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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Sounds like a few army events I've been to.
"It's not mandaroy... but you need to go".

I wonder why WE employees were being pressured to goto Bill Morneaus party.

Non disclosure agreements as well.

The guests posing for photos at a holiday party Bill Morneau held in his downtown Toronto riding in December 2018 were all smiles, but not everyone was having a good time.

Several former employees of WE Charity have told CBC News they felt pressured to attend the event and claimed they were not told by their supervisors that the party would be hosted by the federal finance minister and MP for Toronto Centre.

"None of us wanted to go," said a former employee, whom CBC News has agreed to refer to as Robin.

Better throw in some spying on children into the mix.

LILLEY: Committee learns WE hired investigators to spy on children of journalist

Jarnhamar said:
Sounds like a few army events I've been to.
"It's not mandaroy... but you need to go".

I wonder why WE employees were being pressured to goto Bill Morneaus party.

Non disclosure agreements as well.


Better throw in some spying on children into the mix.

LILLEY: Committee learns WE hired investigators to spy on children of journalist

I've highlighted this as organized crime and political criminals use this tactic all the time.

The Mob, bikers, cartels etc all used this tactic or variations.

In my mind the Kielbergers (I may not have spelled this right) need to be investigated - by a competent police agency (not the RCMP) and if charges are warranted march the little b@stards to jail very publicly.
Great video from a Monteal lawyer/legal video YouTuber giving a summary of another Liberal scandal saying what it actually is: Corruption at the highest levels with Canada's political elite playing by different rules than normal Canadians.

PuckChaser said:
Got confused with the Michael Wernick from PCO. Hard to keep straight how many public servants the Liberals are willing to throw under the bus after their union campaigned for them for the last decade.

Hehe. I'm positive she happens to be Michael's sister ;)
With WE in the news it's time for SNC to get back to work.

Quebec company with no factory in Canada lands 10-year $133M sole-sourced federal deal to make PPE

Medicom has since received a $4M loan from the Government of Québec to build a new factory in Montréal and the contractor hired was SNC-Lavalin Group

I guess the Liberal government just doesn't get  the memo about conflict of interests (optics).


Will The New Liberal Scandal Distract From The Current Liberal Scandal?

Spencer Fernando August 8, 2020

Perhaps the Liberals have stumbled onto their strategy for dealing with scandals: Have so many we can't keep track of them/

The Liberals have taken a huge hit politically from the ongoing WE Scandal. Every poll shows them losing support, with the Conservatives now within striking distance.

The Liberals pandemic bounce as a result of being in office during a crisis has evaporated, and [PM] Trudeau is returning to his previous status as a divisive, unpopular politician.

Amid the scandal, the Liberals have repeatedly failed to talk their way out of it, with each statement seeming more and more dishonest.

Yet, it seems they may have stumbled onto a way to deal with the scandal. Have another scandal to distract from the current one!

That's right, theres yet another Liberal scandal resulting from the use of tax dollars to seemingly benefit people connected to the upper echelon of the Liberal machine.

The Trudeau government gave an $84 million contract to a company to administer the CCP Virus crisis emergency rent assistance program for small businesses.

That company just so happens to employ Robert Silver, the husband of Katie Telford - Justin Trudeau's chief of staff.

While the PMO says Telford put in place an 'ethical screen' preventing her from having any direct role in matters regarding the company her husband works for, it has also been reported that Silver was part of a meeting between the company and the government, and the contract was extended shortly thereafter.

The big problem for the Liberals is that after seeing the WE Scandal unfold, very few people are inclined to believe them.

The trend of the Liberals seemingly exploiting this crisis for their own personal benefit has taken hold with Canadians, who are increasingly disgusted by the arrogance and elitism of Trudeau and his cronies.

So, while the Liberals may hope this new scandal will distract from the ongoing scandal, it's far more likely that this will deepen the already increasingly negative view Canadians have of the Liberal Party, and will cause more and more people to see this Liberal government as totally corrupt.


More at National Post

Trudeau government paying $84M to firm employing Katie Telford's husband to manage rent assistance aid program

I dunno if I buy this one as a real scandal in the same vein as WE or SNC Lavalin. She had an ethics screen in place and recused herself from the decision making allegedly. If she was making indirect comments to try to swing the decision, that's another matter.

The problem for the Liberals is that they've screwed themselves by having so many ethical lapses that anything with casual appearance of impropriety is going to be magnified due to the established pattern of corrupt behaviour.
I agree with Puckchaser on this one.

The big problem fro the Liberals is that if you multiply the occurrences, the public starts to think "Where there's smoke, there's fire" and don't care whether an actual breach occurred.

