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Medical Technician ( Med Tech )


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Hi all,

I am planning to apply for MED TECH in August 2005, once I have acquired the minimum qualifications (gr 12 biology & physics). I wonder if anyone in the trade (or recruiters, or anyone else really) can tell me if there is anything else I can do during this time to improve my competitiveness for the trade. I have looked into volunteering with the Red Cross, and St. John's Ambulance (I already have the Standard First Aid course) but haven't heard anything back yet. I'd like to learn as much as possible in this waiting period and become as good a candidate for the trade as possible. I've graduated high school and college (diploma in business, however   :P, and am currently taking computer programming in night school), so hopefully my academic status is already favourable. I also participate in many sports and as an organizer for one team.

Of course, with this question I mean outside of staying physically fit and other general preparation; I'd like to know what will specifically reinforce the application for MED TECH. Thanks!
No replies on this yet...have I covered all my bases?   ;) ...that would be a first!

I guess I should retract my "I'd like to know what will specifically reinforce the application for MED TECH" statement, and change it to "I'd like to know what will specifically reinforce my application for the Canadian Forces." Any tips on how to increase the overall value of my application would be much appreciated...BTW, why do they not ask for a resume as part of the procedure?
Zombie said:
BTW, why do they not ask for a resume as part of the procedure?

After filling out the application form, having an interview, handing in your transcripts, and doing the other tests they don't have much of a need for a resume.

As for the rest of your question I'm sorry but I can't help much.
Copper_ said:
After filling out the application form, having an interview, handing in your transcripts, and doing the other tests they don't have much of a need for a resume.

As for the rest of your question I'm sorry but I can't help much.

Wrong, if you want your application to stand out from the others then include a resume.   Remember what I wrote a few threads ago about the application process being competitive therefore including a resume won't hurt.

Just because you meet the minimum requirements doesn't guarantee that you are going to get processed for the trade.
I noticed that on my list of "qualified" trades I have Med Tech (737) under Technical as well as Med A (R711)

What's the difference?  They look like of the same on the website/video
Med Tech (737) is a Regular Force trade, whereas Med A (R711) is a Reserve trade.
Thanks, it's encouraging to see how many they are looking to hire for the next fiscal year since it seems like I might wait the rest of my life for Firefighter to open up.

I'll have to do some research on how hard Med Tech is to get in....especially since all my background is in fire  ::)

I am currently re-enlisting in the CF for the position of Med Tech. I have been granted my recruit school bypass, and I will find out when I get my final offer of enrollment whether or not I will also be granted SQ. It has been nine weeks since I completed the last portion of the recruiting process, the PT test. I have since learned that I was selected for Med Tech locally at CFRC Ottawa on July 4th, and am now waiting for the final offer. My file manager estimated that the time from selection to offer is normally within about two weeks time, as it depends upon many different variables such as PLAR status, course openings and availability, etc.

Does anyone know when the next Med Tech MOC course will be held in Borden? If, supposing there are openings for which I am eligible, when can I reasonably expect an offer of employment?


I had originally opted for med tech, but needed a chemistry credit from grade 12.  I was wondering if I could join the Reserve Force as a med tech..then move into the reg. force, and bypass having the chemistry credit.  Would that be a possibility? ???
Go to one of the adult learning center's and take a grade 12 chem credit? Its pretty cheap here in Toronto (like 60 bucks), Dont know how it works out east, but I would imagine its similar?
Entrance requirements are the same in the Res as in the Regs.

By the way, not a great way to start your career, trying to get around requirements.
Oddly enough, entry requirements are actually tougher for the reserve world right now:  You need a license as a health care provider to get into most reserve Fd Ambs right now; with a few exceptions we're simply not accepting non-practicing applicants.

Actually, that kind of makes sense.  Reg world I (assume, please correct if out of lane) would bet that most if not all of those in medical mocs are quite busy in their trades on a daily basis in a practicing manner...    someone who wants to play EMT on weekends with the military and never get the exposure one would from daily exposure would scare the bejeesus out of me as a patient.
Right now there are ALOT of res med techs that only do it on the weekends. This is why CFMG has changed the entry requirements.

From what I remember they are:

1. Pers who are practicing in a medical field (MD, RN, RPN, LPN, EMT, Lab tec, ECG etc)
2. Pers in school for a medical field
3. Pers who have declared and interest in the medical field

Meridian said:
Actually, that kind of makes sense.  Reg world I (assume, please correct if out of lane) would bet that most if not all of those in medical mocs are quite busy in their trades on a daily basis in a practicing manner...     someone who wants to play EMT on weekends with the military and never get the exposure one would from daily exposure would scare the bejeesus out of me as a patient.

Please don't assume that the Res F Med Tech is just someone who wants to play EMT on the weekens with the military. Many Res F medical personnel are clinicians in their civilian jobs with plenty of clinical experience - some even have more day to day exposure than their Reg F counterparts in high volume departments faced with high acuity patient mixes as compared to the patient mix found in a typical garrison clinic. The Res F Med Techs who do not have civilian clinical jobs are employed in a manner consistent with their skills and need for supervision.

There are many examples of Reg F medical pers who are employed in administrative/supervisory jobs without patient care duties.
I did not say current people were. What I said, was that I personally, as a patient, would much rather have someone who does have clinical experience beyond the weekend ex's and as a result I support the forces' new requirement to ensure they do have this.
I have a few questions regarding recruiting for Med Techs.  I have searched already but was unable to find an answer pertaining to my exact situation...Hope someone can help.  I realize that the minimum requirements to be accept into the trade is high school biology and chemisty/physics.  I have not taken these requirements in high school, but I do have a university degree in Kinesiology and Health Science where I had to take numerous anatomy/physiology courses.  Can someone tell me if this would be acceptable or do I absolutely have to have the high school requirements?  Thanks!

The best people to ask this question to, would be the recruiting center.
Haha, I HAVE been to a recruiter, twice now, and both recruiters have told me different things.  One said I would be fine with a university education because the High School standards are the MINIMUM, the other said they were required courses.  So I thought that maybe someone with some experience with this could shed some light.


Highschool biology and physics (i didn't take Gr. 12 bio though) are a joke to some of the courses you took in University (in the medical sense). I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed in terms of your academic quals.