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Reserve Pte to Reg Force as an officer


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Hi everyone, I am currently working in the reserves (going to complete my BMQ on may 27), yet I want to transfer to reg force as an officer. I am going to graduate from UofT with BComm degree in 2008, so I was just wondering how hard is it to become reg force LOG officer, how long does the process take,
what are the requirements besides education (can I trasnfer there, even though I havent graduated yet)
How tough is the competition to get in,
Where (location) will I be working if I get in?
Thank you very much, any info will be very helpful.

P.S. Yes I did try searchin the forums on this topic, unofrtunately didnt find anything about this.

If you are at the grocery store and you can't find ketchup, what do you do?  Ask someone who works there?

Call your local CFRC if you want an exact answer.  It is likely there are similar experiences on this site, which may give you some information or an idea of what to expect.  But if you want something matter of fact, they are in the yellow pages under recruiting.

Good luck.

I was a PRes Pte and went Reg O and its not that hard of a process. If your medical is less then a year old then you wont redo it. But you have to redo the interview as well you need to get references again. Right now they are really pushing to get people in so it shouldnt take long a few months is normal. Also if your just finishing bmq maybe try and stick it out in hte reserves as long as you can. Ask them to differ you signing your reg offer until only a few weeeks before course starts that way you can keep parading with your unit.

I spent just over 2 years in the reserves and loved every minute of it. And it gave me the experiance needed to help me through my IAP/BOTP.

zThanks koko. I did call the CFRC, i just want to get as much info as possible about this, coz this isnt a grocery store with ketchup. Sometimes info from people who actually did it is more reliable than info from ppl in CFRC...
vitali2005 said:
zThanks koko. I did call the CFRC, i just want to get as much info as possible about this, coz this isnt a grocery store with ketchup. Sometimes info from people who actually did it is more reliable than info from ppl in CFRC...

Hey Vitali,

I know you're here because you want to hear from people with experience.  But don't pay any attention to me, I'm only good for 10 years of military experience, what would I know.  Curious, you said you called your local RC, did they impart some wisdom on you?
