Many years ago I was involved in helping a young M.P. run for his party’s leadership. He definitely wasn’t a natural born speaker and it was my company’s job to help make him sound as palatable to the public as possible. We went over some of the 3/4” videotapes (yes, that was way back) and pointed out to him and his campaign team his most obvious weak points in his speeches and his overall mannerisms. The man, I must say, worked very very hard in the next few weeks and by the time the nominating convention was held, he actually got the most votes. He never developed the elocution skills of, say, Brian Mulroney, but he did refine his abilities enough to go on and become Prime Minister. That man was Joe Clark. Mark Carney, despite his inwardness, has more potential as a speaker than Clark. Whether he develops it or not we’ll just have to wait and see.