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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

  • Thread starter Thread starter brad_dennis
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Please relax - the term "cowboy" I used was not meant as a negative - not in the least.
Have worked with a number of fine specimens of VP. (a couple on "balmy" ones too) My only point is that you are, on occasion, willing to bend the rules when necessary - when you figure the rule is wrong or being applied in the wrong context.... Have had dealings with a couple of Royals who were a little bit on the Anal side - and if the rule book says this is the way you do it.... that's the way they'll do it - no mater that it doesn't work (very well)

In the meantime..... Relax - life's too short.
geo said:
Please relax - the term "cowboy" I used was not meant as a negative - not in the least.
Have worked with a number of fine specimens of VP. (a couple on "balmy" ones too) My only point is that you are, on occasion, willing to bend the rules when necessary - when you figure the rule is wrong or being applied in the wrong context.... Have had dealings with a couple of Royals who were a little bit on the Anal side - and if the rule book says this is the way you do it.... that's the way they'll do it - no mater that it doesn't work (very well)

In the meantime..... Relax - life's too short.

I always viewed "rules" as a guideline - LAWS on the other hand needed to be obeyed.

I found the greatest acceptance of my personal point of view in the Canadian Airborne Regiment and the PPCLI.

Does that make the Patricia's "cowboys"?  Don't know - just makes 'em good folks in my books.
Patricias, Royals and Vandoos, tankers, gunners and sappers are all good troops & good people. wasn't my intention to stomp on anyone's toes or wrinkle anyone's feelings...
Retired CC said:
I always viewed "rules" as a guideline - LAWS on the other hand needed to be obeyed.

I found the greatest acceptance of my personal point of view in the Canadian Airborne Regiment and the PPCLI.

Does that make the Patricia's "cowboys"?   Don't know - just makes 'em good folks in my books.

This is probably the best way I've seen it put.  But I don't think anyone in the Regt takes it personnally, at least not as personally as someone in another Regt thinks we should.  I've spent time in all BN's as well as the CAR and I concur with the acceptance point, the reality is that standards are not viewed around the regt as rules they are seen as the lowest acceptable standard to qualify those that are unwilling to accept a higher standard.  We as a Regt are quite relaxed and expect a lot out of ourselves and don't take shots at the regt very seriously at all.  We are the quiet professionals who spend less time worring about the past and more time scheming ways to get on the next operation.  So describing us as 'Cowboys' may be infact correct in that context.

'Back at ya!'
Unknown Factor said:
This is probably the best way I've seen it put.  But I don't think anyone in the Regt takes it personnally, at least not as personally as someone in another Regt thinks we should.  I've spent time in all BN's as well as the CAR and I concur with the acceptance point, the reality is that standards are not viewed around the regt as rules they are seen as the lowest acceptable standard to qualify those that are unwilling to accept a higher standard.  We as a Regt are quite relaxed and expect a lot out of ourselves and don't take shots at the regt very seriously at all.  We are the quiet professionals who spend less time worring about the past and more time scheming ways to get on the next operation.  So describing us as 'Cowboys' may be infact correct in that context.

'Back at ya!'

"scheming ways to get on the next operation"  - hmm, yes, I seem to recall this "scheming" of which you speak!!


Edit:  typo
How can 2vp be a renegade Bn when we are used as political pawns for the liberal party AND are continuously getting screwed out of every operation-2010 is what we are being told for a next tour! As for cowboys, we don't grow our hair long and put our hands in our pockets while CSM's are present, unlike another Bn I know! It's cool, inter-unit rivalry is healthy. Anyways I had the chance of working with some of the boys from 1 RCR and 2 RCR, and you know what, pretty damn cool. The boys in Gagetown were pretty accomidating to us and Fredricton rocked! The Vandoos, if I upset anyone oh well, were pretty rude. Now maybe those few were the bad apples, who knows? We were watching a hockey game and when the national anthem came on all the vandoos in the room got up and walked out, coincidence? But I'm sure they're not all like that. I don't think what regiment you are with has to do with if you like big cities or small towns. I like cities and what they have to offer, but shilo and Brandon don't bother me, and when I get to go to Edmonton thats awsome. Right now I'm in Wainwright, it's a hole, but I'll live. I like my Regiment, the RCR like their regiment and the vandoos the same, we're all going to cross path's one day, we just got to be professional towards each other because we do the same job, fight the same enemy and bleed the same blood.
i don't see what everyone has against Shilo and Brandon, although I have no clue about what the training grounds are like, the base itself doesn't look too bad from what i've seen. I have to admit I don't think much about the town of Shilo itself but Brandon is a great place not only for a young guy but for a family, it's got everything you need. As for the night life, I think it's pretty good, although i'm just 15 and nightlife for me is just hanging around with friends, but from my sister and everyone old enough to go to the bar, it sounds like there is plenty to do. Theres an 11 theatre cinema, 4-5 bars, oak lake and clear lake nearby,   a university and college ( plenty of girls) to name only a couple of the most important things. I think it's a great place, obviously i'm a little biased but because i've lived here my whole life but that also means that I know alot about the place. So what does everyone have agaisnt Shilo and Brandon?? I can't think of any other place i'd rather live.

PM me or post if you have any questions.
im based in edmonton with the 3rd and iv been to pet as well  and i must say out west is much betar ...... i meen it s right nest to a major city it never gets boring there , if you wear to go to pet there is not a hole lot but then a again you might get posted to shilo and well .......in my opinion that would suck 
If you think Shilo is something..............
you should try some places like Alert or Happy Valley/Goose Bay.
Then again, every place has it's "ahem" own cham.
Man, honestly, I don't know much, but from what I have heard.. I think it would be at least, interesting to get a posting to Alert.  (for a relatively short time anyway.. a year or so)
Does anyone know if you still get the SSM for Alert anymore?
Alert postings - outside of your MOC's work schedule, there really isn't anything to do up there... the one good thing about being posted there is that you don't have many things you can spend your pay on... unless the Mrs is down south - helping to keep the Cdn economy going.
If your from the west coast PPCLI, the east coast RCR.

I have not met a PPCLI that didn't look up to a RCR.
Yard Ape said:
The PPCLI have a reputation as being cowboys, and the RCR have a reputation for being very annal.  I won't share my opinion in this area, but I figured this is the information you are looking for.

 :cool:   Yard Ape

I've heard this reputation for both Regiments also.  Truth is, most of these factors depend on who is running the show, and what the leadership is like...Anal NCO's create anal Regiments, Hillbilly Cowboys create Cowboy Reg'ts.  But from friends in both Reg'ts and having the opportunity to have worked with both, I can honestly say, there is no difference other than the name, cap badge and where they're posted.
Ranman said:
If your from the west coast PPCLI, the east coast RCR.

I have not met a PPCLI that didn't look up to a RCR.

Give me a freaking break...consider this your first one then  ::)
Blakey said:
Give me a freaking break...consider this your first one then   ::)

I really did not mean to offend a fine reg force member of the PPCLI  :crybaby:

I am confused about about one thing. Your "Personalized Picture". Is that like a gay Spidder Man?

Thank You  :-*
Ranman said:
If your from the west coast PPCLI, the east coast RCR.

I have not met a PPCLI that didn't look up to a RCR.
I haven't met one yet.

The only reason we'd look up to the RCR is that we'd be lying in the shade, while you guys are standing in the sun on parade...

I got Royal buddies - but EXCUSE me I dont live in awe.
KevinB said:

The only reason we'd look up to the RCR is that we'd be lying in the shade, while you guys are standing in the sun on parade...
And I agree it would be a fine reason. You go girl!