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Declining an offer (merged)

From what I understand yes, they went back to MPAC, when I applied it was the BII, must not have worked out well for them so they changed, which I think is a good thing for the applicant. Next MPAC is in February I believe but Ask around on the MP superthread or 17/18 MP recruiting thread. Lots of info on MPs there. My belief would be the MP selection cell wouldn't like that you turned down an offer for them. But that's my opinion of course.
coyote489 said:
From what I understand yes, they went back to MPAC, when I applied it was the BII, must not have worked out well for them so they changed, which I think is a good thing for the applicant. Next MPAC is in February I believe but Ask around on the MP superthread or 17/18 MP recruiting thread. Lots of info on MPs there. My belief would be the MP selection cell wouldn't like that you turned down an offer for them. But that's my opinion of course.

Never turned down an offer for MP. I interviewed for it along with my other selections for returning.
roger that, my apologies, i worded that wrong, i meant they may not like you turning down the offer for Comm to join the MPs
Ok first day back in the office and filtering through some of these threads...

EpicBeardedMan said:
Was offered a BMQ bypass for Comms Rsrch Op...after mulling it over id like to go in for MP ( it was on my list before, interviewed for it but took it off as I thought the process would take longer )...so as of now Comms Rsrch Op was the only thing on my list..if i call and explain this will I have to start over for MP or will they just put me on the merit list and I have to wait again?

As soon as you turn down an offer you are placed back on the merit list.  However if you reject an offer to add an occupation to your file you will be moved further back in the proces.  There is an MPAC happening in February.  However not all MP applicants are doing the MPAC, depending on where you live the new "Interview" only method is still being used.  If you choose to to reject your offer and apply for MP, your file will be moved back in the process until you complete the MPAC/MP Specific Interview (this is a secondary process to the MCC Interview).

Q.Lamb said:
As long as your CFAT and medical was up to par for MP I don't believe you will need to completely start over the process. You may need to interview for the MP position again however. If you already interviewed for it and "passed" that I see no reason you wouldn't be put onto the merit list aside from no positions being available for the rest of the fiscal year. They might want you to come in to explain your wanting to be put back onto the list for MP though.

As many say, recruiting is your best resource for information. Don't hesitate to call them and ask. You won't be taken off the Comms Rsrch list for asking about MP. Just don't wait for the allotted time to say yes to run out as your application may be closed shortly after words.

Q. Lamb each occupation can be different and there is more involved in the background recruiting process than simply having a medical and CFAT; even if someone has previously interviewed for an occupation and removed it from their file, if they decide to add it back another MCC Interview maybe required; or in this case further testing. As an applicant you should avoid giving application advise to other applicant's unless of course it's your personal experience, then you should state "in my personal experience..."  I don't want to come off as sounding harsh but as someone who works in recruiting I get queries all the time of "someone told me..." and the information is incorrect.

Eye In The Sky said:
Let's leave it to those who understand the system the best, like Buck_HRA.
Thanks for the vote of confidence :-)

Some CFRC's are operational again as of today; others are still on holidays until 15 January 2018.  Please be patient with Recruiters & File Managers while they get caught up in their workload.
Buck_HRA said:
Ok first day back in the office and filtering through some of these threads...

As soon as you turn down an offer you are placed back on the merit list.  However if you reject an offer to add an occupation to your file you will be moved further back in the proces.  There is an MPAC happening in February.  However not all MP applicants are doing the MPAC, depending on where you live the new "Interview" only method is still being used.  If you choose to to reject your offer and apply for MP, your file will be moved back in the process until you complete the MPAC/MP Specific Interview (this is a secondary process to the MCC Interview).

Q. Lamb each occupation can be different and there is more involved in the background recruiting process than simply having a medical and CFAT; even if someone has previously interviewed for an occupation and removed it from their file, if they decide to add it back another MCC Interview maybe required; or in this case further testing. As an applicant you should avoid giving application advise to other applicant's unless of course it's your personal experience, then you should state "in my personal experience..."  I don't want to come off as sounding harsh but as someone who works in recruiting I get queries all the time of "someone told me..." and the information is incorrect.
Thanks for the vote of confidence :-)

Some CFRC's are operational again as of today; others are still on holidays until 15 January 2018.  Please be patient with Recruiters & File Managers while they get caught up in their workload.

