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Politics in 2016

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BTW, here is a further point that I have not seen made anywhere:

When PM Trudeau gets up the second time, allegedly to go and apologize to the member he elbowed accidentally (and on that point, I fully agree that this was accidental - not intentional at all), he choses to go, once again, right through the NDP crowd when all he had to do to avoid  further confrontation was to go by the government side of the aisle, which was again completely clear.

That is his choice but he selected for a second time the course of action that creates the most disturbance, in a look at me, I am the boss and I am not afraid of the opposition type of attitude. The fact that he then gets into a shouting match with Mulcair seems to me to indicate that's what he was seeking all along, another opportunity to put Mulcair "in his place" for delaying the vote.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Actually, for once, I thought the National's At Issue panel did a good - neutral - job on this problem last night. I particularly appreciated the fact that Andrew Coyne seems to be one of the few journalist/analyst who spotted the PM's action the same way I saw them: He acted like a school teacher dealing with troublesome students on the steps of the school. Basically, it was the arrogance of authority over their "charges".

And that's why.  He is to many, myself included, just a jumped up elementary school teacher.  As someone else pointed out, his behavior clearly confirmed the CPC ads of the election.  "Just not ready"  I believe the wheels of the trolly, that is he professional politician persona, will come off more and more as time marches on.  Should be fun to watch  He's already "Fuddle Duddling" in the house just like dear old dad.  :pop:
Oldgateboatdriver said:
BTW, here is a further point that I have not seen made anywhere:

When PM Trudeau gets up the second time, allegedly to go and apologize to the member he elbowed accidentally (and on that point, I fully agree that this was accidental - not intentional at all), he chooses to go, once again, right through the NDP crowd when all he had to do to avoid  further confrontation was to go by the government side of the aisle, which was again completely clear.

That is his choice but he selected for a second time the course of action that creates the most disturbance, in a look at me, I am the boss and I am not afraid of the opposition type of attitude. The fact that he then gets into a shouting match with Mulcair seems to me to indicate that's what he was seeking all along, another opportunity to put Mulcair "in his place" for delaying the vote.

I noticed that as well. The man that became the head of government on the basis of consensus and listening to all Canadians certainly displayed the worst aspects of his father.
"Just watch me."
Some of us have been watching you Prime Minister and to quote the Queen. "We are not impressed."
jollyjacktar said:
And that's why.  He is to many, myself included, just a jumped up elementary school teacher.  As someone else pointed out, his behavior clearly confirmed the CPC ads of the election.  "Just not ready"  I believe the wheels of the trolly, that is he professional politician persona, will come off more and more as time marches on.  Should be fun to watch  He's already "Fuddle Duddling" in the house just like dear old dad.  :pop:

I thought this site established a while ago that the country didn't elected a government lead by a Prime Minister, but rather the country elected a government lead my a committee (cabal?) of pie-fingering bourgeoisie with a Prime Minister as a figure head? Maybe the Junta of Señor Butts needs to find a better leesh for use in the commons...
Some of you are still using words that are too big.

How about......

Pretty sad watching all the left-wingers rally 'round their king and go on the offensive against  Ruth Brosseau.
Calling her a bitch and dropping enough C-bombs to make a Brit blush. Standard accusations about her promiscuity and of course threats of violence. 
Journeyman said:
Noting another piece of CBC "Analysis", it wasn't the Prime Minister's fault:Or, as noted in the same article by interim Conservative leader Rona Ambrose, the  "government doesn't want a government and an opposition... They want a government and an audience."

And that, sadly, is likely the truth.
And here I was thinking that with the new rules around here, everyone was to be respectful and stick to the issues. I guess not.

How about this. Keep your stupid little comments to yourself, okay? Good.
Altair said:
And here I was thinking that with the new rules around here, everyone was to be respectful and stick to the issues. I guess not.

How about this. Keep your stupid little comments to yourself, okay? Good.

Well I know where this is headed...

Jarnhamar said:
Pretty sad watching all the left-wingers rally 'round their king and go on the offensive against  Ruth Brosseau.
Calling her a ***** and dropping enough C-bombs to make a Brit blush. Standard accusations about her promiscuity and of course threats of violence. 

I must have missed this part on the CBC news article. Did these "C-Bombs" happen to appear in the comments section?
Some here seem to be living in glass houses with their comments and apparently won't follow their own advice to others.  Not surprised at it, to be quite frank.
jollyjacktar said:
Some here seem to be living in glass houses with their comments and apparently won't follow their own advice to others.  Not surprised at it, to be quite frank.
What post have I made that is solely a insult to someone without even pretending to comet on the issue at hand?