But even just with what we have as a set of factual developments lately, it is already starting to look as the Trudeau government (I won't say "Liberal government" as these type of gift to friends things really are up to the specific leader: Chretien was dirty, but Martin was clean) is using the huge (say it like Trump!  ;) ) expenditures of COVID spending to recompense friends:

Fact 1: They tried to get no oversight from Parliament for almost the full normal duration of their elected term, even though they don't have a majority;
Fact 2: Somehow, the "civil service" discovers that only the WE charity, which has ties to the top two dogs in government, could deliver management of the youth 'volunteer" program (as if in a country like Canada, we don't have competent management companies);
Fact 3: Now, it seems that only (there is no info on whether multiple sources were sought or took part in a competition as required) an "independent" mortgage company that happens to have a relation with the chief of staff could manage a program to support owners of commercial properties.

I'm just stating the facts: I let people draw their conclusions on this one.
I'm not so sure any of these so called scandals, are going to cause too much problem.  Getting the opinion of some other Liberal voters in the last few days, this WE thing isn't going to do much when it comes to an election.  As for SNC, Conservatives like to keep talking about it but it was brought up during the last election and as far as I'm concerned, it's over.
So crime is ok if it fits your political liking?  It just "expires"?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
So crime is ok if it fits your political liking?  It just "expires"?

Absolutely. Like I said Trudeau could get away with murder and his voters would feign just enough shock to not draw criticism then like their leader they would "move on".
Conrad Black has an interesting article on the WE scandal.


Conrad Black: WE scandal shows government's true character

The WE controversy appears to be more of the same juvenilism, tokenism and narcissism we've seen from this government

Conrad Black
Aug 07, 2020

Political scandals involving money have to be fairly rancid before I am much scandalized by them. Persevering readers will recall that I was underwhelmed by the SNC-Lavalin controversy, because I don’t think it is Canada’s business to regulate commercial practices in foreign countries, and I don’t take seriously United Nations guidelines on these matters, given that organization’s profound corruption. If the corporation had bribed Canadian officials, that would be a very serious matter, but I believe that the prime minister made the correct decision in declining a criminal prosecution when a settlement with a financial payment and change of corporate policy was an option, and he was right to try to retain the thousands of jobs in Quebec.

The WE controversy doesn’t quite make it as bribery, or even as patronage of the kind that grossly affronts the public good as Adscam did. But it is a shabby, sloppy and thoroughly distasteful business. As anyone who has followed it knows, the government agreed to hand a fee of over $40 million (probably much more from what I can deduce) to a huckster-booster operation run by the prime minister’s chums who had paid his family $300,000, in order to pay $10 an hour to many thousands of young volunteers who are unable to obtain ordinary work in the COVID-distressed economy. The idea of providing employment in community work for unemployed young people is a good one but there is absolutely no excuse for providing such a huge profit to an organization that juggles charitable and commercial activities in an apparently casual manner, and has got a long way on its political connections. I would absolve the Trudeau family and Finance Minister Bill Morneau of taking bribes, but they all should have known better than to get anywhere near this malodorous bouillabaisse of backscratching, log-rolling and questionable book-keeping. A lot of money is involved but it is a simple task of organization and the idea that only the Kielburgers could do it is bunk.

The Trudeau and Morneau families are both well-to-do and I think Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Bill Morneau are financially honest men, and I don’t have any objection to governments giving business to their friends if there is no loss to the taxpayers. As Quebec’s longest-serving premier, Maurice Duplessis, famously said to the leader of the Opposition (Georges-Émile Lapalme), “Who do you expect us to give it to, our enemies?” When asked by Lapalme with great moral outrage why the number of special sequential automobile licence plates had been extended from 2,000 to 4,000 (Duplessis’ personal limousines were numbers 1 and 2), he nonchalantly replied: “The people have renewed their confidence in us with such constancy and for so long, we have succeeded in doubling the number of our official friends.” He ran an efficient government, lowered taxes, balanced the budget and presided over great prosperity. His methods were high-handed but he was competent, successful and neither sanctimonious nor hypocritical.

What is irritating in the WE controversy is the extravagance of giving an exorbitant commission to the regime’s friends at the taxpayers expense without any pretense of looking at alternative methods of administering the workfare plan. It all has the appearance of a Trudeau-Morneau family affair and a very expensive celebration of the ethos of young frolicsome people exuberantly celebrating their jolly progressivism for the benefit of the Kielburgers, Canada’s most energetic hustlers, who affect material disinterest but cheerfully trouser over $40 million for their uncomplicated services. It may not be a legal or even strictly speaking an ethical problem, but it is no way to run the government of a serious country, particularly in severe times that have brought hardship to millions of homes.