Thanks for the knowledge bomb Buck! Appreciate the info. Hope your holidays were great.
I recently received a job offer for artillery, and in my haze of excitement and relief, I took it. Artillery was my second trade choice after Infantry.
It's been a day since I've received the offer and now I'm starting to second guess Artillery as my preferred choice. I know I'll take a lot of flak for this but I want Infantry far more than artillery.
What would my next move be? Should I mention this to the one of the recruiters I'll be speaking with on the day of my enrollment or should I wait for BMQ and change then?
HammerHeart said:
It's been a day since I've received the offer and now I'm starting to second guess Artillery as my preferred choice.

Should I mention this to the one of the recruiters I'll be speaking with on the day of my enrollment or should I wait for BMQ and change then?

I would contact Recruiting ASAP.
mariomike said:
I would contact Recruiting ASAP.
Thanks for moving this to the right area.
I imagine that if I ask for a change from artillery to infantry my enrollment and BMQ dates will change, right?
HammerHeart said:
Thanks for moving this to the right area.
I imagine that if I ask for a change from artillery to infantry my enrollment and BMQ dates will change, right?
You'll go back and wait on the merit list for infantry. You will not be enrolled or go to BMQ until you get a new offer.
HammerHeart said:
I recently received a job offer for artillery, and in my haze of excitement and relief, I took it. Artillery was my second trade choice after Infantry.
It's been a day since I've received the offer and now I'm starting to second guess Artillery as my preferred choice. I know I'll take a lot of flak for this but I want Infantry far more than artillery.
What would my next move be? Should I mention this to the one of the recruiters I'll be speaking with on the day of my enrollment or should I wait for BMQ and change then?

Should I mention this to the one of the recruiters I'll be speaking with on the day of my enrollment
Do <b>not</b> wait until the day of your enrollment to deal with this.

Should I wait for BMQ and change then?
If you wait until this point in time you may not be allowed to change occupations; you may be required to do the full terms of service as Artillery.

If you don't want to do Artillery, tell your recruiter sooner than later. If you wait until later the process when you've already made up your mind you're causing alot of work of the people behind the scenes (and there's alot of them doing work behind the scenes) to coordinate your course and enrollment, and you're taking a spot from someone who WANTS to be that occupation.

As PuckChaser stated when you tell your recruiter that you don't want Artillery you'll go back on the Selection List (formally called Merit List) and if your score is high enough you could still be selected as Infantry.

Please please please do not wait until the last minute to tell your recruiter that you're no longer interested.
Hi, i was wondering if someone could help me.
I accepted an offer of employment, but have yet to go through the swear-in/enrolment ceremony.

after some personal reflection, i'm not sure if the CAF is right for me, am i allowed to change my mine (even after signing the offer of employment)? since i'm not officially part of the CAF till after the enrolment ceremony.

what are the potential consequences, other than possibly never being allowed to join the CAF.

I should explain that it's the 5+yrs of commitment that i'm unsure of. what if i'm unhappy with CAF life and responsibility. i've never been in any type of relationship or commitment for more than 5yrs and i'm nervous just thinking it.
Sounds like your own self sabotage is at work here.
This is a big deal in your life and your subconsciously thinking it’s not for you, with the reason being nothing other than fear. Time to grow up and do what you want to do and go forward. You will regret not joining. Trust me.
Primus said:
Sounds like your own self sabotage is at work here.
This is a big deal in your life and your subconsciously thinking it’s not for you, with the reason being nothing other than fear. Time to grow up and do what you want to do and go forward. You will regret not joining. Trust me.

