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Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle - RG-31, LAV Coyote, and (partial) G-Wagon Replacement

Just curious - weren't there some legal issues in Afghanistan over the manner in which detainees were detained, secured and transferred?

And here I am hearing tales of ancient Romans conducting tribunals to manage prisoners.....

No connection? :unsure:
If what I recall from the ill fated Royal Commission on the Somali affair. Any problems with Prisoners might have been solved by a properly trained and led MP Det.
The Government felt that it was an expensive luxury they could afford to do without.
That and apparently and a field kitchen...
Mustn't go over budget must we ?
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Just curious - weren't there some legal issues in Afghanistan over the manner in which detainees were detained, secured and transferred?
Yes there were and if IIRC it was JTF 2 handing insurgents over to the Americans.

If what I recall from the I'll fated Royal Commission on the Somali affair. Any problems with Prisoners might have been solved by a properly trained and led MP Det.
The Government felt that it was an expensive luxury they could afford to do without.
That and apparently and a field kitchen...
Mustn't go over budget must we ?
How true. Let's not forget that mefloquine poisoning is STILL being looked at. AND the only one held to account (jail time) was a soldier who should probably never have been there to start with. Never mind the MCpl.....who did not have a good rep either.
Yes there were and if IIRC it was JTF 2 handing insurgents over to the Americans.

How true. Let's not forget that mefloquine poisoning is STILL being looked at. AND the only one held to account (jail time) was a soldier who should probably never have been there to start with. Never mind the MCpl.....who did not have a good rep either.
Probably explains why it took so long for our current Government to pull the trigger on the Mali operation.