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Royal Canadian Air Force headed to mission in Africa ‘very soon’: top general

garb811 said:
Has anyone actually seen any staff checks or CFTPOs for Op PRESENCE that state they are specifically looking for a female member for "x" position?  I've seen a few MP staff checks and CFTPOs and none of them mentioned anything about having a specific gender requirement.

No, nor heard of any mention of that.

But, given our environment, I'd be surprised if we didn't naturally hit 15%, or even exceeded it and pushed the overall percentage higher. I don't think that it's even occurred to any of us to even consider the current gender ratio in our community. If we only had around 1%, say, women, they would stand out. It would also be noticeable if we had around 50%.

Gender is truly irrelevant here. We're short of both, not one or the other.
MarkOttawa said:
Given that it appears the CAF personnel will be mainly at the base or on the helos it is hard to see how any percentage of female members will contribute to this goal in an official Forces tweet:

Unless of course the stated goal for the mission, and inherent ask from the UN, was to have 15% of Staff Officer positions female, and we hit just shy of that mark....
More to the topic title, should we perhaps not now  consider a re-titling of the topic?  After all, the Canadian Army is only seven (7) years into reconstitution...

...just sayin’...


Good2Golf said:
More to the topic title, should we perhaps not now  consider a re-titling of the topic?  After all, the Canadian Army is only seven (7) years into reconstitution...

...just sayin’...



Forgot to add:


By Air to Battle!
Good2Golf said:
Forgot to add:


By Air to Battle!

Let me know when the RCAF Light Infantry gets stood up. I'm in!

It's all been done before, of course:

"During World War II, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) raised a variety of airborne light infantry (Fallschirmjäger) units. The Luftwaffe built up a division-sized unit of three Fallschirmjäger regiments plus supporting arms and air assets, known as the 7th Flieger Division." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallschirmj%C3%A4ger
daftandbarmy said:
Let me know when the RCAF Light Infantry gets stood up. I'm in!

It's all been done before, of course:

"During World War II, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) raised a variety of airborne light infantry (Fallschirmjäger) units. The Luftwaffe built up a division-sized unit of three Fallschirmjäger regiments plus supporting arms and air assets, known as the 7th Flieger Division." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallschirmj%C3%A4ger

For the love of god man! Don't give them any ideas.
Good2Golf said:
Forgot to add:


By Air to Battle!

How do you think Canada is attaining its almost 15% goal of females deployed?

According to Murray Brewster of CBC most women join the RCAF and RCN so there you have it! ;D

Good2Golf said:
More to the topic title, should we perhaps not now  consider a re-titling of the topic?  After all, the Canadian Army is only seven (7) years into reconstitution...

...just sayin’...



Topic Title edited for accuracy

daftandbarmy said:
Let me know when the RCAF Light Infantry gets stood up. I'm in!

It's all been done before, of course:

"During World War II, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) raised a variety of airborne light infantry (Fallschirmjäger) units. The Luftwaffe built up a division-sized unit of three Fallschirmjäger regiments plus supporting arms and air assets, known as the 7th Flieger Division." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallschirmj%C3%A4ger

I've briefly worked with a few of these guys.


Note that they will be taking in women before their Army infantry units do.

Also note that their NCOs wear sky blue sashes instead of the red and crimson of the infantry.
daftandbarmy said:
It's all been done before, of course:

"During World War II, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) raised a variety of airborne light infantry (Fallschirmjäger) units. The Luftwaffe built up a division-sized unit of three Fallschirmjäger regiments plus supporting arms and air assets, known as the 7th Flieger Division." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallschirmj%C3%A4ger

Don't forget the Fallschirm-Panzer-Division 1. Hermann Göring

A more recent example of course is the RAF Regiment.
Retired AF Guy said:
Don't forget the Fallschirm-Panzer-Division 1. Hermann Göring

A more recent example of course is the RAF Regiment.

I have a scrap book my grandfather gave me that his brother came in to possession of while serving in the European Theatre (North Shore Regiment).  It's a German soldier's who served in the Hermann Göring Division. 

I will take some pictures of its contents and post them. 
PPCLI Guy said:
Unless of course the stated goal for the mission, and inherent ask from the UN, was to have 15% of Staff Officer positions female, and we hit just shy of that mark....

15 percent of Staff Officers??  The UN asked for that? Why just Staff Officers?  Genuinely curious...
Humphrey Bogart said:
I have a scrap book my grandfather gave me that his brother looted came in to possession of while serving in the European Theatre (North Shore Regiment).  It's a German soldier's who served in the Hermann Göring Division. 

I will take some pictures of its contents and post them.

Someone once described the British Museum as the greatest storehouse of stolen good outside the Scotland Yard evidence lockers.

I have a scrap book my grandfather gave me that his brother looted came in to possession of while serving in the European Theatre (North Shore Regiment).  It's a German soldier's who served in the Hermann Göring Division. 

I will take some pictures of its contents and post them.

daftandbarmy said:
GK .Dundas said:
Someone once described the British Museum as the greatest storehouse of stolen good outside the Scotland Yard evidence lockers.

I have a scrap book my grandfather gave me that his brother looted came in to possession of while serving in the European Theatre (North Shore Regiment).  It's a German soldier's who served in the Hermann Göring Division. 

I will take some pictures of its contents and post them.

Second to the Vatican’s archives, right?
I'm also in possession of a Knight's Cross which was also given to me by my grandfather, no doubt taken off someone. 

And no, they are not for sale.  8)

Islamist group JNIM affiliated with al Qaeda claims attack on French Barkhane force near Gao, Mali where RCAF helos to be based--a tweet:


1-JNIM a revendiqué la responsabilité de l'attaque d'une patrouille des forces françaises(Barkhane) à Gao, et dit que l'un de ses éléments, nommé "Said Al ansari",est le conducteur de la voiture piégée qui a explosé.
  Et que le nombre initial de morts était de 6..(Suivre)

Earlier before claim:

Suicide car bombing hits French troops in northern Mali

