This is a subject near and dear to my heart. First off I have to clarify something that often gets messed up in translation.
Assault troop's primary role is "the ground element of a Reconnaissance Squadron" They are not pioneers, nor are they engineers.
The primary tasks of assault troop were dismounted Patrolling (Standing/Recce/LRRP and occasionally fighting patrols), OP's (of the mud variety in support of the deaf and sight limited technology of the Coyote), Vital Point Defence, counter recce operations (Anti armour ambushes, constructing minor obstacles), limited assault capability, NBCD Recce's and mine warfare (clearing and laying of... on a limited scale)
Obviously many of these tasks are done by both Engineers and Pioneers but it is the combination of all of them and their particular utility to a Recce Sqn 25-50Km in advance of the FLOT that made the elimination of the assault troop (in my opinion) the worst possible cut to the Recce Sqn/Regt.
Having said that though, although the visually challenged in HQ may have done away with assault troop, with the lack of "recce" platforms in the RCD (don't know about the other Regts) at least one Sqn (B) has a "Dismounted Troop". Except for some of the Gucci kit and training real assault troops get they will be doing much the same job.
On a personal note, being the new Tp WO has given me my "hat trick", that is to say I've held every position in an "assault troop" from Cpl to WO ;D
I'm not willing to let the Assault Troop idea (or much of the training) die and firmly believe, that sooner rather than later the Corps will realize it's mistake.