Montreal as a commonality with Paris. We like the city as much as the French like Paris

Here’s my thoughts on all that thread.
Québec as fought hard for it’s (read provincial) constitutional right. For a long time even the politicians did not understand why the f… the other provinces in Canada did not get it. At one point they just said “oh well, their bad”.
Alberta now fights the federal to keep them in their line. So now, you are criticising QC but in the same time, starting to do what you (the ROC) were supposed to do all along, which is to fight for your constitutional rights like QC do? How interesting it is! We are in a federation but I feel that we fought alone for a while. Even under the PQ governments they where saying “the other provinces can do what they want, but that’s our turf, so Ottawa, man you own business”.
Rant done.