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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Chief Engineer said:
It's called politics but perhaps just maybe it would go away if they were upfront and honest about it in the first place. The PM was everything but honest about the whole thing. Sorry are not going to cut it this time.

You could be right but I'm leaning towards you being wrong.  The public may not like it but I don't think they will be upset about it enough to cost Trudeau another election victory.  Many people on this site were all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals in the last and election and how did that turn out?  I'm predicting a Liberal majority in the next election and that's regardless of whether MacKay is chosen to be the PC leader.

stellarpanther said:
Many people on this site were all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals in the last and election and how did that turn out?

Perhaps you should re-read my post that you didn't follow, and re-read your comment, and perhaps you will start to follow what I was getting at.

While many people on this site hoped for that, I don't recall a single person even optimistic about it, let alone "all but guaranteeing." Perhaps I had the blinders on and you can substantiate your claim with actual evidence.

But of course, your assertions are always substantiated by excellent ad populum arguments of the best variety (an anonymous sample), so they must be facts.
stellarpanther said:
You could be right but I'm leaning towards you being wrong.  The public may not like it but I don't think they will be upset about it enough to cost Trudeau another election victory.  Many people on this site were all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals in the last and election and how did that turn out?  I'm predicting a Liberal majority in the next election and that's regardless of whether MacKay is chosen to be the PC leader.

He was soundly crushed in Western Canada. And people like Trump know he's a 'weak sister' internationally, as a result of his minority government and overall 'milquetoast' brand, which means that Canada gets taken to the cleaners one way or another on the world stage as well.

You know, like being bullied into holding a Huawei executive member by one country, then having another throwing two of your nationals in jail on a whim, and dithering your way through the whole sordid fiasco...


[quote author=stellarpanther] Many people on this site were all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals in the last and election and how did that turn out?[/quote]

Can you post examples of many people on this site all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals?
stellarpanther said:
You could be right but I'm leaning towards you being wrong.  The public may not like it but I don't think they will be upset about it enough to cost Trudeau another election victory.  Many people on this site were all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals in the last and election and how did that turn out?  I'm predicting a Liberal majority in the next election and that's regardless of whether MacKay is chosen to be the PC leader.

What I predict is when people start to be impacted financially with the 300 Billion and counting he spent in the last 4 months they will change their tune. You know the sole source deals to family supporters, employers and billions spent on  PPE that in 3 months havent delivered anything.
Chief Engineer said:
What I predict is when people start to be impacted financially with the 300 Billion and counting he spent in the last 4 months they will change their tune. You know the sole source deals to family supporters, employers and billions spent on  PPE that in 3 months havent delivered anything.

That likely won’t be until the after the next election.  And if the CPC can present a viable alternative.
Jarnhamar said:
Can you post examples of many people on this site all but guaranteeing a crushing defeat of the Liberals?

I definitely could because I recall reading numerous posts about it.  Unfortunately I don't have the time to spend digging up old posts but they are there for viewing if you want to look them up.
That's because you made it up, which seems to be an MO for you on here,.....those of us who WANTED a crushing Liberal defeat knew it wasn't going to happen with the leader they chose.
stellarpanther said:
I definitely could because I recall reading numerous posts about it.  Unfortunately I don't have the time to spend digging up old posts but they are there for viewing if you want to look them up.

Here is one thread on the lead up to the last election.  Was interesting to see what people were saying.

I don%u2019t think anyone predicted a crushing LPC defeat.  Certainly a lot of Trudeau criticism though.  And some good discussions.



Here is the actual election thread.


Lots of back and forth discussion.  A lot about why Trudeau should not be PM and why he would be.  Some stuff criticizing Scheer and the CPC election strategy (me being one of them).  But not too much predicting a liberal defeat.  Just prognosticators predicting more of the same if he got elected.  In some cases they aren%u2019t wrong given the recent scandals...

Bruce Monkhouse said:
That's because you made it up, which seems to be an MO for you on here,.....those of us who WANTED a crushing Liberal defeat knew it wasn't going to happen with the leader they chose.

Thank you for this comment because it couldn't illustrate clearer about what i mean when I say I'm sick of the insults from various posters whether to me or other people when there are disagreements about opinions.  I think it's time to take a break from this site for a month or so and reevaluate if I really want to be a part of it.  I'm willing to discuss anything but I'm done with the constant insults because many here disagree with my beliefs.  I'll be reading but not posting for a while.
stellarpanther said:
Thank you for this comment because it couldn't illustrate clearer about what i mean when I say I'm sick of the insults from various posters whether to me or other people when there are disagreements about opinions.  I think it's time to take a break from this site for a month or so and reevaluate if I really want to be a part of it.  I'm willing to discuss anything but I'm done with the constant insults because many here disagree with my beliefs.  I'll be reading but not posting for a while.

Hopefully longer. It Dawn's on me that you are doing EXACTLY what the PM does when he called on his antics he takes personal time. Not going to a cottage are ya?
Chief Engineer said:
Hopefully longer. It Dawn's on me that you are doing EXACTLY what the PM does when he called on his antics he takes personal time. Not going to a cottage are ya?

When's the last time you were told to **** off?
There are some good posters here but then there are mostly those I disagree with and can't relate to.  How would one delete their profile?

stellarpanther said:
There are some good posters here but then there are mostly those I disagree with and can't relate to.  How would one delete their profile?

Use the search function.
stellarpanther said:
There are some good posters here but then there are mostly those I disagree with and can't relate to.  How would one delete their profile?

So do you disagree that its non acceptable to take 91 personal days off in 2019 and 41 days so far off in 2020. I wouldnt expect that in a subordinate or a  supervisor, I sure in hell wouldn't expect that in my PM. . Do you understand now how some of use feel about that?
People make fun of Trump and all of his golfing....but our PM takes 91 personal days off in a year and it's OK??


We got what was voted for.  The question now is, how we'll deal with the fallout over the next few years.  I suspect that fallout will be rather large...the number I heard bandied about was 500 Billion Dollars by the end of December if the CERB is sustained to year's end.

That's almost doubling our national debt in one fiscal year, with no plan for recovery - 'the Budget will balance itself'...?

At some point, there will be a financial reckoning.  I will suggest everyone have their houses in order personally.  Nationally...we're in for a roller coaster. 

WE Charity met often with federal officials, new lobbyist registration reveals


The only organization capable of doing the job just happened to be secretly lobbying the government.

Despite sustained scrutiny of WE Charity over the last two months, and steady communication with the federal government since at least early 2019, the charity hadn’t registered any of their communications until Thursday.

The Lobbying Act of Canada requires an organization to register its communications with government if 20 per cent of an employee’s work in a defined period is spent preparing or actively lobbying government employees.

Chief Engineer said:
So do you disagree that its non acceptable to take 91 personal days off in 2019 and 41 days so far off in 2020. I wouldnt expect that in a subordinate or a  supervisor, I sure in hell wouldn't expect that in my PM. . Do you understand now how some of use feel about that?

Try doing that if you're a rank and file worker. Your employment with that particular company will be short.
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