If your description is accurate, and you haven't served yet, might I recommend not harshly abrasing someone in consideration of a military career. It is a very big choice, and your ridiculous judgement of someone in the decision making process has no place, period.
EMEngineer said:
Hi, i was wondering if someone could help me.
I accepted an offer of employment, but have yet to go through the swear-in/enrolment ceremony.

after some personal reflection, i'm not sure if the CAF is right for me, am i allowed to change my mine (even after signing the offer of employment)? since i'm not officially part of the CAF till after the enrolment ceremony.

what are the potential consequences, other than possibly never being allowed to join the CAF.

I should explain that it's the 5+yrs of commitment that i'm unsure of. what if i'm unhappy with CAF life and responsibility. i've never been in any type of relationship or commitment for more than 5yrs and i'm nervous just thinking it.

I can't speak to whether you will be happy with life in the CAF or not. However, if you do decide to change your mind and do not want to enrole, you should contact your recruiting center as soon as possible. There aren't going to be consequences like not being able to join ever again. You can reapply if you so desire and not joining the first time won't be held against you.

Hopefully Buck_HRA will see this and provides a more detailed answer
Cwes said:
If your description is accurate, and you haven't served yet, might I recommend not harshly abrasing someone in consideration of a military career. It is a very big choice, and your ridiculous judgement of someone in the decision making process has no place, period.

He hasn’t served and is saying it’s not for him either.
He can VR at BMQ. I feel he should still try.
Don’t be so senstive to my form of pep talk. It was said with good intentions to help someone possibly snap out of a mistake.
People back out (self sabotage) of things because they don’t think they deserve what they are about to receive.

Maybe you shouldn’t be harshly abrasing someone for trying to help in their own way.
Primus said:
You will regret not joining. Trust me.

That's where I take issue with your post. I don't feel there's anything wrong with a little tough talk once and a while, but you need to be careful with your language. "Trusting you" that the OP will not regret joining is like trusting me that being a nuclear physicist is an easy career to study for. I have no experience as a nuclear physicist and you have no experience as a member of the CAF.
EMEngineer said:
Hi, i was wondering if someone could help me.
I accepted an offer of employment, but have yet to go through the swear-in/enrolment ceremony.

after some personal reflection, i'm not sure if the CAF is right for me, am i allowed to change my mine (even after signing the offer of employment)? since i'm not officially part of the CAF till after the enrolment ceremony.

what are the potential consequences, other than possibly never being allowed to join the CAF.

I should explain that it's the 5+yrs of commitment that i'm unsure of. what if i'm unhappy with CAF life and responsibility. i've never been in any type of relationship or commitment for more than 5yrs and i'm nervous just thinking it.

Legally speaking you are not a member of the CAF until you are sworn in.  While you changing your mind and stating that you don't want to join after accepting an offer of employment will make individuals grumpy (and it will, I tend to be one of them sometimes); that's all it will do - and those people will get over it.  It will not stop you from being able to join down the road should you regret your decision and wish to reapply.

As a side note, even after you are sworn in if you decide the CAF wasn't the right place for you, you still can release very easily prior to going to Basic Training.  Once you start receiving pay is when it becomes difficult and paperwork needs to be done.  That's not to say that once you join you have to complete your full 5 years; there are a multitude of reasons that individuals are able to release before their terms of service is complete; it just takes time and lots of paperwork.

Primus said:
He hasn’t served and is saying it’s not for him either.
He can VR at BMQ. I feel he should still try.
Don’t be so senstive to my form of pep talk. It was said with good intentions to help someone possibly snap out of a mistake.
People back out (self sabotage) of things because they don’t think they deserve what they are about to receive.

Maybe you shouldn’t be harshly abrasing someone for trying to help in their own way.

You're rather unhelpful, and your lack of experience on the subject of the military as a whole is a nuisance when you attempt to prescribe your opinion of it to others. Until you get in and are no longer a new guy, your opinions should probably be kept to yourself. As of now, you know nothing on the matter.
I'd rather not deal with any hurt feeling reports.

A question was asked and I've answered it; please let's get this thread back on track.

Thank you.