So why bring it up then? Or mention that it is interesting? I don't think it's interesting at all and it literally has zero bearing on the election.
There is nothing wrong with our Electoral System, in fact, it is working exactly how it has been designed to work AKA "keep a loose Confederation of Independent States, with fundamentally different values, together."
If anything, the Bloc Quebecois are a great example of how a small Regional Party can use the system we have to their advantage to push their agenda forward and derive maximum benefit. They've even once formed the official opposition despite running candidates in ONE PROVINCE!
The Green Party and NDP both waste boatloads of money, manpower & resources trying to campaign nationally when they have no real National support. Real Green Party support is concentrated on Vancouver Island and in small cantons in the Maritimes. I would make the argument that campaigning nationally wastes very precious dollars & resources for the Green Party.
If war is politics by other means, why not inverse that and say politics is war by other means? With this in mind, apply military principles to the conduct of a political campaign, namely:
- Selection and maintenance of the aim;
- maintenance of morale;
- offensive action;
- surprise;
- security;
- concentration of force;
- economy of effort;
- flexibility;
- co-operation; and
- administration.
I've read that the NDP Electoral Machine is pretty well known for being a disorganized bag of hammers and I can't imagine the Green Party being much better, perhaps they need to fix that and work on applying some of these principles to make the system work for them and not the other way around?
Or they can continue to whinge about how unfair everything is and then they finally squeeze a few extra seats out of an "Improved" Proportional Representation system (which would do them no good because they still don't have widespread support and would still be a disorganized bags of hammers). On the flip side, Mad Max would surely love Proportional Representation because he would also get some love in the HoC. Just what we need, extremists from all ends coming to start their own political movements grabbing hold of that 1 or 2% of the vote they would be able to gather up.
On the bright side, I wouldn't need to watch Youtube anymore to get my daily dose of Antifa vs Proud Boys, I could merely flip on CPAC!