You're right, that's not Ottawa specific.
I think what's driving this in the first place is the identity politics that were started a while ago i.e "You're not in Alberta anymore". The government has pushed an Ottawa vs the west feeling for some time now and the "deplorable effect" isn't helping either. The government has really pushed a narrative that anyone who isn't on board with their views are racists, anti science, homophobic, misogynist, and so on.
I bet a lot of the supporters for this protest don't give a shit about mandates, they're pissed at feeling ostracized by the government.
This can be a double edged sword though.
The RCMP removing First Nations children from their homes, often by force, and bringing them to residential schools were just doing their job.
Had enough of them said 'That's f**ked up, no.' a whole culture may be in a very different place. Lots of lives saved.
Obviously drastically different example than this but we can't drown our members in ethics training, online course after online course, leverage secondary education as promotion points, then expect soldiers not to have opinions and think for themselves.