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Hull Tech


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Well, my application is in and I've got my interview/med test coming up in a few weeks and I thought I'd try to get a little more info on the H TECH trade.

H TECH is the 2nd choice I'm going for, NWT being first. I'm very interested in pretty much anything involved in fabrication of all sorts, I have a strong background in steel work and carpentry, but no official documents to support that claim...

I'd like to hear some opinions on H TECH as I think I'm going to remove myself from applying to the NWT position.

Any info/insight will be greatly appreciated.

And, YES, I did do a pretty thorough search ;)

Thanks all!
HFXCrow said:
better brush up on that math for NWT and HT

I just went back to night school and finished my advanced grade 10 math, grade 11 physics with high 90% averages. I'm up for the challenges ;) My current job, a monorail/conveyor installer/tech in clothing warehousing (yes, it does exist) is pretty nutty on the numbers front.
sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, i couldn't find the answer anywhere else.  But is it possible to become and ship's diver and member of NBP while in the hull tech trade?  i've looked on the main recruiting website and they dont have it listed as a specialty trade that is available to the trade like they do foro NCIOp or marine electrician.  if anyone could help answer this it would be very much appreciated.
As long as you have your departments approval you can do whatever secondary duty you want. That being said, the chances of you permitted to do both at the same time are very unlikely. Don't forget when you do seconday duties like NBP and diver, that takes time away from your actual job and if your department is short, then it hurts your Department in the long run.
And remember that, in French, Hull Tech has the best name of any trade in the CF...


Ex-Dragoon is absolutely right. The HT section needs to fill a spot on the NBP. It also is preferable to have an HT on the dive team to perform underwater surveys, planned and corrective maintenance.

BUT, you supervisor will only let you do one or the other, not both.

And Varps, if you are francophone, we will see you on the VDQ this summer.
  Hey everyone!!

  A friend of mine is looking to apply for Hull Tech and he wanted me to ask a couple of questions.  He is computerless so I said I would see what I could find out.  He was wondering...

Do Hull Techs get spec pay?
Is it a hard sea trade or is there an opportunity for a land posting?
Do you work a typical Mon-Fri when in port?
After training do you come out as a Leading Seamen or is that only with the other tech jobs like NET (C)(S)(R)?
Actually that has me wondering to.  What are the jobs that start at LS after training?  Perhaps a topic for another forum.  Unless you want to answer:)

My friend Bill says thanks for any info in advance.

  Outtosea!!  Asking for my friend Bill.

1.  Yes, Spec 1.  After the successful completion of the QL5A course.
2.  Hard Sea trade.  There are shore postings once you have some time in and have moved up the ranks some.  Limited for LS, will happen MS and above.
3.  Yes, M-F depending upon what is required weekend work is not unknown.  And there are Duty Watches to consider.
4.  You will see your LS after successful completion of your QL4 level and 4 years service.  Advance promotion is possible and does happen to some felllows.
Your last question is too vague, feel free to PM me if you want more info.

  Thank your for answering.  My friend Bill also says thank you.  He is the one going for Hull Tech.  Well he is thinking about it.  Don't worry about that last question I actually found the answer in another forum.
When you get to MS what would you say is the ratio of ship to shore?  He wants to know if there is a long term shore posting for this trade.  Or is there to many variables to even guess?
  Thanks again for the info.


Pretty well on both coasts at the MS level and into the PO2 the ratio is more or less 2 years at sea, 2 ashore.  Of course there are always exceptions to the rule.  Inland postings do happen, but not really there until the PO2 levels.  I have been this trade for the past 11 years and have not regretted the choice.  This is one trade that does not have any problem attracting folks.  I am bias, but I believe it is the best trade in the Navy.

  Thank you again for the answers.  Bill my friend is here with me now and he says thank you also.  He is going to get the application and go for it.  Your answers have helped him make up his mind.  Thank you again.

Outtosea writing for Bill.

Just got accepted for a component transfer to Hull Tech for May.  Was told I would have to go to esquimalt for training.  Does that mean my QL1 course will begin in May or will I be PAT for several months.  In which case is there anyway to request a stay on the East coast (where i currently live and have my family) or will it be absolutely necessary to await my course on the west coast.  Also if the course were to begin in May how long is it normally?  And how can I increase my chances of possibly getting placed on the East coast?  Thanks for any hlep you can provide
GazHead said:
Just got accepted for a component transfer to Hull Tech for May.  Was told I would have to go to esquimalt for training.  Does that mean my QL1 course will begin in May or will I be PAT for several months.  In which case is there anyway to request a stay on the East coast (where i currently live and have my family) or will it be absolutely necessary to await my course on the west coast.  Also if the course were to begin in May how long is it normally?  And how can I increase my chances of possibly getting placed on the East coast?  Thanks for any hlep you can provide

Your QL3 is 7 months in BC Yes and unfortunately there is such a backlog of pats up there that you will most likely be waiting till sometime in 2011 to start your course.

There are ways to be on the eastcoast for some of the time you will be waiting but you will probably have to go out west and plead your case there, maybe put in a memo. Because your a component transfer though you will probably get on course quicker than alot of the guys waiting up there if thats any consolation.
As a PAT on the west coast, you will be doing medial stuff around the school and if you're unlucky, more than likely employed by the base chief.

If you stay on east coast as a PAT, you will be doing medial stuff around the school and if you're unlucky, more than likely employed by the base chief (yes, the redundancy is intended). But at least, you'll be closer to home.

Depending on the amount of time between May and when you'll be loaded on your QL3 (which is the course you'll be going on), they may entertain keeping you east. I don't think they'll move your family until after your QL3 so at this stage, your family's location may also be a factor but not a deal clincher.

GasHead, if you want to stay east before your course, i suggest you contact the Snr Hull Instructor at CFNES MSE HULL with msg in hand and start pleading your case. He may be able to contact the CM and arrange something.

Keep in mind that once your course is over, there is a good chance that you'll stay west at which point, your family will join you in Esquimalt. Your family should be prepared for that eventuality.

Oh, and welcome to the damn best trade in the navy... bar none.
The chances of you coming back east is pretty good seeing as you have a family here and i assume a home aswell. The only reason you will be going west is because that is the only location that the Hull Tech QL3 is done.

If your a transfer from another naval trade there is a very good chance that you will be attach posted to a ship to work with the hull techs onboard there. A QL3 course starts soon and if you dont have your message for that than you'll be waiting a while for one, probably till after 2011 unfortunately.

You can make your way up to CFNES Hull section in stad and see if you can find someone there who can help you but if not than your most likely gonna have to fly out west and plead your case to the school out there.