion are always known (rightly or wrongly) to be a good time (depending on your definition) and Quebec City bars are quality.

Depends what you are looking for I guess.
Oh, and insofar as the previous comments re R22R and St-Jean/PrepYear.

I too have attended prep year, and as such was "indoctrinated" to the ways of the R22R. (This qualification can be attributed to comments made by our R22R badged staff, who constantly referred to the R22R way of doing things).

To be honest, Bruce & Jungle - I see where you are coming from, but I don't think it was necessary to jump on the guy. He pretty much qualified his comments by delineating his experience. He stated he only had a year, and that it was in St Jean. Had he perhaps made more general comments without giving any specifics to his sources, then a larger taking-to-task would have been in order.

To be honest, I think as moderators you could have both been a bit more moderate in your slamming of him - he did make some more general comments about the R22R and he could have qualified his statements better by stating that his comments referred only to a few members of the 22 who they themselves claimed to be representing that regiment. But again, this may have been due to language.

I served in 2 RCR. Couple of comments to add. It is true the RCR take the history very seriously. We also had a lot of fun on occasion.

I am not sure you can summarize categorical differences between regiments but I did notice great differences in how the battalion ran depending on the RSM. Some were more strict on dress and conduct than others and this greatly effected the feel of the battalion. In other words what you get from where you go may have many other influencing factors than just the Regiment itself.

Gagetown itself mostly sucked. The only redeeming quality of Gagetown was the entertainment offered by all of the fine ladies from the University of New Brunswick in Fredricton. Now that was fun!

One small detail regarding Gagetown; you will get a lot of use from your mosquito net, even in the shacks. Unless they made some new ones there, they are friggin built on a swamp.
Heres my two cents worth
I was RCR for 10 years before I re-mustered. I have worked with both PPCLI and Vandoo. TO say who or what is better is a matter of personnel preference.  Yes the RCR hold tradition to heart but that doesn't mean in tactics like someone posted earlier.  Yes the PPCLI are seen as a bunch of Cowboys why because they are from out west... Hello prairie country!!!!! If you want to live and work out west join the PPCLI and have fun enjoy your career if you are french and want to live in Quebec become a Vandoo by all means. If you want to line in Ontario or out east RCR all the way. 9 Time out of 10 we are all going to go to the same countries and do the same things (tours) who's better who knows if you look, dress and act like a professional soldier then you will be treated as one..
Have a nice day  :salute: :cdn:
:skull: I should be an easy decision ..................GO AIR FORCE! But since I'm in 3 rcr I don,t mined Petawawa that much it sucks if your single put great if you have kids. But I,d Suggest A light battalion so you can get your jump course and were the maroon beret so you can stand out in a crowd. Plus I,m a hick so pet rocks for this cat.Plus Quebec and Edmonton have to many people..
I have a quick question, do they ever locate you if live near a base? Cause I live in St.Albert which is a 10minute drive from the Edmonton Garrsion, or do they just send you where ever they feel like it. Which is no real problem for me.

Thanks :)

scottyeH? said:
I have a quick question, do they ever locate you if live near a base? Cause I live in St.Albert which is a 10minute drive from the Edmonton Garrsion, or do they just send you where ever they feel like it. Which is no real problem for me.

Thanks :)


where you will get posted will depend upon a number of different factors, what MOC you are going for, where the vacancies need to be filled etc etc.  Tons of info in the recruiting forum that covers all of this in detail, have a good read through there. Assuming that you are talking about wanting to join the infantry (PPCLI to be more specific) , 1st and 3rd batallion are in Edmonton with the 2nd being in Shilo Manitoba. So, long story short, you can hope to be close to home if you wish but i wouldn't count on anything once you're in. (...or so i'm told :))

Hey, couple questions.

On my interview, the interviewer asked me which unit I wanted to join so I said PPCLI, but I got my offer for the RCR......would this be because I currently live in Ontario that they would do this? I really wanted to join the PPCLI rather than the RCR...Is there any way to change this? Dont get me wrong, Im ecstatic being with the RCR alone, but I wanted PPCLI

Second, in as few words as possible, whats the diff between mechanized and light infantrry??

Third, is there a chance to be a paratrooper through the RCR?
I'm chasing you all over the place today, eh?

SeanPaul_031 said:
On my interview, the interviewer asked me which unit I wanted to join so I said PPCLI, but I got my offer for the RCR......would this be because I currently live in Ontario that they would do this? I really wanted to join the PPCLI rather than the RCR...Is there any way to change this? Dont get me wrong, Im ecstatic being with the RCR alone, but I wanted PPCLI

Possible, but there is probably a reason they are sending you to the RCR - worry about getting through your basic training and becoming a qualified Infantryman before you start deciding what unit will best benefit from your skills.

Second, in as few words as possible, whats the diff between mechanized and light infantrry??

Do a search with the terms "Light" and "Mechanized" in the Infantry and Combined Arms forums - there are a few excellent discussions on these topics.

Third, is there a chance to be a paratrooper through the RCR?

Again, do a search for the word "paratrooper" or "parachute" - this is the second time I've had to direct someone to do their own legwork regarding jump company, so you get this as well:

OK, so I did a search on light/mech units and found out the differences:

The current trend in our Army appears to be that "Light" will have a distinct meaning of an Infantry force that is oriented towards operations in complex terrain (but not so much in urban areas....), has very high standards of fieldcraft and individual combat skills, and is "SOC": Special Ops Capable. Our Light Inf are not "SF"-that is reserved for the JTFII-but they are capable of conducting ops that in most other countries would be assigned to units such as Rangers or Commandos. Skills such as parachuting, mountain ops and amphibious ops are trained in these battalions.

There was something I couldnt find though. Does the above statement mean that mechanized units do not practice things such as parachuting, mountain ops and amphibious ops??? Because this is the exact type of work I wanted to do in the infantry, not the mechanized stuff.

When I got the call/offer on the phone, the recruiter said I was going to RCR. Does this mean that after I complete my BMQ/SQ, theres no chance to go to the PPCLI? Cause I really wanted the light infantry, not the mechanized.

Thx in advance for any input