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Logistic Vehicle Modernization Project - Replacing everything from LUVW to SHLVW

Log Offr said:
Performance histories in other NATO partners are always requested and provided. Nothing is so straightforward though. The 2010 truck the Americans or Germans are using is not the same as the 2019 truck that Canada will buy, and there are hundreds of pages of other assessments required by PSPC and ISEDC (all on behalf of Treasury Board, sigh). And (worse) technical performance is only one component of the bid evaluation alongside price and industrial benefits. To boot, the bidding companies have their lawyers lined up to jump on any perceived discrepancy in the evaluations. Ain't nothing easy in government procurement.

Make TB hump the logistic support on their backs and trucks will soon be forthcoming. Working in government has taught me to truly despise TB.
If you want to get rid of TB interference, just take away their computers, calculators and spreadsheets---they will soon disappear into their rabbit-holes.

EMP weapons ambushing an autonomous convoy, taking out driving control and self defense system.
As opposed to an EMP taking out driving control and then the ambush taking out the drivers/defenders? I would imagine that there would be eyes in the sky ready to defend any critical autonomous convoy.
daftandbarmy said:
Not without a Gannt chart and one helluva PPT presentation it wouldn't :)

I can point you in the right direction.... for a modest consideration.
Israeli company plasan has come out with a new light armoured ambulance as part of its sandcat family. Never heard of NGVA till now, I am assuming it's some new attempt at standardizing aspects of NATO vehicle families. Perhaps a contender to replace the LSVW.

GK .Dundas said:
While I'm not an automotive expert of any sort  I suspect my Provincial Highway Department is  or at least was.
Here in Manitoba a group of provincial mechanics  got their hands on a LSVW for a couple of hours and examined it .To  put it mildly they were not impressed .
The story goes that they produced a four page list of defects that had to be fixed before they would even think , think of allowing it on any road in the province. Assuming of course that it was a civilian vehicle .
I would love to read that report.
MilEME09 said:
. . . Never heard of NGVA till now, I am assuming it's some new attempt at standardizing aspects of NATO vehicle families. Perhaps a contender to replace the LSVW.



NGVA is a NATO Standardisation Agreement  (STANAG 4754) based on open standards to design and integrate multiple electronic sub-systems onto military vehicles which are controllable from a multifunction crew display and control unit.
GK .Dundas said:
While I'm not an automotive expert of any sort  I suspect my Provincial Highway Department is  or at least was.
Here in Manitoba a group of provincial mechanics  got their hands on a LSVW for a couple of hours and examined it .To  put it mildly they were not impressed .
The story goes that they produced a four page list of defects that had to be fixed before they would even think , think of allowing it on any road in the province. Assuming of course that it was a civilian vehicle .

Hmm you mean the same experts that allow modern cars onto the roads with turn signals that can't be seen by other drivers in the daylight, cars that can do double the speed limit and have no rearward visibility?
Thales Canada took this past winter to do winter trails of their Hawkei around Ottawa and Pet apparently. Thales says they will be offering the Hawkei for both the LUV and LFE projects, the LUV will go to tender late spring of this year. Can honestly say it looks better then a G-wagon or a Milverado.

MilEME09 said:
Thales Canada took this past winter to do winter trails of their Hawkei around Ottawa and Pet apparently. Thales says they will be offering the Hawkei for both the LUV and LFE projects, the LUV will go to tender late spring of this year. Can honestly say it looks better then a G-wagon or a Milverado.


Just heard of this project, 2500 vehicles is a lot. Makes for an interesting read. What's the timeline for this project?

Hopefully we don't pay what the Australians did...

Coalition suppressed auditor's finding that $1.3bn Thales arms deal could have cost half with US

Bendigo Hawkei build schedule under threat from delays, reliability issues

LoboCanada said:
Just heard of this project, 2500 vehicles is a lot. Makes for an interesting read. What's the timeline for this project?

Well we needed the vehicles 10 years ago, so we'll get them 10 years from now.
LoboCanada said:
Just heard of this project, 2500 vehicles is a lot. Makes for an interesting read. What's the timeline for this project?

Hopefully we don't pay what the Australians did...

Coalition suppressed auditor's finding that $1.3bn Thales arms deal could have cost half with US

Bendigo Hawkei build schedule under threat from delays, reliability issues

Well that's what we normally pay anyway! Seriously though with issues like that, likely another company will win, be interesting to see who else bids.