Interesting collection of thoughts.
Given the Reg F's penchant for waste and bloat, I'd start looking inside for expansion before attacking Reserve budgets, though.
Example: over ten percent of the Reg F trained strength is in NDHQ. Hmm. Sounds to me like a prime target for reductions - even a modest 10% would give each Reg F Inf Bn a mortar pl, with some left over for other purposes.
Or, why are there nine Reg F inf bns? There's no doctrinal reason, there are a few plans that were drafted to argue the conclusion, vice arrive at an analysis, but the need for an even multiple of three isn't sound at all.
Simple observation: 9 bns x 600 + 3 Armd Regts x 500 + 3 arty regts x 500 + 3 CERs x 500 + 3 Svc Bns x 500 = 11 400 Reg F. Yet the Army is around 21 000. So, what are those other 10 000 doing? (Yes, bases, support - all good - but how many HQs do we have? How many do we need? Why does Comd LFCA need a manpower expensive duty watch 24/7 so he can be told that a routine airforce training flight from outside his AOR to a destination outside his AOR that would not be transiting his AOR had a mechanical failure, that does not impact him in the least?)
The Reg F bloat need serious evaluation - and it's well past time to review the assumptions underlying pay, and re-allocate it: no more "team" approach, but different positions should get different premiums. CO 1st Bn RHC (assuming we bring the Black Watch back into the Reg F

)? Extra pay. LCol staff wanker in NDHQ - no extra. Posted in the last 3 years? Extra pay for the disruption. Settled down somewhere for 10 years? No disruption pay.
And so on - reward the individuals doing it; don't spread the reward among everyone. Heresy, I know.