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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Find me a party in this country without "scandal".

It all comes down to which party represents your beliefs in what governance should look like.  I bet we are all willing to put up with some "scandal" so long as our political positions and leanings are being push forward.

The Liberal party sucks right now and if you can still stand behind them my first line 100% represents you.  While the Cons are trying to fight their way out of the own closet by punching themselves in the nuts.  The offer no alternative right now, and MacKay and Lewis arent it.  MacKay is old stock Harper con who will be easy pickin's for sound bites and Lewis is way too socially conservative to win in this country. 

The center is open for the taking, its vote rich and will keep you in power.  Yet both the Libs and Cons seems to be pulling away from it at best speed.  Shes a screwed up situation right now and we have no one to blame but ourselves.
An interesting article in Macleans about the limits of polling: they're consistently underestimating Conservative votes in AB/SK.  This has little impact on seat forecasts due to the overwhelming CPC support in those locations, but understates popular vote projections.  An interesting piece of introspection and identification of areas to research and improve.

PMedMoe said:
Are any of these ethics violations?

We need to collectively stop looking at the behavior of previous parties anytime the current party breaks the rules. Start punishing sitting governments when they break the rules and maybe future parties won't be so inclined to do so.
Jarnhamar said:
We need to collectively stop looking at the behavior of previous parties anytime the current party breaks the rules. Start punishing sitting governments when they break the rules and maybe future parties won't be so inclined to do so.

...but whatabout.... ???

I don't care if a thousands accusations are made or proven.  An ethical violation isn't a crime  If a person is charged and convicted of a crime, then I'll pay attention.  Otherwise it's just the opposition making noise.  What else do you Cons have to convert me?
I find it interesting that when I first joined the CAF, they were all hardcore PC's, now at least in my unit (I don't go around conducting polls), it was hard to find someone who supported them.  Even CAF mbr's were saying saying, while the Cons might be the best for equipping the military, the CAF is not my whole life.  It's certainly not like the old days.

stellarpanther said:
An ethical violation isn't a crime  If a person is charged and convicted of a crime, then I'll pay attention.  Otherwise it's just the opposition making noise.

...and unethical conduct.
Jarnhamar said:
We need to collectively stop looking at the behavior of previous parties anytime the current party breaks the rules. Start punishing sitting governments when they break the rules and maybe future parties won't be so inclined to do so.

Not going to happen .

Look at the Trudeau blackface and groping issues.  The same people that give him a pass are the same ones not willing to take Scheer at his word that he wouldn't reopen the abortion debate or give trump a pass on his past transgressions.

Same as those that profess religious virtues but are ok with what Trump does are pro life but pro death penalty etc etc etc. 

As someone mentioned, as long as your politics or enough of it is being brought forward people will still vite one way regardless.

How many CPC people here would vote liberal if the shoe was on the other foot?  Right.
stellarpanther said:
I don't care if a thousands accusations are made or proven.  An ethical violation isn't a crime 

An excellent view into the LPC ethos, thanks.
[quote author=Remius]

How many CPC people here would vote liberal if the shoe was on the other foot?  Right.

Ergo we need more options. None of the governments deserve to lead Canada IMO (including the conservatives).
Jarnhamar said:
We need to collectively stop looking at the behavior of previous parties anytime the current party breaks the rules. Start punishing sitting governments when they break the rules and maybe future parties won't be so inclined to do so.

And perhaps stop looking at the behaviour of someone before they were ever in office.

And I'm not trying to defend anyone's behaviour, just saying you can't have it both ways.  :2c:
I'd vote Liberal in a heartbeat with Mr. Harper at the helm,....probably even Paul Martin.
ballz said:
It's actually 4 (I think... clearly getting hard to keep track :stirpot:)

Dominic Leblanc got one as well when he was a Cabinet Minister in 2018 (Fisheries & Oceans). Contrary to SP's assertion that people will just jump over the Liberals for anything, that one was not a huge scandal because his wife had 60 first cousins and they were not close with that one, he had seen him 10 times in the previous 15 years at various family gatherings. People were suitably less outraged.

It's New Brunswick. Everyone has 60 first cousins.
stellarpanther said:
...What are the other 2 the ethics commissioner found that he violated?

Now I know you're not informed. 
stellarpanther said:
I personally do not have a problem with anything they have done up to now.  If that means I support crime or corruption or whatever else, then I guess I do because for now, I still support the Liberals and Trudeau. 

That is absolutely your right. And with that, I weigh everything else you say.
stellarpanther said:
I personally do not have a problem with anything they have done up to now.  If that means I support crime or corruption or whatever else, then I guess I do because for now, I still support the Conservatives

I personally do not have a problem with anything they have done up to now.  If that means I support crime or corruption or whatever else, then I guess I do because for now, I still support the NDP

I personally do not have a problem with anything they have done up to now.  If that means I support crime or corruption or whatever else, then I guess I do because for now, I still support the Greens

I took the Liberal part of your post out.  Now how does that sound.

PuckChaser said:
The Conservatives don't want to target you. Your post makes it completely clear you're a partisan Liberal and nothing they do will change your vote. That's fine, btw. Everyone gets a vote that counts no more or less than any other individual in Canada. They'd be stupid to waste money trying to draw people with the same attitude away. They'll target the swing votes, who do actually think a federal government should have just a little bit of ethical conduct and are tired of being dragged into progressive hard-left politics.

Some people seem to take issue with his position and being a partisan Liberal.  So I’m not sure it’s all that fine for some here. To be honest Stellar is taking the same position many were doing here when it was the Conservatives in power and getting into trouble. 

You highlight a very serious problem the CPC has and had in the last election.  They ignored certain voting blocks with the same thought process you indicated and it cost them.  If you aren’t trying to convince everyone to vote for you you’ll never get their support and you will lose them forever.  Not a good strategy.

I’m a swing voter.  But I’d sooner vote for a third party or pick the least bad of the two because neither is showing much for me to be overly supportive of.  But I’ll pick the most inclusive of the two if it boils down to it.
[quote author=Remius]But I’ll pick the most inclusive of the two if it boils down to it.
How so?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I'd vote Liberal in a heartbeat with Mr. Harper at the helm,....probably even Paul Martin.

I certainly wouldn't rule out what you said.  I was just starting to get interested in politics when Brian Mulroney was PM, but I was a supporter and voted PC back then.  It's only these last 2 elections that I voted Liberal.  Prior to that I went back and forth.  Other than I don't think we ca afford some of the  ideas the NDP propose, I would give them a chance if I thought they could win even a minority government

PMedMoe said:
Are any of these ethics violations?




All liberal friendly media. Whataboustism, eh
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