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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

I have more than a passing knowledge of poverty.

I don’t like Walmarts policies in general, so I don’t shop there. The people working there would probably be less well off if they didn’t have a place to work, like Walmart. That could all change if you convince governments to increase minimum wage. In the mean time, you can’t keep depending on the worker to subsidize those that won't work. Being cut off from free cash can really do wonders to change someone's outlook and priorities about life.
More like transitional housing to help people in tough spots get their feet under them and giving them a hand up with job training and placements. Have you ever actually interacted with the poor? I do relatively frequently at shelters and in my civvie career. The overwhelming majority of the ones that aren't completely torched from the drugs just want a job and to be productive members of society. Welfare and other state aids help but they're bandaids. The solution is helping these people help themselves.

Living wages sure would be nice too. Don't you think it's abhorrent giant mega corps like Walmart profit 10s of billions a year while their employees often need welfare and other social programs? Even from a purely conservative perspective, that means governments are essentially subsidizing private companies with wage subsidies. I think people working 40 hours a week should probably be allowed the luxury of groceries and electricity. I wish we lived in a world where shareholders would recognize the humanity of their employees and would profit a bit less to help out those who make them their money but alas, it's not the world we live in so I'll keep helping out at the shelter (which serves a lot of battered women or just parents in general working 40+ hours a week to support their children by the way).

The best way out of most of that is a strong thriving economy, secure borders, and controlled immigration... the opposite of the last 9 years of LPC BTW. Taxing everyone else, including businesses, more than now to pay a "living wage" will see the opposite effect. The recipients of the "living wage" will still do the bare minimum to get by and that would mean working even less now with their new government handout.
I touched on this incident earlier.

KINSELLA: No more Mr. Nice Guy, Carney reveals his true personality​

Then there is this one from the CBC

Carney pushes back when questioned about financial assets​

I thought the CBC was supposed to be pushed back against as Canada’s “state broadcaster”? Whatever could have changed to see a lot of normally non-fans of the CBC crying foul? Hmmmm …
So we want a government that's driven by populism now ?

I'm confused.
its a pickle all right.
my populism good, your populism bad?
Count me not super excited by walking back the carbon tax even as i see the political advantage of doing so

I see it as three things. First, it was a purely political move. They did it because it was a political hot potato and doing in sucked the wind right out if PP's sails who was literally calling for an "axe the tax" election. Second, it was a populist move because so many Canadians were against it. And third, it was pragmatic. Even if they still believe it will be a net positive policy, now is not the time. Wages and lifestyles are still struggling to catch up with the effect of the post-covid inflation, and it's a good idea to put a pause on it. I've always been FOR the carbon tax, but I was irate when in the middle of the massive inflation we had, the LPC decided to go ahead and carry on with the latest increase in it. Like, read the fucking room guys.
How is making the media pay for their own transport translate to the CPC not being transparent?
Why do do I get the sad and somewhat weird feeling that somewhere there was a conversation that the phrase " No, no . We are not actually actually being assholes, WE are acting on principles....
Two completely different things .no .. seriously.."
was actually used by someone when this new policy was debated.
WELL then...


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WELL then...

Manitoba is basically split and BC is actually split as a province, lots of Cons, lots of Liberals and some NDP. AB and SK are almost always Conservative but that's because they're the only ones that stick up for them. And of course the east coast, classic as a leech always is.
How is making the media pay for their own transport translate to the CPC not being transparent?
They’ve always paid to be on board, but now it looks like Team Blue is saying they’re not allowed on, even if they’re willing to.

Understand the political-tactical rationale, but not a good strategic look. After all, if a lot of Team Blue supporters (including TorSun columnists) are bemoaning Carney being short with media these days, I wonder how many’ll complain about this?
Oh they just don't want to share space with the media.

Good way to avoid hot mics but gives the Liberals an advantage.
All true, but some might complain about transparency & access if other parties did the same. That’s why I think it’s tactically sound and strategically not a good look.
Man that Barton interaction was an own goal, especially with the perfectly sound elaboration he finally got around to giving a few minutes later

"There's a discussion with the ethics commissioner for certain screens around certain issues and that's a process that is underway,"

That plus ( my addition)

"I understand transparency is important to Canadians, and am already working actively with the ethics commisioner on those screens and the other aspects of the disclosure. we hope to complete the proper process as soon as possible.

And he nullifies the issue instead of pouring gas on it.
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