It emphasizes this government’s greatest problem: an unserious approach to the magnificent challenge of making the absolute most out of this providentially well endowed and advantageously located country. Whatever his other limitations, former prime minister Jean Chrétien grasped and, in his way, expressed the grandeur of Canada: the incomparable St. Lawrence, the aptly named Great Lakes including the engineering marvel of the Seaway, the vast proverbially fruited plain of the Prairies, the mighty Rocky Mountains and the grand Pacific Ocean. Virtually every bounty of precious and non-precious metals, energy and forest products of every kind and every form of agriculture apart from tropical fruit spread generously over a splendid landscape; this would be a mouth-watering patrimony to all but a very few other nationalities in the world that are comparably blessed. And Canadians, too sensible and naturally reserved to be among the world’s more exciting nationalities, are relatively peaceable, tolerant, educated and diligent. It is the duty of any government of Canada to marshal all the strengths and assets of this nation and its people, to make this country a laboratory for intelligent legislation and governmental innovation, and to concentrate the attention of the whole nation on achieving the immense potential that every Canadian since Samuel de Champlain (and even Jacques Cartier nearly 500 years ago, despite his reference to the Lower St. Lawrence as “the land God gave to Cain) has recognized.

Champlain saw and managed to sell even to the cynical Cardinal Richelieu a great French realm in Canada. Carleton (Lord Dorchester) saw and managed after four years of lobbying to sell to King George III and his ministers a great bicultural realm in Canada. Robert Baldwin, Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine, John A. Macdonald, George-Etienne Cartier and George Brown saw and sold to skeptical British statesman including Lord Palmerston, Benjamin Disraeli, William Ewart Gladstone and a more receptive Queen Victoria the only transcontinental, bicultural, parliamentary confederation in the history of the world. Compared to other countries, it has functioned well these 153 years. Macdonald bound the country together with a railway that was one of the wonders of the world. Wilfrid Laurier and Clifford Sifton induced astounding levels of immigration that kept pace with the vertiginous growth of the United States and produced the population for nine contiguous provinces from coast to coast. Robert Borden and Mackenzie King presided over world war efforts that raised Canada up to be one of the important countries in the whole world. Louis St. Laurent, Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney all made important contributions to the steady advance of Canadian importance in the world. John Diefenbaker, Chrétien, Stephen Harper and others have all had their moments. A little grandeur and some panache go a long way in national leadership.

This government has distracted the country with nonsensical preoccupations with alarmist theories of climate and absurd pandering over gender issues, has made a shambles of native policy, legalized marijuana on a basis that is not competitive with the illegal providers, has not been innovative in responding to the coronavirus and is in arrears of most other advanced countries in rehabilitating the economy.

In all of the circumstances, the WE controversy appears to be more of the same juvenilism, tokenism and narcissism. I doubt if it is a crime, but it won’t do.
shawn5o said:
Conrad Black has an interesting article on the WE scandal.


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Further to Conrad Black lauding it on, Canada is #1 in the world for quality of life, and for three years running! The US has slid down to 17th. And the top ten says something about our style of socially responsible capitalism. Be careful of what you wish for in a Conservative government.

Donald H said:
Further to Conrad Black lauding it on, Canada is #1 in the world for quality of life, and for three years running! The US has slid down to 17th. And the top ten says something about our style of socially responsible capitalism. Be careful of what you wish for in a Conservative government.


In 2015 under the Conservative government, from your source, Canada was rated:

2nd best country;
2nd for citizenship; and
1st for quality of life.

That's after 9 years of a conservative government.

So not exactly a LPC victory there.

Jarnhamar said:
In 2015 under the Conservative government, from your source, Canada was rated:

2nd best country;
2nd for citizenship; and
1st for quality of life.

That's after 9 years of a conservative government.

So not exactly a LPC victory there.

Thanks for your reply but I wasn't suggesting Canada's continuously high status on quality of life was attributable to the LPC. However, Canada and the next nine world leaders are always accused by the US as being either commies, socialists, or just too far left for their politics. And then there's the fact that the link shows the U.S has fallen to 17th.

Point being, the American way is less into providing social policy or what Conservatives often refer to as a free lunch.

In Canada I would say that we keep the pendulum somewhere close to the middle as a happy balance. Can it be said that we kick out the Libs or the Conservatives when they go too far to the left or the right?
Donald H said:
Thanks for your reply but I wasn't suggesting Canada's continuously high status on quality of life was attributable to the LPC. However, Canada and the next nine world leaders are always accused by the US as being either commies, socialists, or just too far left for their politics. And then there's the fact that the link shows the U.S has fallen to 17th.

Point being, the American way is less into providing social policy or what Conservatives often refer to as a free lunch.

In Canada I would say that we keep the pendulum somewhere close to the middle as a happy balance. Can it be said that we kick out the Libs or the Conservatives when they go too far to the left or the right?

Just a note that the CPC is actually similar to the US Democrats if not more left of them.  Just something to consider when we compare apples and oranges.
Remius said:
Just a note that the CPC is actually similar to the US Democrats if not more left of them.  Just something to consider when we compare apples and oranges.

I'll second that. All the top ten countries on quality of life, and all of Canada's political parties are left of all of the US political parties. 
Bruce Monkhouse said:
So crime is ok if it fits your political liking?  It just "expires"?

Nice try..  When did the RCMP launch a criminal investigation and when did they lay charges?
It's innocent until PROVEN guilty not the other way around.
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