I'm curious to see.
Civility used to be a really simple concept. 

You said something.  If the person you said it to didn't like it he punched you in the face.  Learning opportunity eventuated.  You moderated your words the next time.

You wrote something. If the person you said it to didn't like it he sued you.  Learning opportunity eventuated.  You moderated your words the next time.

These days avatars, pseudonyms, and buffers of electrons grant an anonymity that permits uncivil utterances with no consequences.

Altair said:
And here I was thinking that with the new rules around here, everyone was to be respectful and stick to the issues. I guess not.

How about this. Keep your stupid little comments to yourself, okay? Good.
So an observation is a stupid little comment? You seem to be awfully thin skinned when it comes to the actions of our PM.
Altair said:
What post have I made that is solely a insult to someone without even pretending to comet on the issue at hand?

I'm curious to see.


Altair said:
How about this. Keep your stupid little comments to yourself, okay? Good.

Where in there did you pretend to comment on the issue at hand?

Unless this is a quote from the House of Commons I missed somewhere!

Lumber said:

Where in there did you pretend to comment on the issue at hand?

Unless this is a quote from the House of Commons I missed somewhere!
Brilliant detective work.

When it's clear that nobody around here is even going to pretend to enforce respectful dialog and I respond in turn, that's your brilliant example. Well done mate, well done.
And alas, confirms why I have some on ignore.  Shall have to continue this trend, I think.
It is Parliament.  The House of Commons follows the rules of Parliament in conducting its business.  Someone was worried that a delayed vote would cause them to be late for another 'commitment'.  Someone lost their temper and common sense and crossed the Floor, grabbed someone by the arm and guided them through a crowd instead of around, and elbowed someone in the chest.  Then they proceeded to once again go through the crowd, instead of around, in an attempt to apologize, but landed up shouting obscenities at another member.  Shades of the Election phrase "He is just not ready".  Definitely not following Parliamentary Procedure in any of those actions.........But we land up with one promise being kept:

FSTO said:
So an observation is a stupid little comment? You seem to be awfully thin skinned when it comes to the actions of our PM.
Okay, let's see if we can make sense of this.

I said

Altair said:
So lost in the MMA match on the Commons floor yesterday, NEB has approved Transmountain pipeline.

157 conditions but whatever, approval is approval,right?

Puckchaser said

PuckChaser said:
ddddddddouble spin. I was wondering when someone was going to try to make a flippant remark about the PM being at minimum unprofessional, but realistically acting like my 3 year old when he doesn't get his way. You also managed to spin approval from NEB for a badly needed pipeline into something horrible for us. Its like you feel its completely impossible to both produce/use fossil fuels and be environmentally responsible.

I said

Altair said:
I want pipelines, I have no idea what you're going on about.
Journeyman said
Journeyman said:
And that, sadly, is likely the truth.

I said

Altair said:
And here I was thinking that with the new rules around here, everyone was to be respectful and stick to the issues. I guess not.

How about this. Keep your stupid little comments to yourself, okay? Good.

Where in all of this did I show I was thin skinned about the prime minister?
The Liberal Cabinet still has to approve it

The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) has issued a 533-page report recommending Governor in Council approve the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (Project), subject to 157 conditions.
Partisans will remain partisans. 

If you disliked The prime minister you probably still do. If you liked him you probably still do.

I mentioned in previous posts that the Liberals had managed to change the tone.  They did.  But in as short as a week they managed to undo that. 

The elbow and even the "man handling" are minor issues in the grand scheme.  Although one must admit that if Stephen Harper or one of his ministers had done that, all those Liberal Trudeau cheerleaders would be calling for his head.  See my first and second lines as to why that that is.  In fact I truly believe that opposition and NDP are playing this up way too much. 

No, the real issue here is how the Liberals are beginning to try and get their agenda through. LImiting time allocation and stifling debate. And more importantly the ridiculous and tyrannical motion 6 they were about to table were it not for the Prime Minister's outburst.  These are the sort of tactics I came to expect from the last government.  The very tactics that the Liberals maintain they would change.  THIS on its whole is what essentially led the PM to do what he did and where we stand now.

This is likely not going to hurt Mr. Trudeau in the long run.  It may be something that will be looked back on as an anomaly for most.  That being said, I doubt that he will get too many get out of jail free cards.  If not from the voters then perhaps from his very own party.  Summer shut down is looming so maybe the reprieve will allow for things to simmer down.

In the end though if the elbow and the manhandling is what the focus of people's attention is then they are missing the bigger picture...
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