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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Not to excuse anybody's activities WRT The Tomb or the Memorial that are other than observance, acknowledgement and quiet reflection, perhaps their biggest problem is location. They are located on what amounts to a large traffic island in the centre of a busy downtown intersection. One of the benefits of that is it exposes them to visitors who might not otherwise see or be aware of them and what they stand for. The downside is that the location seems to have become our version of Speaker's Corner.
And... new bail hearing concludes, Lich has been released. Interesting comments from Justice Goodman.
And Tamara Lich just got bail again.

For those curious, the judge, Justice Andrew Goodman of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, has been on the bench since 2010. Prior to that he was a crown prosecutor for 12 years, and was a police officer with the RCMP for 20 years before that. So he’s seen a thing or two.

EDIT TO ADD: Oof. And a Rebel News editor (Sheila Gunn Reid) breached the publication ban a few hours ago regarding the identity of the surety. This came to the attention of the court right at the end of proceedings. The judge is gonna take that matter up tomorrow. Sucks to be her.
There are now a couple of calls on my sm feed to cover up the NWM under a glass case or something like that. I'm very much against this. Putting up barriers to all public buildings, memorials, etc is just wrong and goes against all ideas of a free and open society. That the actions of a few idiots cause the millions who would never dare to think of causing harm be barred from viewing or walking amongst items is an anathema to me
There are now a couple of calls on my sm feed to cover up the NWM under a glass case or something like that. I'm very much against this. Putting up barriers to all public buildings, memorials, etc is just wrong and goes against all ideas of a free and open society. That the actions of a few idiots cause the millions who would never dare to think of causing harm be barred from viewing or walking amongst items is an anathema to me
Sounds like the idea Chris Richardson is floating. I like the guy, but very much disagreed on this. The tomb simply needs a security guard with a radio, if anything. If someone’s about to be dumb, tell them to bugger off. That’ll deal with 95% of it, and the other 5% will probably have been announced ahead of time anyway.
Best to go find the journalists live posting from the hearing on Twitter. Read the threads. Goodman believes the Crown does not have a strong case (the breach case).
Glen MacGregor (CTV I think?) was my go-to. There’s also James Bowie, a criminal defense lawyer who has been following these cases closely and who writes very good commentary, and has addition professional insight that reporters lack. Both are easy to find on Twitter.
Glen MacGregor (CTV I think?) was my go-to. There’s also James Bowie, a criminal defense lawyer who has been following these cases closely and who writes very good commentary, and has addition professional insight that reporters lack. Both are easy to find on Twitter.
Yep. But read more than one... it is interesting to see what gets repeated and what doesn't or how it's spun from one to the next.
There are now a couple of calls on my sm feed to cover up the NWM under a glass case or something like that. I'm very much against this. Putting up barriers to all public buildings, memorials, etc is just wrong and goes against all ideas of a free and open society. That the actions of a few idiots cause the millions who would never dare to think of causing harm be barred from viewing or walking amongst items is an anathema to me
I wonder if Beechwood would be a more reverent place for the Tomb to be relocated to? The issue I see now is the proximity to Parliament; protest is essential to the spirit of a democratic society and Parliament Hill is the place to do it. The NWM and the Tomb often get caught in the crossfire or worse, used as a political prop.
Yep. But read more than one... it is interesting to see what gets repeated and what doesn't or how it's spun from one to the next.
I literally named two, which last I checked is in fact more than one.

I’ll also be watching for the actual written decision on CanLII. I always find the judge’s own written decision to be the most useful and informative, albeit it’s inevitably delayed a bit.
Sounds like the idea Chris Richardson is floating. I like the guy, but very much disagreed on this. The tomb simply needs a security guard with a radio, if anything. If someone’s about to be dumb, tell them to bugger off. That’ll deal with 95% of it, and the other 5% will probably have been announced ahead of time anyway.
It was him.
It was him.
Very good dude. He’s done some good things and is passionate on veterans stuff. Just a swing and miss on this one IMHO. I wouldn’t want to see any significant visual change to the site.
He can get a bit preachy at times but his heart is in a good place. He lives in the states now?
Yep. But read more than one... it is interesting to see what gets repeated and what doesn't or how it's spun from one to the next.
Good way to see the different "glasses" different observers wear when watching the same event, for sure.